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A/N: as requested by SweetChild87 (hope this is what you had in mind). Setting: during the filming of Don't Cry
It was your daughter's fifth birthday and this was his idea of how he would spend time with her: while he was at work. You fought with the idea of letting Rosie, yours and Axl's daughter, spend her birthday with Axl on the set of a music video.
The music industry, especially the Rock n Roll one, was not the place to put your five year old daughter. You were uncertain of what things would be going on behind the scenes: would there be his bandmates off to the side, drunk or high? Would there be pervy cameramen (god knows the kind of people Axl made friends with) Would it be a good environment for your daughter? You weren't sure.
In the early days, when you met Axl and fell pregnant with Rosie, he would be surrounded by drugs, alcohol, sex workers. He would get into fits of rage that neither you nor Rosie could handle. That's why you left, not because you didn't love him; but the opposite in fact. You couldn't bare to see him throw his life away and perhaps end up dead because of his excessive lifestyle. You thought that maybe you walking out would be the wake up call he needed. Unfortunately, it wasn't: Rosie was. Axl was with you in the hospital when she was born; you watched him when he held her afterwards. His sharp green eyes softened and you saw a part of him that you rarely experienced: a kinder, more nurturing part. But against your conviction, you and Rosie stayed in a small apartment; away from Axl and his 'friends'. She visited him occasionally. Even though you trusted Axl and saw him gradually changing into a more patient and caring person, you still stayed with Rosie whenever she was with him. You wanted so badly to trust that Axl was different, but how could you when you saw him at his worst.
"Mommy come on, we're going to be late," Rosie tugged your hand as you and her walked in the parking lot and to the studio. You chuckled at her when she let go of your hand and ran in front of you. Her strawberry hair glistened in the sunlight while her feet bounced her up and down on the pavement. She had Axl's distinctive hair; his piercing eyes; and his small, hook like nose- thank god she had her father's facial features.
(A/N: don't take this personally I'm not calling y'all ugly. Just, calling Axl pretty.)
You watched as Rosie rolled her eyes and ran back to you, once more urging you towards the door- she had her father's impatience too. She tugged on the edges of your jacket as you opened the door and entered the bustling room. There were cameras set up on every corner of the room with more crew and cameramen that you could count. A few people nodded a 'hello' to you and pointed you in the direction where Axl and the director, Andy, were talking.
His back was to you and Rosie; him and Andy were in deep conversation so they didn't notice your excited daughter bursting at the seams and continuously tugging on your arms. In the dim light, you noticed that Axl had a towel around his waist, with some sort of green paint on his torso. That was odd, even for Axl.