How you met Slash

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The day you met Slash was simultaneously the worst and best day of your life

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The day you met Slash was simultaneously the worst and best day of your life. You were actually running late to a blind date that your friend had organised because you had a flat tyre. 
And unfortunately, you had forgotten to replace the spare tyre in the back. So you were stranded on the side of the road with no one but your pet that you were going to drop off at your friend's house before the date. 
"Calm down Jimmy," you tried to soothe your restless pet in the box while you attempted to grab the attention of a car passing by.

Lucky for you, there was at least one person on the highway who pulled to the side to help you. 
You watched as a tanned man with a mass of curls on his head get out of the car. 
As he walked over, you placed the box with your pet on top of your car. 
"Hey," the man's voice was soft, "you alright darlin'?"
You explained the situation to the man, whose name you learnt was Slash. Somehow, you thought that was a lie but you didn't press it. 
Fortunately, Slash's car had the same tyres as yours and he had his spare in the back which he decided to give to you. And being the lovely gentleman that he was, he offered to change the tyre for you. 
You insisted that you could do it yourself but he refused to let a "beautifully dressed woman get grease and dirt on her." You thought that statement was particularly coincidental given that you worked as a mechanic. However, you kept that knowledge to yourself as you watched Slash change your tyre.

While he was working away, Slash and you began talking. Even though he was extremely soft spoken, he was a funny guy. 
"So what's a girl like you doing out on the highway in the night?" Slash asked. 
"Well, I had a blind date that my friend set up," you replied while you nudged some stones with your boots.
"You must be real bummed about being late for that," Slash's voice came from underneath the car. 
"Not really," you continued talking to him, "my friend has a terrible taste in men. Most blind dates she sets me up with end up being jerks and ass holes."
"Really? What kind of guys have you gone on dates with?" he asked while he double checked the new tyre was secure. 
"Oh the usual: doctors, lawyers, other stuck up rich guys," you leaned against the car while Slash slid out from underneath it.
A hissing noise interrupted your conversation. You had completely forgotten about your pet Jimmy upon meeting Slash. You uncovered the box on the top of the car and peeked inside to see if your your snake was fine. 
"Sssh Jimmy," you cooed at him. 
"Woah is that a ring necked snake," Slash said as he wiped the sweat of his forehead and stood next to you. 
"Yeah his name is Jimmy. Do you want to hold him?" You asked while you took the snake out of the box and handed it to Slash. You were surprised that Slash was so comfortable with a snake in his hand. Most people, guys included, were totally freaked out by your pet snake. 
That was  the moment you viewed Slash as a bit more than a stranger, a friend perhaps,  or maybe even more. 

You noticed the large line of grease smudged across his face and the specks of dirt in his hair while he placed Jimmy back in the box. He was a tiny bit good looking. 
Though he was a stranger and you were well aware of the creeps roaming around the world, something inside of you wanted to know a bit more about this mysterious dark haired, handsome man who had saved you. Plus, you felt guilty about taking his spare tyre. So, you and him exchanged contact details. 
It seemed that Slash had also taken a liking to you, especially after seeing Jimmy.
"Just call me when you're buying a new tyre. I'll  come with you and I can pay for it," you told him as he buckled himself inside of his car. You stood next to his window. 
"It's a date," he winked at you before you two said your goodbyes. 

Slash was right; it was a date. The best date you ever went on. Even if it was just buying spare tyres. But of course, that lead to more and more dates.

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