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Skin - Dijon "We com alive in the evening with heat and wet skin"

Gem had spent about and hour or so with Snape after her initial question she continued to talk with him and he spoke about how he wanted to be the defense against the dark arts professor but got potions and in turn Gem opened up about how much muggles fascinated her and she wished to be a healer which was a surprise to Snape considering her father basically set her up to be married off. Snape had practically saved Gem twice from Brian , he knew that Brian would tell his father that Gemini is friends with the Weasleys and that wouldn't end well for her , besides the fact that Dumbledore had asked him to keep a close eye on her he had come to care for the poor girl who had no choice but to be who she was told to be , though he wished she had better choice in friends he knew he couldn't tell her what to do he had to settle for making sure her father didn't find out. And by the morning during breakfast Gem sat at her table again discouraged by what Snape had told her about the other houses ,  as she was walking out of the hall she heard her name being called by the voice that she could recognize anywhere and she turned around only to find herself only inches away from Fred who's hand was outstretched to her almost touching her shoulder "this came for you this morning from your cousin I assume" Gem was dazed in her mind at being this close to Fred that she didn't react for a minute or two until Fred let his hand rest on her shoulder slightly shaking her to get her attention until she finally looked away from his face a pinkish tint filling her cheeks. She had taken the letter from his hand and they had began walking side by side Fred leading while Gem kept her head down reading the letter from her cousin who told her that she would be visiting soon and of course she didn't skip out on teasing Gem about Fred asking if her baby cousin has her first crush , Gem was brought out of her mind when she felt someone pulling her back she looked up and realized she was only inches away from walking face first into a wall and when she turned her hand her wrist still laid gently in Fred's hand and for the second time in less than 10 minutes her cheeks were the pinkish tint again. It wasn't until they reached Gem's first class that Fred let go of her hand and when they waved their goodbyes Gem stood at the door watching Fred run so quickly that he was almost a blur knowing he would be late to class but he could count on his brother to talk the professor out of giving him detention. Surprisingly as Fred burst into class breathless he noticed that the professor hadn't even arrived yet and as he took his seat next to his brother he couldn't but keep the bright smile off his face making George smack him on the chest "let me guess you were with Gem once again" , "aren't I always brother" , "yes you always are seems like you're trying to replace me brother" , Fred let out a loud laugh and he thought about Gem he could never replace his brother but he felt the same pink tint that he saw on Gem fill his cheeks as he could imagine walking side by side with his brother like always but he pictured Gem walking closer to him so close to him that he could feel her warmth radiate onto him . Before any of them had the chance to speak again the professor was already at the front writing on the board but Fred kept his mind on Gem he thought that while Gem still wanted to be his friend he would enjoy their time together and make the most of it , it seemed as if Gem didn't mind when he slipped his hand into her soft smaller one so he thought their was a possibility that Gem had a crush on him or at the very least found him tolerable enough to be around him but he would have to wait till later to find out. As his last class before lunch was coming to an end Fred couldn't sit still his legs were bouncing up and down waiting to allow him to race down the corridors and meet Gem outside of class so they could walk together into the Great Hall , maybe hand in hand , and when the professor dismissed them early he couldn't help it mentally thank him as he ran out leaving his brother behind laughing at him , he made it in front of her class which seemed to still be inside thanking her professor for giving him time to collect himself. Fred had always teased his brother for being the shyer one of the two but now it seemed as if it was him he was dazzled since the first moment that he has seen the girl sit in front of everyone to be sorted but he had paid her no real attention until that fateful day in detention which was when he really noticed her , he noticed how when she sat in complete silence she didn't look completely peaceful her eyebrows were always slightly furrowed and when she walked she always looked determined to get to wherever she was going. He noticed almost every little thing about her , unfortunately he didn't know what caused her to never truly feel at peace , when she walked out of her class almost all the students were heading the the hall to eat or back to their rooms so the halls were bustling with other students , when Gem stopped in front of him she had a smile on her face and when Fred beamed an even bigger smile her cheeks displayed the same pinkish tint as before as they began walking Fred took her and once again not intertwining their finger but he held it securely in his "wouldn't want you getting lost and trampled by the others" he explained to Gem who looked up to him with a curious face , a new expression for Fred to learn about from Gem. When they arrived in the hall , hand in hand , Fred was already pulling her to his table and when she tried to explain that it would be better if she sat at her table but he shut her up by placing a plate of food in front of her and when she grew quiet and stuffed her mouth with food he gave her satisfied sigh beginning to eat and while they sat and ate his hand never let hers go but she never once complained or tried to pull her hand way. As the days slipped into weeks it became routine that Fred waited outside Gem's class before heading to the hall for lunch and he would wait for her outside Snape's classroom after dinner when Gem decided she wanted to have a conversation with him where he would offer her tea and they would talk for an hour or so , which Fred couldn't really understand what they could possibly be talking to each other about , but he didn't question it when she came out with a smile adorning her sleepy face and he would grab her hand swinging it back and forth as he walked her to her room always leaving her with a squeeze on her hand and a pat on the head. And then suddenly the weeks began to fade into months Fred had now become all consumed into Gem , after all the time spent he no longer saw the slight furrow in her eyebrow as long as he was around her there was always a smile on her face , the one thing that hadn't change was when Fred took Gem's hand in his her cheeks always showed the same pinkish tint .Especially once Fred had grown comfortable he remembered how he was sitting next to Gem in the library while she read a book and he tried he really tried to concentrate on writing his essay but he couldn't help but admire Gem and she had felt his eyes on the side of her face and her cheeks burned and before Fred knew what he was doing his hand softly ran itself over her cheek he could feel how warm the skin was against his hand but he quickly pulled it away afraid of how she might react.

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