Chapter 1

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"It's Isobel Damon, its gotta be" Ophelia hears and she watches as Stefan and Katherine walk towards the car. It was clear to Ophelia that while she knew the girl was Katherine, Stefan on the other hand did not.

"Tell him that he needs to get over here and deal with Johns body" Stefan says

"I love how normal it is for them to talk about bodies" Ophelia mutters sarcastically under her breath, though she had been used to it, after all she had been around Vampires for a thousand years

"You have got some serious explaining to do to the council about John being not so dead" Katherine says to Damon through the phone as she begins to take her taker her coat off, then shoves her phone into her pocket but then Stefan shoves her against the car, grunts of pain escaping her lips

"where the hell Is she huh?" Stefan says angrily into Katherines face but then Katherine pulls a needle full of vervain out of her pocket and injects it into Stefan, causing him to fall to the ground

"Im sorry Stef, but I cant have you following me" Katherine tells him with a grin and throws him into the bush so that nobody could see him and Ophelia took this as her chance to finally reveal herself

"That was a little bit harsh don't you think" Ophelia says and walks up behind the girl and Katherine stands frozen in her spot as she instantly recognises the voice. The vampire feels fear course through her body as the soft footsteps of the girl comes closer and closer to her "Its been a while hasn't it Katerina, you haven't forgotten me I hope"

Ophelia walks forward a few more steps and is now right next to Katherine who finally forces her body to turn and face Ophelia who looked to be about 17 or 18, though Katherine knew that, that wasn't her real age, instead the age that she had been stuck at for over a thousand years

"What are you doing here?" Katherine asks softly and avoids eye contact with the smirking girl next to her

"I think you already know the answer to that Katerina, however I can assure you that I have no intention of hurting you Katerina. We both know that he is on his way to Mystic falls. I haven't seen any of them for quite a while and I am starting to miss a certain hot headed psychopath as well as the rest of them. I also know that you are trying to buy your freedom with him, im going to help you" Ophelia says with a grin

"Why would you want to help me?" Katherine asks in confusion

"I've only been here a few days but I've caught on to everything and I have seen some... familiar faces. The next doppelgänger I here so that is the obvious reason that Klaus is coming and wherever Klaus is, the rest of the Mikaelson siblings are. Besides dear Katerina, you yourself do know how much I love causing trouble and we were friends once upon a time, so how about it?" Ophelia asked the girl with a grin and Katherine grinned back as the thought about all of the fun and trouble they caused back when they had first met

"I'd say its time to cause some chaos" Katherine says with a grin

"Right you are love" Ophelia says and then the two girls get into Stefan's car


"I've got to say, I'm not surprised that you have survived this long, you always were a survivor" Ophelia says as she looks over to the passanger seat where Katherine was sitting "Knowing the Mikaelsons, id say that Kol and Finn are definetly currently daggered, Rebekah is most likely daggered and then Elijah is probably out doing dirty work for Klaus, meaning that Elijah will probably be the first one we see"

"Elijah has already made his appearance, you must have missed it," Katherine says to her and Ophelia nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders

"You'll have to tell me about it on the way to wherever the hell we are going" Ophelia said to Katherine and Katherine nodded her head and explained the whole thing to her

Finally Katherine stopped the car when they had got to the destination, isobels house, and they get out of the car and Ophelia looks up to see the mansion in front of them

"So this is where youre little worker bee is staying, its nice, I've been in Mystic falls for quite a while, theres no mansion there" Ophelia says. When she travelled with the mikaelsons and stayed with them in New Orleans, it was absolutely glamourous, though she was happy with small houses. She could compel herself whatever she wanted but she liked living a simple life, afterall if Kol was locked in a box, why the hell should she be out enjoying the complete luxuries of life.

Katherine unlocks the front door then her phone begins to ring so she puts it on speaker and answers it

"are we good to go?" Isobel asks

"Im at your house, and I've brought a friend. We have to hurry, Damon knows your lodging tricks. It will take them 20 minuets to find out where they are staying" Katherine says and the two girls walk into the house

"we'll be long gone before that" Isobel says "and what do you mean you bought a friend"

"Someone I met a long time ago, she is going to help us" Katherine tells her "how far are you"

"Im sorry Katherine but I had to do what I was told" Isobel says "he wanted to moon stone and he wanted you"

"He? He who?" Katherine says but she already knew the answer, Katherine looked across the room over at Ophelia who was sitting on the couch with a knowing look on her face but she senses someone coming

"Im sorry Katerina but I gotta go, he cant know im here yet" Ophelia says and Katherines eyes widen and Ophelia runs out the back and disappears in less than a second.

Suddenly someone else enters the room and Katherine goes to attack him but the man sticks his hand up and Katherine falls to the ground in pain and then passes out

After the witch had taken Katherine, Ophelia had found herself back in the mansion, she had nowhere to stay right now and this was alright for a while. She knew that whoever the witch that took Katherine was, was working for Klaus, and she also knew that Katherine wouldn't tell Klaus that Ophelia was there, afterall on the ride to isobels house, the two girls had already known that there was a risk this was going to happen and the two knew that Klaus couldn't know Ophelia was there.

Ophelia hears the door of the house slam open and she can already tell that is the Salvatore brothers from her spot on the couch. She had the tv on and she had a carton of ice-cream and a spoon in her hand

"I got upstairs" she hears Stefan say and then suddenly Damon walks into the room that she was in

"If you are looking for Katerina or Isobel, neither of them are here" Ophelia says as she looks over at Damon and he looks at her with furrowed eyebrows

"who the hell are you?" Damon asks her and then suddenly Stefan runs back down the stairs and also enters the room

"Where are they and who are you" Stefan asks her and Ophelia raises her hands in defense

"No need to be an Asshole man, calm down, I don't know where either of them are" Ophelia says and eats another spoon of her ice-cream "man this is really good ice-cream, I need to get myself some more of th-"

"where the hell is Elena?" Damon asks her, cutting the girl off and making her pout but then her eyebrows furrowed in confusion

"Look dude, I don't know who the hell this Elena chick is but if you ever cut me off again, i'll cut your balls off and then shove them so far up your ass that they will make your eyeballs pop and and replace them" Ophelia says and then cracks up laughing, a snort escaping her mouth "oh mah god, imagine seeing someone with nutsacks as eyeballs"

Damon couldn't help but feel humoured my the girl, but he was too concerned about Elena to admit it

"Oh wait, Elena is the doppleganger right? I don't know where she is but im pretty sure I know who has her, and it just so happens that the person who has her is the person im looking for" Ophelia says and pushes the carton of ice-cream off her lap and onto the couch and then stands up and walks over to the two boys "so i'm gonna be youre princess in shining armour and help you find her"

"Wait, who has her" Stefan asks

"seriously, are we gonna waste time playing 21 questions or are we going to go and find her?" Ophelia says and rolls her eyes and then grabs onto the boys shirts and tugs them, they were surprised on how strong the girl was

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