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When I entered the room, it was lit in darkness. But I could see Y/N clearly. He was wearing sweatpants and looked like he had trouble in finding a shirt cuz he was shirt-less. He just had to look too good. I think when god made Y/N, he mixed in equal but large amounts of sexiness, cuteness, smartness, beauty, elegance and love. Emphasis on the love and cute. I switched on the light and saw Y/N immediately cover his eyes and crouch down. I chuckled as I found this cute.
Johnny: baby, why are u crouching down? Something scared ya?
Y/N: ummm, no. It's just that you put the light on suddenly, so I got startled. But not to sound rude, I hate the light.
Johnny: but then how can u see then?
Y/N: I can see in the dark. U know like nocturnal eyes? But I can see everything in its darker than normal color. Not green or neon.
Johnny: nocturnal?! Aren't those features what animals have? I thought only animals have them.
Y/N: I too was shocked when I discovered about it when I was 10 years old.
Johnny: 10 yrs old?! I think I would want to know about your life!
Y/N: lol why? I mean, uhh... I'll just switch off the light.
Johnny: uhh, yeah I came here to-
Y/N: to call me for dinner? Sure I'll come.
Johnny: how did ya know?
Y/N: Obviously at this time u guys would have finished making dinner, and so you would come and call me for dinner, not sex or anything lol.
Johnny: *murmurs if u want baby. *smirk
Y/N: u said something hyung?
Johnny: yeah, would u want me to help you choose a shirt, look like u have trouble in finding a matching one?
Y/N: yeah. Thanks!
Johnny: *walks over to closet how about this white sleeveless one? We both could match indirectly!
Y/N: yay! You're wearing black sweatpants too!
Johnny: oh yeah! What a coincidence! Want me to help you put it on?
Y/N: no it's okie, otherwise I'll start becoming more and more dependent on you guys! *smiles and puts shirt on
Y/N: okie! Done! Now will u plsssss give me a piggy back ride downstairs?
Johnny: nope!
Y/N: pls pls pls plsssssssss! *puppy dog eyes
Johnny: aigoooo! U always trap me in ur traps that seem so innocent.
Y/N: kekekekeke! So u will, yayyyyyy!
Johnny: yes of course baby. Come on!
Y/N then came on my back and I gave him a piggy back ride downstairs and settled him down on a chair. The others greeted him again with goofiness and then Y/N thanked everyone for the food and began to dig in, cuz it was Bulgogi, Tteokbokki, Jajangmyeon, and Korean fried chicken! For dessert we had Chapssaltteok! I loved the chewy texture and it's filling in it! After we finished our food we decided to watch a movie. But our plan was to "accidentally" play that video we got from the button camera, and then maybe he might confront what had happened to him.
Johnny: okay, who wants to watch a movie?
Y/N: meeeeeee!! *dancing to "Stay tonight-ChungHa"
Chenle: awww cute! Me too hyung *pretending !
Y/N: *eyes start changing to different colors due to the beat drop in song, then change to beats of "Numb-CIX"
Jackson: Y/N, are your eyes changing colors??
Y/N: *pauses music so they come back to normal color N-N-No? They are normal. Dark brown. *resumes music but looks down to avoid eye contact
Johnny: come on let's sit on the couch and watch the movie! Kun can you switch on the TV?
Kun: sure hyung! *switches on the TV, the video shows up in pause mode a few minutes ahead
Y/N: what's this?
Johnny: idk, wanna see it?
Y/N: sure! *pauses music
Johnny: *plays video
Y/N: *half into the video *heart starts beating fast and hands are shivering *resume music to "Me-CLC" so he can't hear it
Others: *looks at him to see reaction but his eyes start changing colors rapidly to the beat drop in a darker shade
Johnny: *video finishes ummmm Y/N a-a-a-a-are u okay?
Y/N: *pauses music ummm yea.
Johnny: this video just randomly- do u wanna say something? U look like u wanna.
Y/N: *nervous chuckle and scratches back of neck ummm yea, who edited this video?
Lucas: wut?
Y/N: no, I mean, like, yeah. The person who edited t-t-t-this must have been rlly good, cuz I-I-I-I can never experience that s-s-stuff. Why would anybody w-w-want to abuse me till I bleed? That person would just have no heart. And a person who has no heart must either be dead or a ghost.
Johnny: but isn't that u on the screen?
Y/N: *on the verge of crying *hands start shivering n-n-no, I mean y-y-yeah- where did u find this video?
Taeyong: we found it on our computer, somebody sent it to us.
Y/N: who's email was it?
Taeyong: ummm it was....uh-
Jackson: somebody claiming to be your friend.
Y/N: oh well then that proves that this video is a total fake. I have no friends except for you guys and my members.
Johnny: guys, why are u lying?
Y/N: huh?
Johnny: they are just lying about where we got this video from so we wouldn't break your trust.
Y/N: break m-my trust. What r u saying hyung?
Johnny: first promise me that u wouldn't be mad at any one of us, and u wouldn't break our friendship. Promise?
Y/N: promise. I know whatever you did was for the best of me, but one part of me just doesn't understand it.
Johnny: okay then, Jackson hyung will tell u.
Jackson: we actually put a button camera on you because we were worried about you and even woonie had told us about your slight change in behavior.
Y/N: oh uhh, ok....
Taeyong: u-u-ur not mad right?
Y/N: no I'm not hyung, and also w-w-what happened to that movie?
Johnny: uhh, sorry I forgot to put it. Which one shall we watch? *slowly chats in their WhatsApp grp to forget wut happened and ignore it
Chenle: we can watch "Pandora"!
Y/N: *smiles cool! I was gonna recommend that one too! I liked the description of it.
Johnny: sure baby.
I put the movie they wanted and we began to watch it in silence, but I found something weird and a straightforward proof. The proof was that Y/N seemed nervous when the video ended and he kept insisting that it was fake and his hand were also shivering, which was solid proof that he knew about it but didn't want to talk about it. But the weird thing was why did he kept insisting that it was fake and why did he not want to talk about it? Just then I remembered the recording and a few highlights he had said. Since he had depression and social anxiety, he didn't feel like sharing anything about his condition with anyone, including his own parents and sister. He was afraid of something but I just couldn't get what it exactly was? After 2hrs the movie was over and everybody responded saying that it was a really god movie, and that literally everyone cried at the ending, including Y/N. He then got up, hugged and pecked everyone goodnight and then headed towards his room. We all got up too, but for some reason I felt like I just made Y/N more sadder. But the others just kept reassuring me that everything is fine but I couldn't free myself of that guilt feeling so I decided to check on Y/N after everyone went to sleep. After a couple of minutes more when everyone went in their respective rooms, I slowly got out of mine and went towards Y/N's, and hopefully he wasn't sleeping. I saw him sitting up straight on his bed listening to music on his EarPods. I slowly walked forward, closed the door behind me and went and sat on his bed, making him a bit startled. He then removed his EarPods.
Y/N: oh hi hyung. By the way, hyung I removed the light, if that's okay with u.
Johnny: oh that's fine, and it looks like you can't sleep.
Y/N: *chuckles yup, you too I guess.
Johnny: look, I'm sorry if you're mad at me for just invading your privacy and jus-
Y/N: *calmly hyung, I'm not made and you don't have to be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong.
Johnny: well, then can I sit next to you on your pillow?
Y/N: *shifts a little to side sure hyung.
Johnny: *moves to empty space next to Y/N okay. Now I just need to know something. Is it okay? If I ask?
Y/N: sure...
Johnny: why was that trainer hitting you?
Y/N: I-I-I-I don't know.
Johnny: pls stop acting like u don't know.
Y/N: I-I-I-I rlly don't kno-
Johnny: *whisper shouting pls I need to fucking know it for your own fucking good! It's like as if u fucking want people to help you but then you don't tell them anything! Will u fucking tell me?!
Y/N: *on the verge of crying H-H-Hyung, I-I-I-I really am not s-s-sure.
Johnny: well then he can't fucking hit you for no reason?!
Y/N: I-I-I know hyung, b-b-but for some reason I can't f-f-fight him even tho I ca-
Johnny: what's the fucking reason Y/N?!
Y/N: h-h-he threatens me that he'll upload such a video of me that will make everyone h-h-hate me. Hyung pls d-d-don't whisper shout or shout...
Johnny: Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?! Answer me Y/N! FUCKING ANSWER ME!
Y/N: *tears start rolling down cheeks h-h-hyung, y-y-you don't have to do anything. And a-a-anyways, I am too fragile at h-h-heart. I can't to beat him to pulp. I-I-I-I'm sorry if I made any mistake hyung. P-P-Pls forgive me.
Johnny: *shocked and just realized b-baby, why are you crying? Ugh, I don't know what had gotten into me, for shouting at u. Look I'm sorry baby, pls don't cry. I just get a little overprotective if something happens to my beloved one because I love y- nothing.
Y/N: I'm your beloved ones? Really?
Johnny: yes baby, u r. U just look so soft and fluffy and a gotta-protect baby. Come here, face me and sit on my lap.
Y/N: *does as he says
Johnny: *holds his hands Ok, now baby, tell me if there is anything going on in ur life and u don't like it. Now will u pls tell me if anything bad or something you didn't like, occurred in your childhood.
Y/N: c-c-can I hug and tell you?
Johnny: of course baby, u can.
Y/N: *moves nearer and hugs him with his chin resting on his shoulder *tells his flashback
Johnny: *starts secretly recording his flashback
It started happening when I was in 5th grade and onwards. Since then, when puberty had started from me, I got a little chubby, acne and leg hair and all. People would literally ridicule me and say that I should have been born in a jungle cuz I fit there. Including my own "friends"! Since I was in a co-educated school, the girls mostly would make fun of me, as if they didn't get it. But at the same time it felt as if I was the only one in the whole world who had hair. Even my sister didn't get that much ugly as me when she got her puberty. The world probably hated me. My mom even wanted me to do waxing, and I tried it. It just hurt like hell, but then I got kinda used to it, but I still at least kicked the air when the hair was probably being fucking ripped off. Since my mom and dad both were rich, they decided that I get laser hair removal and a treatment for my acne. After a while when the sessions and all were done. I just loved it! The next day when I had come, I told one of my "friend", Fred, about this girl named, Annrose, who looked really ugly. Well, I hated her not because she was ugly, but because she was the main culprit for making me suffer because of how I looked. But that fucking "friend" just told the teacher when I wasn't around. How I knew? Obviously, the next day I fucking got summoned to the Principal's lair of hell. There, I had to then fucking write a shitty apology letter to her and apparently her parents too, because when the teacher knew, meaning the whole school or grade knew. And so then she might have just told her parents. It wasn't that serious so luckily my parents weren't called. But I was scared to tell it to my parents so I kept to my self, exploding inside me. But I had to be super cheerful just like how I like people to see me. That day onwards I stopped trusting my "friends".
Time skip to 10th grade
Some boy from my class ig, came up to me, asked me something and me being the cheerful and merciful one obviously had to answer. But I also had to be cautious so I first replied with a fake reply to his question.
Boy: hey Y/N! Can I ask u something?
Y/N: sure what?
Boy: what do you think of that bitch who complained bout u to the principal?
Y/N: what the fuck? Why would I think of her? It's not like I want to fucking get engaged or married with her.
Boy: no I meant in, like, her behavior.
Y/N: promise me u wouldn't tell anyone.
Boy: promise.
Y/N: she's nice and.....nice?
Boy: no, tell me wut u REALLY think about her. Like bad comments against her.
Y/N: then promise me that u wouldn't tell anyone. Your siblings sake!
Boy: sure sure! *puts hand in pocket and starts secretly recording in his phone whatever I'm saying
Y/N: *whispers She is a fucked up bitch and whore! I can't believe that she actually got a boyfriend even though she is pig-faced and a fucking clown. But I guess the boy realized it later and then cheated on her, and she obviously broke up with him. That fucking whore ass bitch!
Boy: ikr! Well bye gtg!
Y/N: okay?
The next day it was just the pig-faced bitch's bitches drooling over me, who were the same ones who ridiculed me. But when it was recess and we were having our food, my name had been called over the speaker and told me to head to the demon's lair. I went there.
Principal: MR. Y/N, this is the 2nd time I'm getting a fucking complaint against you!
Y/N: complaint? second? But I didn't even do anything!
Principal: oh really? Pls don't play dumb with me.
Y/N: I'm not!
Principal: u have the right to remain silent! And u say u didn't do anything? Well, explain this! Bring him in! *a boy comes in are u familiar with this face?
Y/N: he was a just a guy who I was taking to about somebody!
Principal: somebody? By somebody do you mean, Annrose?
Y/N: h-huh? H-How did u-
Principal:*talking to the other boy my dear, u said you heard him talk bad about your grp leader right?
Boy: yes!
Y/N: you can't just believe somebody's words!!
Principal: I didn't, I believed in the voice recording.
Boy: *plays the recording of me cursing at that bitch this right here is confidential proof! Poor Annrose is tired of being tortured! She said that she will suicide and write Y/N's name in the suicide letter.
Principal: oh my, that poor girl!
Y/N: *angry with betrayal If she was poor, then you wouldn't be saying such "good" about that bitch! Tell me how much did she feed your thirsty ass mouth! Huh?!
Y/N: if u overlook Annrose's intolerance, I think it will be much easier for you to overlook this one and relax. Or does she have to help you relax too?*smugness filled By letting her suck your dick? Oh no wait, by fucking her every time she wants good grades or good shit being spread about h-
Y/N: And mr.principal, you are suspended from my school life for one week! Ha! I will go only if u just say that u let her suck your dick everyday and fucked her so good, that every time she goes to the restroom, I see some weird shit dripping from her skirt. Not to mention that it had a translucent white color. U know like cum? *starts secretly recording
Y/N: thank you, and now I'll be taking your leave. *walks out with sass
I quickly ran to the computer room, and uploaded that video on every possible site I knew, including YouTube and Instagram. Within a few minutes, the whole school assembled outside the principals' office. Since people were videoing them going in the office live, like reporters, I could see it crystal clear. The next day when I wasn't supposed to come, I came and walked up to Annrose and luckily she was wearing a white skirt! I took out the red paint I had and squirted some on the back of her skirt, but she didn't notice. I was waiting outside the class in which she was there and was waiting for her to sit down and stand back up. When she entered the class and sat, no one noticed the "period stain" and everything was normal. When the teacher called her upfront for answering some question which I'm sure he had no answer, everybody gasped when she got up. That bitch thought everybody gasped at her butt, but when they began taking pics, she was confused and turned to see, the back of her skirt was covered in red. The crypig couldn't help but cry and run outside, but I accidentally bumped into her and then smirked. She shouted and cursed at me saying that I will pay for this. When I asked her what will she do about it, she said that she will, tell her boyfriend about it. When I asked his name, she said it w-w-was *starts laughing n-no wait, h-h-his name was *starts wheezing and falls on the floor WHAT?! HIS NAME WAS STRANDREW! Who the fuck gives their children this name?! Maybe since birth he was ugly looking. I just was tired of this shitty school so I decided to leave it and pursue my career of becoming a Kpop idol, but my parents wanted me to complete my education so I'm going to a different school but in Dubai, online classes, imma tell u that Dubai kids are such bitches and fucked up spoiled brats. (No hate ppl, peace :)) After a 1 year of training, I successfully debuted in the boy group called StarZ, whilst continuing my education. But I could never forget the number of betrayals I experienced. It was just so.....sad u know? Fuck those assholes.
Time skip to present day
(U knoooooooooow, something's gonna be coming ur way and if u don't like it, sex or mating which is gonna be in this book now onwards, just don't read this part for now and wait for the next chapter! Kekekeke !😈 😏)(btw, I won't warn ya in the next chapters. *author grinning from ear to ear)
Y/N: *starts sobbing in the crook of Johnny's neck I don't know what mistake or sin I did in my previous life to receive such treatment....
Johnny: *stroked his back softly it's okay baby, it's okay. Johnny hyung is right here with you. There's nothing to be scared off now.
Y/N: *sits up straight r-r-really? b-b-but the trainer who turned out to be that bitch's boyfriend?
Johnny: well, you said you were fragile at heart and can't smash him to a pulp, so I can hit him for u. And what's up with your red nose, puffy eyes and red ears? How the heck do u still look so pretty?
Y/N: I-I-I don't know. Can I tell you one more thing? And by the way, after I told all this to you, I feel so light, like a feather.
Johnny: I told you baby, it feels good if u tell at least one person who u trust, all your problems. And yes, u can tell me.
Y/N: but after being turned down on trust so many times, I didn't feel like trusting anyone else. But then my members and you guys just gave me a different feeling. A feeling of love and home that I couldn't find within my own family.
Johnny: awww, babe- baby, that's so heart-touching, and what did you want to tell me?
Y/N: I rarely cry, b-b-but whenever I cry or my eyes would feel so heavy, that I feel like I'm drunk. U know the drunk feeling? Wait, wait,wait, can I kiss you?
Johnny: huh? looks like you're really drunk with your feelings and emotions huh? Rest for sometime, and when u wake up in the morning you'll feel okay. Fine?
Y/N: *whining b-but I wanna kiss those lips so bad! I wanna feel how soft they are!
Johnny: *forgets about recording b-b-but it's already midnight and I think you should get sleep.
Y/N: *glistening eyes s-s-so no kissy for me? *pretends to look disappointed
Johnny: n-n-no, ok fine I'll give you a k-k-kiss. J-J-Just stop being sad.
Y/N: * immediately stops being disappointed
The minute he stopped being sad, he immediately pressed his lips on mine. The kiss started off as soft and short and we pulled back for air. I just couldn't get enough of the kiss and his lips, so I pressed my lips on his again. But this time, the kiss was more deepened and passionate. Our tongues started fighting and swirling against each other, for dominance. And obviously I won, and I didn't waste anytime and quickly explored every inch of his mouth. Oh gosh, how long have I been waiting and craving for this. He tasted so sweet and sounded like an angel when he moaned softly. As he moaned into my mouth and started grinding on me, I too let out a light moan. I just remembered about the recording and slowly, paused the recording and put the phone away, and then slowly moved down to his jaw line, kissing and sucking it lightly so I wouldn't leave a mark. While sucking on his neck softly I found his sensitive spot near his collarbone, and kept licking and sucking it.
Y/N: ~ahhhh h-h-hyung, r-right there. ~ah fuck yes!
Johnny: my baby likes it here? *sucks harder
Y/N: ~ahh, hyung. How did I ever not get the feeling of w-w-wanting this so bad?
Johnny: maybe cuz you never met me that time, now remove your shirt...
He obediently removes his shirt, and then we resume the steamy kiss. I remembered something and quickly broke the kiss and went towards my bedroom. I could hear him whine from the loss of touch. I came back and closed the door with a black choker, vibrator, silk cloth and some lube in my hands. Then I came back to him, took off my shirt and pants leaving only my boxers on.
Johnny: like what u see baby boy?
Y/N: *nods head uh huh. But h-hyung, I have only heard and seen the toys which u brought, I-I-I'm scared, just a little.
Johnny: why baby? Johnny hyung is here, it won't hurt. Now be a good boy and remove your sweatpants.
Y/N: okie hyung. *removes sweatpants
Johnny: and I brought this choker because I thought it would look pretty on u. *puts choker around his neck is it comfortable baby?
Y/N: Perfect feels so soft.
Johnny: getting hard baby?
Y/N: *becomes shy just a little... y-y-you too hyung...
Johnny: yea, you were right when u said u can see in the dark.
Y/N: b-but hyung, it's hurting a little...
Johnny: it's okay baby, daddy will fix it for you.
Y/N: o-ok hyun- ~ahhhh d-d-daddy, it feels so g-g-good...
I then went towards him, blindfolded him with the silk and put my hand on his clothed crotch just to earn a soft but pretty moan. I began rubbing there softly and his moans started getting a little louder and sexy. I then went over to his chest and gave him a light purple hickey, and started marking him while earning whimpers and moans from him. I slowly removed his boxers and mine to see pre-cum leaking from both our dicks. I started kissing and marking his inner thighs, while he gasped and moaned. I licked the top of his length, tasting the bitter but sweet pre-cum. I heard him whining for me to put him in my mouth, and so I did. I slowly put his length in my mouth and it perfectly fitted in. I started licking and sucking his hard dick, while he pulled my hair slightly from all the pleasure.
Y/N: d-d-daddy, I-I-I'm gonna cum. Pls let m-m-me cum daddy.
Johnny: cum all you want in my mouth babe. Imma sip it like a slurpee. (Blackpink in ya area! 🤣)(LOL!)
Y/N: *satisfied sigh ~ahh, d-daddy is the best....
Johnny: this is already the best for you babe? You don't know what's gonna be coming now. Now I'm gonna prep you for it. And don't move.
He obediently obeyed my command and sat still, while I spread his baby soft legs. I put a generous amount of lube, which was mango-flavored, on my slender fingers and a little on his virgin little tight hole. He whimpered a little when the coldness of the lube hit him, but then soon calmed down. I put a finger in him slowly so he doesn't get hurt, while he gripped the bedsheets due to the slight discomfort he probably felt. I put in a second finger and looked up to see his eyes glistening and his knuckles white due to the pressure of holding his fists. I distracted him by kissing him and putting in a third finger at the same time. Slowly, tears started rolling down his cheeks so I kissed them away, while praising him about how much of an obedient boy he is, and while moving my fingers inside him. He gasped slowly, and whispered while saying how much it hurts. I reassured that after I finished stretching his hole, he will feel immense pleasure. I removed the three fingers from inside him, at which he whined due to the loss of touch, but something bigger was soon gonna enter that hole. I took the lube and poured some on my cock and hissed at the coolness hitting me, but cooled down and asked him if he was ready, and he nodded his head with glistening eyes. I gripped each side of his hips with both my hands for balance and then slowly entered my tip into him, and he already began moaning. I went in slowly as to not hurt him, and started turning Y/N into a moaning mess. I was kinda surprised how my dick could fit into his tight hole; once I was fully in, I slowly began thrusting in him.
Johnny: ~fuck, Y/N, fuck. So tight. ~ahh, so fucking tight!
Y/N: ~ahhh, daddy, c-can u pls go f-faster?
Johnny: are u sure babe?
Y/N: y-yea- *Johnny suddenly picks up pace ~ahhh! Fuck fuck fuck! *lets one hand go to grip Johnny's hair
Johnny: ~fuck babe! My baby is taking my cock so well. ~ahhh
Y/N: *hits prostate ~AHH! D-D-Daddy, right there!
Johnny: jackpot...*starts thrusting at same spot but harder and deeper
After a while, I could feel a familiar knot in my stomach and spilled all my cum in him, some of it leaking from his filled hole, and then it followed by him cumming on the sheets and a little on himself. I then took the vibrator and put it in him, gradually increasing the speed. I left it on in him at its highest speed, whilst giving him a hand job. What a beautiful moaning mess I had made him. After a while, I removed the toy and I plopped down on the bed, restlessly, but then Y/N got up and went down. I just lied down calmly, and out of breath, until I felt warm, wet kisses and hickeys on my inner thighs, which caused me to moan softly. I sat back up so he could be more comfortable, and then my tip entered his mouth, causing me to whimper at the teasing cuz I didn't tease him. He slowly took me in his mouth until I was fully in his mouth, I tugged his hair softly as he started sucking hard but slowly. I got impatient and so I started fucking his baby mouth, thrusting in and out even though I heard him almost gagging, while pulling his hair back. He was so such a beautiful mess , but I was gonna ruin that beauty. He licked and swirled his skillful tongue around my cock, but then I felt a familiar knot in my stomach and without warning him, I released my hot semen in him. He tried his best to swallow every single drop, and he succeeded with a few drops around his lips. I lifted him and placed him onto my lap and our cocks brushed against each others', causing us both to whimper. He took his EarPods and told me he would put it to "MicDrop-BTS" and he put one piece of it in my ear and the other in his ear, and without informing me, he started kissing me hungrily but at the same time to the beat of the music, he must really love his music, and so I too kissed him hungrily and harder. It was getting a little difficult so I put him on the bed while pinning his arms to the bed, and continued eating his lips, while tasting drops of myself. When the song finished, so did we. I just loved the way Y/N wanted to kiss, and the fact that we had hot-kissed for 5 minutes and 10 seconds straight. I took a few tissues and cleaned the semen on the bed, but it wasn't that much so it was faster, and then we put on our boxers, I took off his blindfold, and then we plopped down on the bed while Y/N came on top of me and slept there while giving me one last good night kiss and murmuring a small 'thank you hyung'. I draped the white blanket over our bodies and fell asleep....

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