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The Next Day
I woke up to a still-sleeping baby on me. I slowly shifted him onto the bed and got scared when I heard him whine softly thinking that he woke up because me, but then he resumed back to his sleep and gave me my breath back. The others had already woken up, and were making breakfast, when I heard Taeil hyung telling Jaehyun to wake me up and call me and check on Y/N. I heard his shuffling footsteps meaning they woke up a few minutes ago, and since I already had my boxers on, I took my clothes and darted to my room, threw the clothes on the floor and jumped on my bed and lied down, pretending to sleep. I soon heard the door cracking open and the footsteps coming in my room, while I was keeping cool. Then Jaehyun shook my shoulder softly to wake me up, and I willingly gave into the acting. With having me woken up, he told me he was gonna check on Y/N and went away. After freshening up, I decided to change into a maroon-kinda-red sleeveless shirt and some army or crocodile green or light sand brown colored pants, and DAMN! I look so fine. Kekekeke. How am I still alive? Lol, XD, after putting on a simple necklace, I gelled my hair and went down to have my breakfast, but Jaehyun was no where to be seen, so I just proceeded in taking my breakfast at the table.
Jaehyun hyungs' P.O.V.
After having woken Johnny up, I went to check on Y/N. I slowly opened the door and went towards him to see him peacefully sleeping like an angel on the grey-furred bed. (Y'all,imagine him with a choker. XD)

When I was going to turn away, I heard the bedsheets' sound and turned around just to see Y/N about to fall, so I quickly held my arms out and let him fall on my arms; the blanket fell down on the floor, revealing a half-naked Y/N

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When I was going to turn away, I heard the bedsheets' sound and turned around just to see Y/N about to fall, so I quickly held my arms out and let him fall on my arms; the blanket fell down on the floor, revealing a half-naked Y/N. Huh? Why does he have a black laced choker? I ain't complaining cuz he looks sexy tho.....But my face started heating up, so I quickly, but softly put him on the bed, and ran outside without making a sound. I tried to catch my breath but I was too shy for some reason, so I decided to just take my breakfast from the table and go to my room to have it there. After I finished my breakfast, I looked in the mirror before going out and saw that my tomato-like-red face had cooled down to a normal shade of peach. I went down and placed my dish in the sink.
Taeyong: bro, clean dishes after ur done, and by the way, why did you go to the bedroom and have breakfast?
Jaehyun: the reason is c-c-complicated.
Chenle: so complicated that it makes you s-s-s-stutter?
Jackson: u know u can trust us right? So tell the c-c-complicated reason.
Jaehyun: guys! Come one, fine. I-I-I saw Y/N.
Jisung: ikr! He makes all our hearts flutter! He looks like full on baby boy material when he wears light colors-
Kun: AND daddy material when he-
Yuta: wears black or dark shades!
Johnny: y'all literally completed each other's sentence! Lol!
Ten: I have something fun planned for tonight! We all can drink beer and party or just play a simple daring game, which do u choose?
Johnny, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Jeno, Jaemin, Kun, Mark Lee, Renjun, Hendery, Yuta, Jungwoo, Jisung, JB, BamBam, Yugyeom, Youngjae : Drink beer and partay!
Lucas, Haechan, Winwin, Yangyang, Taeil, Taeyong, Ten, Chenle, Xiaojun, Jinyoung, Mark Tuan, Jackson: Simple daring game!
Jaehyun: who would want to be a representative for each group? Beer group?
Beer grp: *discussing Johnny!
Jaehyun: Game grp?
Game grp: *discussing Ten!
Jaehyun: ok now, Ten tell us why shall we play games?
Ten: because it's safe for Y/N and he's only 16. He's a teenage dude!
Johnny: *murmurs not really...
Jaehyun: you said somethin' ?
Johnny: nah. But it's my turn right now so I'll tell the reason for our group. We can have beer and ~dance the night away-
Jungwoo: ~ayyyyy
Johnny: haha, and even if he drinks a little beer by mistake, he might get drunk and spill out everything about his hardships in life.
Jaehyun: okie now u both have really good points, soooooo, why not do both?
Haechan: I'm in!
Others: us too!
Johnny: guys, can I tell u something?
Hendery: sure hyung!
Johnny: yesterday when everyone went to sleep, I decided to check on Y/N cuz I felt like I made him sad yesterday.
Taeyong: hyung, don't take it hard on ur self!
Mark L: yea!
Jaehyun: wait! Let him continue.
Johnny: anyways, when I went in, I saw him sitting up straight while listening to music on his EarPods. So I went over to him and asked him if I didn't upset him, and then after coaxing him, he decided to sit on my lap and hug me with his chin on my shoulder while telling me all of his hardships and a few he didn't even tell his family so basically nobody in the world knew.
Lucas: can u pls tell us about the hardship story flashback?
Johnny: sure, I actually recorded it cuz I knew I would tell u guys and sooooo.. *plays recording on phone and keeps it on the center of the table * 'asks for a kiss' part comes and then immediately takes the phone away
Winwin: why did u take the phone?
Mark T: yea, it looked like there was still some more to hear.
Jisung: *comes behind Johnny and snatches phone from him and runs back Ha! I GOT THE PHONE! Lemme out it on full volume. *volume up up up (we go dumb litty XD)
Johnny: *runs to his room and slams door shut
Jackson: *after remaining part was heard ummmm, w-w-where did Johnny go?
Yugyeom: I'll go get him...
BamBam: did hyung have s-e-x with Y/N?!
Taeyong: n-no, I don't think so. Maybe just a kiss, that's all.
Taeil: then why was there fucking moaning?
Ten: it's okay, anyways our time will come too, just wait and don't be jealous bitches *evil smirks
All: *starts blushing and sweating little lets clean the d-d-dishes!
Johnny: *dragged by Yugyeom with dark pink ears
Yugyeom: I got him guys!
Johnny: ummmm, w-w-what happened?
Jisung: hyungs did ya have sex with Y/N!? Not fair!! *pouty face
Johnny: w-w-what do u mean not fair?
Jisung: i wanted to be his first kiss and also the first one to steal his virginity!
Taeyong: tf Jisung?! You have a point tho. I mean he is attractive-
Ten and Yuta: AND no one can resist it. *cocky smirks
Jackson: bro did u?
Johnny: y-y-yeah...
Jisung: Omo! How did it feel?!
Ten: Did u love it?!
Yuta: State your reason!
Taeil: Did he suck your dick?!
Taeyong: Did you suck his dick?!
Jungwoo: How big was he?!
Haechan: Did ur dick fit in him?!
BamBam: Did u use any toys?!
Kun: Did he tease you?!
Hendery: Did u tease him?!
Renjun: Did u prep him before....*hand motions, if yes what flavored lube??!
Lucas: Did he sound pretty?!
Winwin: How did he look?!
Chenle: Did each of you tug each other's hair?!
Johnny: FUCKING STOP! I'LL ANSWER UR QUESTIONS ONE-BY-ONE! You'll wake him up! The answers are: Jisung, it felt like heaven. Ten, yes I freaking loved it. Yuta, because it was so pleasing. Taeil, yes he did. Taeyong, yes I did. Jungwoo, the perfect fit or size or wutever u call it. Haechan, it did perfectly and pleasingly. BamBam, yes only one. Kun, yes he did a little. Hendery, no I didn't. Renjun, yes with mango-flavored. Lucas, yes he sounded like the most beautiful angel ever. Winwin, he looked breathtaking, sexy, hot, cute, ripped, dashing, damn fuckable, need I say more? Chenle, yes but I felt like he did it more perfectly, like using the right amount of pressure. Johnny, yes I'll sto- ugh fuck.
Jaehyun: that explains the choker on him when I went to check on him. The thing is, when I was about to go out after checking on him, I heard the bedsheets move and when I saw him, he was about to fall so I just quickly caught him with my arms, but the blanket slipped down and he was only in his boxers and a black lace choker. He looked *chefs kiss.
Jungwoo: I wanna see him! *tip toes and runs upstairs to Y/N's room
Haechan: wait for me!
Others: we too! The room is big enough for all of us to fit, right tho?
Johnny: obviously, but it might look uncomfortable if we ALL go.
Others: *anyways go
Johnny: wait up for me!
We all went up to his room and saw him turning to the right, his only-boxer-and-choker body visible to us. I literally could see Jisung and a few others drooling literally. He suddenly shifted to the left side, his face clearly visible to us. I decided to take a photo, but then it would be invading his privacy, but I did it anyways, cuz I wanted his photo so badly.
Jisung: *after we all came down hey hyungs, u knooooow....let's all hide when he comes except Johnny hyung to see them, and if we are super-lucky, we might even get to see them get all lovey-dovey.
Taeil: let's do that!
Ten: nononono, its too uhh-
Yuta: perfect! Let's do it.
Taeyong: about 10 or less can hide under the table; remaining can spread around the house or behind the coach, fuck, couch, and close to wherever Johnny will be sitting. Ready?
All: ready! Johnny where will u sit?
Johnny: I'll sit at the couch and then sit at the dining table- did u hear that?
Jackson: *whisper shouting HE IS AWAKE! EVERYONE HIDE FAST!!!
Yugyeom: *dramatic-frantic-whisper-screaming
Y/N's P.O.V.
After a lot of shuffling and all on the bed, I decided to wake up and freshen up. I decided to wear black today cuz Johnny hyung had taken all my energy yesterday, but I still have some left so I'm wearing comfy. I then put my EarPods to "In the frozen-Dreamcatcher", and I'm suddenly replenished with energy! I am addicted to this song like it is some drug. But when I started feeling the song more deeper, I started levitating. I found it cool, so I decided to levitate around the room. But the songs' few parts made me remember my past and without me knowing, I was set on the ground and the things around me started to levitate in circles around me, and my surroundings started to turn snowy and icy, like in the frozen, even my hair had turned into a white color, like Jackfrost. I got so scared but I didn't want to worry anyone or wake them up, so I forced myself to not scream, but then suddenly the song changed to "potion-Eric nam", and all the furniture suddenly dropped onto the ground causing it to make such a huge noise that I was sure that it would be heard, but at the same time I was having a hunch if they would hear it cause Johnny hyung had said that the walls were soundproofed. I decided to levitate the things back to its position and it took a while but I got it done. The song changed to "paradise-Eric nam" and so did my hair change into a vibrant shade of yellow, from green(potion-Eric nam). So I guessed that my hair might change color to the album color, and my eyes change to the color of the beats of hardcore bass or badass or songs that I can feel deeper, and the atmosphere or surrounding around me might change based on a few songs. So I decided to go down and pretend nothing happened and I couldn't do anything with my hair soooooo yea. I saw Johnny hyung on the sofa and surprisingly, no one was around so I just went towards hyung and sat on his lap giving him a good morning hug.
Y/N: *cute tiny voice good morning hyungie!
Johnny: *chuckles good morning baby! Did u sleep well?
Y/N: yup! By the way, can I have pancakes for breakfast? I know how to make the batter, and I'll make for u too! Sooooo, soufflé or normal?
Johnny: half soufflés and half pancakes if it's possible for u. Like, 20 soufflés and 20 normals.
Y/N: cool! *going to get up
Johnny: *pulls him back down by the hip But baby, why has your hair color changed?
Y/N: I don't know. When I woke up this morning and went to freshen up, I looked in the mirror and saw my hair got changed to a yellow color, but it looked cute so I didn't do anything.
Johnny: ur right heck it looks cute! *pinches his cute nose okay, now let's make pancakes! Lemme help in the mixing and measurements of ingredients okay?
Y/N: yay!! Sure, let's gooooo! *naruto runs to kitchen
Johnny: but first we should know how much we need for one pancake and-
Y/N: -multiply it by 20! Or is it 40? 40 right? Cuz when we divide it, it become 20-20, then we can make one batter semi-liquid and the other fluffy.
Johnny: yup! So tell me the ingredients.
Y/N: *takes out phone soooo-
Johnny: *smiles I thought u knew?
Y/N: I know, but I just wanted to be sure cuz I get it mixed up between baking powder and baking soda. Anyways, these ingredients are for 3 soufflé ones sooooo-
Johnny: we should multiply the ingredients byyy..ummm-
Y/N: multiply them by 10? Nonononoooo, multiply by 7! Cuz 7x3=21!
Johnny: but we need to make for 40 and then separate them into 20. U choose which is easier. It's confusing lol, XD.
Y/N: ikr! XD! Ur way is easier so we need to multiply it by 13! 13x3=39! Okie! So the ingredients areeee:
2 egg yolks- wait should I say the multiplied version?
Johnny: sure!
Y/N: then that makes iiiiiit, okie got it! Get out ur phone and open calculator, we gonna learn some good mathematics today! *chuckles and laughs lemme listen to music, cuz somehow I can concentrate when listening to music. I'm listening to in the frozen by dream catcher on repeat. I love it!
Johnny: me toooo! It's just beautiful!
Y/N: even "not by the moon" and "drippin'" and "hard carry" and the neo zone one. I LOVE THEM!!!- *realizes hair might start turning color but doesn't care o-okie, let's make them! So about 2x13 eggs; 13 tablespoons of milk; 6.5 teaspoons of vanilla extract; 4x13 teaspoons of flour; 6 teaspoons of baking powder; 3x13 tablespoons of sugar! Wait, wait, wait, wait, why are we making 40?! Oh for the other hyungs, cuz it seems like they are still sleeping. But what if they don't like pancakes? Do they?
Johnny: Actually when I woke up, they ate their breakfast and said they were going back to sleep cuz they felt lazy.
Y/N: oh okie! So then we can just have the normal 3 servings right?
Johnny: yup, but I have a question, wasn't your hair yellow?
Y/N: fuck. Ummm, yeah so then instead of two digit number eggs, we just need a single digit, two, and then 1 tablespoon of milk, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, 4 teaspoons of flour, half a teaspoon baking powder and 3 tablespoons of Suga! Lol, Yoongi hyung!
Johnny: XD! Okay, let's make it!
Y/N: *after making it yay! We did it!! Now just to add maple syrup annnnnnd *adds syrup done! Wooooooow! It looks sooooo cute!
Johnny: yup! Just like u! Come on now let's sit down at the couch and watch something while eating!
Y/N: can I watch you while I'm eating?
Johnny: *nervously chuckles s-s-sure! Even tho I find being cheesy cringy, somehow u pull it off so cutely.
Y/N: *chuckles thanks hyung! Now let's enjoy the treat! I bet the others mouth must have been watering if they were seeing this!
Johnny: *starts laughing so hard w-what if they were here? Ahhh, my stomach is hurting!
Y/N: theeeeeeen, I will cut it into bite sized pieces for each one of em'!
Johnny: awww, that's so cute! But what if you won't have any left?
Y/N: it's okie! I can just have some fruits or a smoothie!
Johnny: how sweet my baby is! Lemme feed you.*takes fork and cuts it and feeds him
Y/N: ~mmmm yummy! You should try too hyung! *feeds him too
Johnny: wow, it's so yummy! *both of them finish it and keep the plate on the table oh wait baby, there's some syrup on the corner of your lips. *comes closer and slowly licks the corner of lips
Y/N: *pulls him into a slow but passionate kiss
Johnny: *puts him on his lap and forgets the others are still there
Y/N: *coincidentally "trust my love-got7" plays so puts one of the EarPods in Johnny's ear and start kissing in sync
Johnny: *hands go around neck and back of head
Y/N: *slowly and unnoticeably grinds on him
Johnny: *moans softly and tugs his hair softly
Y/N: *moans into his touch but song ends and so does their session
Johnny: *pulls back and blushes slightly
Y/N: *ears turn red and playfully hits Johnny's chest and becomes shy looks like I'm still sober from the drunk feeling by the emotions, lol, lemme wash the dish and come.
Johnny: cum? *evil grin
Y/N: *flustered shy aish hyung! Go away! :D
I went and washed the dishes but I heard a slight shuffling of feet as if the other hyungs were hiding somewhere. I got curious so I finished washing the dish and suddenly looked down to see if anybody was there but, nobody was there. So I went to hyung and sat beside him while hugging him and resting my face on his chest. Just then he spoke up.
Y/N: can I do it with all the other hyungs?
Johnny: do what?
Y/N: sex.
Johnny: umm ok, but why?
Y/N: Then I can live happily ever after with 40 boyfriends who will take care of me at any cost! U know, including my members too!
Johnny: *chuckles that's an ample of boyfriends, u sure?
Y/N: yupidiyup!
Jisung: *comes out from behind the couch and kisses Y/N on cheek surprise!
Others: *slowly come out of their hidden spots hi!
Y/N: u guy were there all the time?! Wut were u doing??
Taeil: well Johnny told us about what happened between you guys last night and soooo-
BamBam: -we really wanted to see you love birds in your act but didn't want u to get uncomfortable around us so-
Taeyong: -we hid. A few of us were actually under the table, and when u went to wash the dishes we-
Winwin: -quickly ran away from there and hid behind the couch with them.
Jisung: Aaaaand it looked like hyung forgot about us hiding when you were kissing him. Is it that hypnotizing?
Jaehyun: I wanna try it!
Yugyeom: me too!
Youngjae: and me!
Jinyoung: count me in and all the rest of us too!
Y/N: today's the best dayyyyyyyyy! *dancing crazily but hyungs find it cute
Taeyong: cute!
Lucas: cute little baby boy!
Y/N: ahh, Lucas hyung! By the way, I found this rlly cute timeline I guess, of you! Have a look!

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