The Dead Are at Peace: Chapter 2 - Double Date

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Miu's POV:

Kokichi and I had been hanging out more often, since Shuichi had recently gotten a job and wasn't in the Virtual World as much. And he was smart I guess, not as good at inventing as me obviously, but not bad either. We've gotten along much better without the stress of the Killing Game.

"Hey, Kokichi?" I ask my friend.

"Hm?" He says, looking up from the blueprint he's drawing.

"So, I need dating advice, and you're dating Pooichi so I hoped you could help." I tell him

 "Shuichi and I aren't-" Kokichi looks flustered. "Anyways, who's the unlucky boy or girl?"

"Unlucky? Anyone would be honored to date me!" I say.

"Hm, and yet her her I am not dating you. Either way, can't you ask Kaede? She's more experienced with this than me." He tells me. I feel myself blush at the mention of Kaede. "Ohhh. I see."

Kokichi grabs my phone from me. "KOKICHI!" I say. "Give it back!"

"One second." He says.

I go to grab my phone but he runs away laughing. "KOKICHI!"

Eventually he stops running, Shit, this is Kaede's room. I realize.

Kaede opens the door. "Hey Miu!" She says cheerfully. "Thank you so much for inviting me! I'd love to come with you guys!"

I look at Kokichi confused. 'I'll explain later.' He mouths at me.

"Well, I'm gonna get changed. See you guys soon!" Kaede says with a smile, before returning to her room.

"What's going on?" I ask Kokichi.

"Oh, nothing" He says, "I just scored you a date with Kaede."

"How?" I ask.

"Well basically, I sent her a text on your phone asking if she wanted to hang out with Shuichi, you and I," he explains "and when she said yes I said 'I guess it can be like a double date 😉'. And then you started chasing me"

"Thanks Kokichi" I say, exasperated by his teasing.

"You should get changed into something more presentable than that." He says, motioning to my get up.

"So should you." I tell him.

"I look great in everything. You however..." He says jokingly, putting his hands behind his head.

"You're a dick"

"I know." He says. "You've got 10 minutes."

Kokichi's POV:

I headed back to my room. Maybe Miu was right and I should change. I think to myself, before opening up the closet, which Tsumugi had so graciously stocked up with different outfits. I guess that being the ultimate cosplayer makes her a great seamstress too. Sure, we could have just generated them, we are in a simulation after all, but we're trying to keep as close to a normal life as possible. I think to myself as I go through the clothes.

I pull out my in-game outfit, Definitely not. I think, I've tried to distance myself from who I was in the game as much as possible.

Next up, what the hell is this? I ask myself. Don't tell me I was emo too!

After getting those old outfits out of the way, I come to some clothes that feel more, me. Me now I mean. I'm not either of those people anymore. I pull out a pastel purple hoodie, change into shorts, put on some thigh high socks and my checkered vans.

I feel like I'm missing something, I think to myself, but what?

I look in my bed where I tossed my old in-game outfit and put on my scarf.

Miu's POV:

Breathe Miu, breathe. I remind myself. It's just a date. You can do this.

I walk out to meet up with Kaede and the others, who are already waiting.

"Wow Miu, you're sooooo late!" Kokichi mocks. "I was super early!"

"He's lying, he's only been here for 2 minutes" Shuichi says.

"I see you took my advice and changed." I tell him. "So, what's the plan?" I ask them.

"Kirumi has prepared a separate dinner for us, and we've got a movie picked out in the AV Room." Kaede says.

"I wonder if I could program in some restaurants and stuff in here?" I think out loud. "Sorry, was that my outside voice?"

We head down to the dining hall, where Kirumi had set up a table for us.

"Thank you so much Kirumi!" Kaede says to her.

"Thank you Kirumi" I say.

"Thanks Kirumi" Shuichi says.

"Thanks Mom!" Kokichi says.

"You're very welcome. But Kokichi, I am not your mother." Kirumi says.

After we finish eating, the four of us head down to the AV Room.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask. "There's some po-" I catch myself. "Maybe Kaede should pick."

"Thank you Miu, but Kokichi has already chosen one." Kaede says.

"We're watching Love, Simon!" Kokichi says excitedly.

"Isn't that movie kinda gay?" I ask jokingly.

"Aren't all of us?" Kokichi quips back.

We started to watch the movie. Withing minutes, Kokichi and Shuichi were cuddling. I turn to look at Kaede, who's focused on the movie. She turns to look at me and smiles.

Kokichi looks at me 'Make a move!' he mouths.

I'm nervous, despite how I act, I've never actually kissed anyone before. Come on Miu, you can do this.

Before I can pull myself together, I feel Kaede cuddle up against me. She looks up at me and kisses me gently, before we return our attention to the movie.

Authors Note: I'd love feedback on this, I'm more of an artist (mainly 3d rendering, but some 2d, like the comic) but I'm trying to improve my writing. However I do not take criticism on my ships or headcanons of characters' sexualities. Thanks so much for reading :)

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