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Jackson hyung and me started panicking a little when they came suddenly because we didn't want to show them the video from the camera and betray Y/N's trust, on us especially.
Johnny: *whispering just do a few breathing exercises and think cal-
Jackson: *whisper surprised tf? Breathing? My breathing is stable and good and I'm thinking calmly. Ok, I know wut to do. First remove this website from the history, turn off the computer, act like nothing happened and come out. If they don't see us, then we rush-walk to the couch and sit there with our phones, acting like we are seeing something on the phone. If they do see us, then u don't say anything and let me do the talking.
Johnny: yah! Hyung, do you have the sexy brain or Namjoon hyung? Lol, let's go!
We started initiating our plan according to the way Jackson hyung had explained it. When we went out they luckily, didn't see us and so we went and sat on the couch with our phones. Then I spotted Woonie waving to us so we waved back, and decided to stay until Y/N comes back to see his state. We had snacks the boys brought while they were out, and that was when Woonie brought up the topic about Y/N.
Woonie: so how was our Y/N? He didn't annoy u guys right?
Jackson: he was marvelous and such a cutie pie! Turns out that he was just down a little because he had a nightmare.
Ji-Hwan: *dramatic caretaker mood Rlly?! This proves that he rlly is a baby and we should protect him at all costs!
Oh-Seong: lol, stop acting all dramatic! I was actually worried cuz it looked a little more than a nightmare. Is it true?
Johnny: o-o-obviously! Why would we lie?
Oh-Seong: just pranked ya! You bros are so easy to prank! *said informally and starts laughing
Jackson: ya punk! How old are you? *jokingly says and starts chasing him
We all had so much fun chasing everybody and we even ate more snacks and we were so full that we thought we couldn't eat dinner when we go back home.
3 Hours later(Jackson Hyungs' P.O.V.)
We were all seated on the couch, watching a horror movie when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I freaked out and screamed loudly resulting in the others getting scared, screaming and turning the lights on. When we turned behind we saw it was a dark-clothed creature. Then when he removed the hoodie we noticed that it was Y/N, but he was wearing a black mask, even though he isn't outside.
Y/N: *little evil cute voice Hahahahaha! I scared u hyungs so good! Now I know why it's so fun to prank people. Especially the scared ones! Lol!
Jackson: When did you come?!
Johnny: U scared the shit outta me!
Y/N: lol, I was listening to "Shoot out", "Oh my", "Stealer", "Party time" and "Trespass" by Monsta X and then I got the idea from the name of the song and felt like doing something evil, so I slowly opened the door and "trespassed" behind the couch and then slowly touched Jackson hyungs' shoulder and screamed. U SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOKS ON YOUR FACE! *still laughing on the floor
Others: yah! That's not okay! Wait till they go! We gon' tickle u till u die! Hehehe!
We were having so much fun! I was still shocked how Y/N still had this much energy after getting a-a-ab....used, by that bastard! Just then when I finished thinking of that thought, Y/N energy level dropped down so suddenly and he said that he was feeling sleepy. I guess his phone battery was down cuz he took out his phone and frowned, and we know that music is like his energy so the others must have thought the same. He offered to hug us and go, but that was when I could smell the irony smell of blood. We bid our goodbyes and left and I immediately opened the button camera website which was still intact, on my phone. I saw him going in his room and take off his shirt putting it aside on a hook near his closet in a way that was visible to us, revealing his ripped form but with bruises that look like they must've hurt. I showed Johnny and he started cursing at the man. Y/N's body was bleeding from the bruises and a few were purple. Johnny and me stopped at my dorm and we decided to stop and have a look. Y/N went towards his phone which was on charging and put on "Absence-Moonbyul" on low but audible to him, and started weeping. We were devastated at looking at this state of his because we had never seen the usually-happy-and-cheerful-and-charming Y/N cry in such a sad manner, that made us both cry.
Jackson: *crying what has our little Y/N done to that person?! He should deserve to die!
Johnny: *also crying hyung! Call your members and tell them to come to our dorm.
Jackson: But why?
Johnny: I'll tell u when everyone is there.
Jackson: ok. I'll leave the phone with u cuz I'm coming with u, so wait here.
Johnny: ok, but wipe ur face before going in, otherwise they'd think u had a breakup! Lol, hyung.
Jackson: ok I will u too. See u soon.
I was confused about why Johnny had called all of us to meet there, but at the same time I was worried about Y/N. Without wasting anymore time, I went to our dorm and called everyone and told them that even I didn't know why Johnny had called us. Since I wiped my face before visiting them, everything looked normal. I informed the boys and told them I'd be going with Johnny, so Mark, BamBam and Youngjae said they'd come with me and Johnny. We went out and got in our respective vehicles, and drove to the NCT dorm. When we all reached there, we greeted everyone with warm hugs and went to the hall, where Johnny had called us all. We sat down and then Johnny switched on the TV in front of us and said:
Johnny: I actually called u guys to show u something, but u should promise me something, will u?
All: ok! What is it?
Johnny: promise me that u won't tell or talk to anybody about this unless and until I tell u to do so. Get it?
All: okay Johnny/hyung! Now what is it that u want to show us?
Johnny: *connects TV to laptop and says This.
When I saw the website Johnny was on, I panicked and looked at him with a hint of worry on my face. He then sat near me and whispered to me saying that we should at least tell them so then we can call Y/N to a sleepover and make him feel at his most comfortable state and then maybe he can confront everything that has happened, to us. Then Johnny played the video from the beginning when we connected the button camera. Taeyong raised his hand up as if he was in an interview, so he paused the video.
Taeyong: Why did u guys put a camera on him? Isn't that, like invading his privacy?
Johnny: Actually this afternoon, Woonie had called us there because he noticed that Y/N's behavior was a little off and that whenever they tried to ask whether he was okay or not, he wouldn't say anything or just smile, hug, distract them and would just try to ignore the topic and watch cartoons.
Taeil: When did it start happening?
Jackson: yesterday.
Haechan: for some reason I have a bad feeling on what we are going to watch. And also, meaning u guys have already seen it. Right?
Johnny: just watch it and then I'll tell you something after we are done watching it.
Jackson: Yes Haechan. We have seen it except for the last part, because I went to our dorm and called my members to come here.
Johnny: shall I start it now?
Mark(Got7): yea.
And then Johnny resumed the video, and when we were a few minutes into the clip, that's when the abuse had started and I could hear a few sniffles and sobs. When the trainer put Y/N aside like he was nothing, Haechan and Taeyong got up sobbing saying that they couldn't see him getting abused like this and that we should tell this to the police. Johnny told them that they won't tell the police for a specific reason and that he would tell it when the video was over. So Haechan and Taeyong sat back down and hugged the person next to them while watching the video. Then they realized why we wouldn't call the police when in one part of the clip, the trainer was threatening Y/N saying that if he tried to hit him or tell the police, he'd show them the video of him hitting him when they first met, and that people will start to hate him and that he'd die if people don't like him. Y/N replied to him saying that how many times would he tell the same thing and that he didn't believe him. But then the trainer showed a hidden button camera on his outfit and said that he could edit it even more, making it look like only Y/N had been hitting him the whole time but the trainer was suffering and bearing it till now. We knew how he loved being adored by people and that he loved when people praised him, so obviously, he surrendered. We were about to finish the watching the video, when the last part came which was not seen by me or anybody. We were anticipating for it and now it came. When Y/N was changing his outfit, his black outfit which was covered in blood was still kept in the same position, so we could still see whatever was going. When he was going to sleep, he heard footsteps and slowly got up from the bed and then the door opened to a figure they were familiar with. When that person came in and took off his hoodie, we identified him as Kwang-Sik. But then to our surprise, he started slapping and punching Y/N but at the same time he said sorry, until Y/N was unconscious. He pecked his forehead, lifted him and lied him on his bed and went away, and then the video came to its live play which showed Y/N lying peacefully on the bed. It was like monitoring Y/N as a baby through a baby monitor. Then Johnny rose up from his seat and went up front and stood where everyone was visible to him and began.
Johnny: so now what do u think the next step shall be?
BamBam: I don't think we know, and besides you were the one who called us all so do u have any ideas or next steps?
Johnny: well my idea was, since the fans had insisted and a few even broke in the entertainment and physically demanded we get rest, we are getting a 5 month long break.
Youngjae: yea, even I heard it from the entertainment.
Mark(NCT): Ye, it's a 5month long break!
Jackson: guys! We aren't listening to Johnny.
Johnny: thank u. So as I was saying, in this 5 month long break, we can invite the StarZ to a sleepover at someone's farmhouse which is big enough for all 3 groups to stay.
Chenle: me! My grandfather has a huge farmhouse, so we can stay there. Plus, it's abandoned in a nature kinda area, the types which Y/N and I like!
Johnny: perfect! So when do you plan to start the sleepover?
Jaehyun: we can have it on next Thursday, the 16th, and since tomorrow is also a Thursday, 9th, we can do all the plannings and thoughts about it in a week. How's that?
Johnny: awesome! So everyone can go back to their dorms and get a good night's sleep cuz we are gonna do some planning tomorrow! Thanks for coming today!

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