How you kiss Duff and your first kiss together

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Duff loves taking you backstage after gigs and to venues before gigs

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Duff loves taking you backstage after gigs and to venues before gigs. Mainly because it's an opportunity for him to show you off to the other guys. He's stoked that he's the only one out of the five of them who has a girl as awesome as you. 
He also loves the silly antics that you and him get caught up in when you two are backstage. It could be playing a prank on one of the boys; or messing around with the roadies. 

Actually, it was one of those days when you and Duff shared your first kiss together. You had just run out of the storeroom with Izzy chasing behind you. Unfortunately for him, he was the victim of your latest prank. 
Duff noticed the two of you and grabbed you by your waist as you ran past him, "not so fast babe."
"Nooo, Duff let me go before Izzy comes here," you wined. It was too late, the guitarist had caught up to you. 
"I swear to god Mackagan if she wasn't your girl she'd be dead," Izzy glared at the two of you before walking away. He knew not to mess with you when Duff was around. 
"When I get mad at her I'll let you know Iz," Duff called out with a chuckle.
"Hey!" you turned around and whacked him on the shoulder. His arms were wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him.
Duff looked even more perfect. The soft glow from the afternoon sun was right behind him and was shining through his mane of blonde hair. It made him look like an angel. 
He sensed a change in your mood and used the moment as the opportune time to kiss you. 
You let him cup the side of your face and pull you in. His lips ran smoothly over yours. He took his sweet time in teasing you: moving from the top of your lips to your neck over your collarbones. He kissed everywhere on your upper half with passion but your lips. 
"Duff," you batted your eyelashes at him. 
He smirked stupidly at you. 
You knew that if you wanted something you had to do it yourself. You pulled his face closer to yours and boldly licked a line along the inside of his top lip. That was the final straw for him. He made out with you then and there like your lives depended on it.

Duff's lips are soft and, oddly enough, strong. Meaning he loves to dominate you through the kisses you and him share. A lot of the time he'll nip at your bottom lip. Which you respond to by giving him a playful smack on his ass. 
When you and him kiss when he's wasted or high, it's reallllyyy slow. Mainly because Duff drifts in and out of consciousness. But when he's fully sober and turned on BOY O BOY get ready for Duff pushing you against the wall and not once breaking the kiss. He'll practically dry hump you then and there until you push him away and take his clothes off. But for some reason he likes make out sessions with you when your clothes are off. Perhaps it's because he knows it'll lead to sex. You love it. It's so carnal and raw. 
He'll usually surprise you with make out sessions though. You'll come home from a day of work. And there will be candles lit in the bedroom and flower petals on the bed and a Prince record playing in the background. You'll turn around to find an extremely loving yet horny Duff behind you. 
"Gimme a kiss babe," he'll say. And before you have a chance to ask him what's going on or how his day was, his hands and lips will be all over you. 
It's his way of showing you that he loves you.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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