Chapter three : Is it really you ?

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I woke up from the loud and irritating sound of alarm. I pressed the home button on my iPhone to check the time it was 7:30, no wonder I often wake up early when I'm nervous or excited.

And right now I'm both nervous and excited as hell.

I got up from bed rubbing my eyes and made my way to the bathroom.

After taking shower I took a glance at my wardrobe, trying to figure out what to wear on the first day of my new school, I wanted to keep a casual look so I decided to wear a white Adidas t-shirt along with a denim jacket and black ripped jeans. I slipped into my white Converse.

I didn't wanted to look like a makeup factory so I put a very light amount of makeup.

After being satisfied by my look, I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

I opened the kitchen door, much to my surprise Ben wasn't there, it's quite unnatural because he usually wakes up before me and attacks the food.

Maybe he's tired because of the journey.
Never mind

After having a breakfast of cereal I made my way towards Ben's room.

I knocked on his door because unlike my tiny bro I really believe in word 'PRIVACY'

"Wake up!! sleeping beauty, Mr. Sun is here." saracasm dripping from my voice.

No reply

I knocked again

I heard him coughing...

"Hey!! are you ok ??" I asked.

"Maybe....come in" he said in a stern voice.

I pushed the door and saw Ben on his bed covered with a blanket from head to toe.

He removed the blanket from his face.
His nose was red like a clown.

"What happened to you??" I asked

"Well.... I have a mild fever, I think" he replied.

"You think?"

"Yeah I mean that is what the thermometer is showing - 99°F" My eyes widened in shock. "I always knew I'm hot af" he added.

If he wasn't sick I swear I'd hit him on his dumb head. But I guess he's just trying to lighten the situation.

"How did you get fever?"

"I ate little bit of icecream last night" he was trying to act innocent but I knew he have emptied the whole stock of icecream in the house.

"Are you crazy ? You know that you don't have good terms with late night icecream treats. right ?"

"Yeah I know but I couldn't resist them."

I rolled my eyes at his disgusting excuse.

After a little argument with my sick brother I called the doctor,

After analysing Ben, he gave some medicines and told him to take rest for a day.

When the doctor left, I went to close the front door.

When I arrived back at Ben's room, I was stunned on seeing him getting ready for the school.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm just getting ready for school" he said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Are you insane? You're supposed to take rest today."

He rolled his eyes and said-
"Ohh come on! you really think that I'm gonna waste this amazing day and rest at home."

"No Ben you're not going school today And take it as an warning otherwise I'll call mom." I said

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