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                          "there's always that one stupid mistake that changes everything!"

                                                             🔅 Aiyana

I could hear the sound of my alarm but I couldn't barely focus on it because of the throbbing pain in my head. I reached out not knowing where my phone would be and patted every surface until I found it and pressed a button silencing the alarm. I opened my left eye to get shocked when I realized it's 9:52am . I woke up straightly when I remembered I had work. and so for my surprise I'm not in my room  instead in some luxury room that I can't even remember myself entering. 

"good morning, Aiyana!" a lady in her late forties  smiled at me entering the room. who's she? where am I firstly?

"I'm Catherine Tremblay but call me Cathe!" the woman smiled at me

"where am I?"

she smiled again "you're at Jepherson's" my heart stopped when the words left her lips! how am I here? how did I even end up in that jerk's house?

"Jepher..? haha unbelievable!"

"you were... it's as if you were kind of drunk last night when he-" drunk? I couldn't even hear the next words she was saying. how in the earth did I get myself drunk and end up being in his house? what happened last night? I want details because if he dragged me here purposely I'll go to court and accuse him of kidnapping!

"have your breakfast please" the breakfast is composed of everything! I mean pancakes, and blah blah else! of course this is a house of a billionaire!

"No thanks!" despite of my almost growling stomach, I rejected the care! I have work and it's almost at ten now! am dead already though I can't even think clearly now

"well I need to get to work first!" I said getting out of the bed which shocked me even more! "what's this?" I gestured to the white shirt I was wearing. only the smell, my heart is at a race and no one else to make me feel like this except Jamal Jepherson he himself! "why the heck am I wearing Jepherson's clothes? can you please tell me everything about last night"

"dear, I really don't know a thing ! I just saw you two entering but I didn't care about the rest. maybe Isaac knows something but he isn't even here!" 'you two?' did I hear her perfectly or not? us two? I'm not used to this. my phone rang and I sighed when I saw Ivy's name on the screen.

"good morning miss, where are you? it seems me as a staff member I'll have to fire you today!" she laughed while I stood there in an awe!

"hey! are you in your office?"

"yep! I swear I had like nine files on my table when I entered but I'm done now" she explained "where are you though? you weren't even answering my calls?"

I sighed "you won't believe me if I tell you where I am right now!"

"girl, you'll tell me later! Nolan sent a message that boss is coming over here so bye better hurry up or you gonna be fired" by that, I run towards the bathroom which is so fancy whatsover. I didn't trust that toothbrush smirking at me so I instead wash my face and put on the clothes I was wearing yesterday. my hair is in a messy bun and I look like a zombie may I admit. this is alcohol.

"I'm leaving and thanks for your kindness" I told the lady 

"it's nothing dear, just have a great drive" I nodded and got out of his house without looking back because if I do so, I'll be caught off guard by the beauty of this damn house. oh shit! my car isn't even here so this means I need to take a taxi. stepping out of the gate I was like 'wow! you really made it Aiyana!' how the hell am I in Vancouver? shit! for my own luck a taxi stopped and I entered quickly. of course the drive took what seems like a day.  I gave him twenty dollars and headed inside my own house quickly. panic! panic! panic! I have five Duncan's missed calls however I have no time to talk to him right now. I quickly brush my teeth, took a shower and stepped out drying my hair. I now remember deciding to dance after drinking the whole bottle of Tequillaley. I grabbed a glass of water and a sharp headache along with images of last night appear which made me release my glass hence it breaks. oh shit! shit!

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