Chapter Fifteen: Firewhiskey

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10PM ~~~ Earlier that evening...


"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!"

Draco slammed a fist down on his dormitory desk. Hard. It caused the whole bedroom to rattle and he inahled sharply, trying to calm himself by pressing his fingers to his temples.

His wild eyes scanned the newly trashed room. Every drawer was pulled out, their contents strewn about the floor, making it look as though a bomb had gone off.

The others wouldn't be too pleased to discover this mess upon returning from their late night quidditch practice, but Draco couldn't give a flying fuck if they got upset. He was upset. Desperate and growing more livid by the second.

He'd searched everywhere for it.


Even in Blaise's sock drawer, which is the last place he wanted to rummage through.

He knew it was all pretty pointless anyway - why would Blaise have it? Any one that knew him would have to be asking for a death wish by stealing something off of him.

But he hadn't lost it - Draco didn't loose things - so his mind reached the bitter conclusion that some little wretch must have stolen it.

But who?

His hands rolled into fists, clenching alongside his jaw as he defeatedly wandered over to the window. He glared out at the view before him. If you could even call it a bloody view. Why the hell did they think it would be a good idea to shove the Slytherin quaters in the dungeons, under the lake? All there was too look at was water, more water, seaweed and-

A topless mermaid swam up to the window, eyeing him suggestivley. Draco scowled at her before flipping her off, turning on his heel to leave.

"Merlin help me if I have to spend another year at this bloody joke of a school..." He muttered to himself as he flounced out of the door, his robes swishing around him.

The common room was empty when he entered it. Of course it was - everybody sane around here was fast asleep, apart from his dormitory friends as they were at practice. Draco was supposed to have joined them, but he'd worked up some excuse at the last minute. That's because he'd noticed it then -

He'd noticed his sacred ring was gone.

Not just any old ring, like the one he wore day to day simply because he admired the way it looked. This ring was an important ring. A family ring. One he had sworn not to take off...

"-As you are aware Draco, your death eater mark connects you to Voldemort. He can summon you through it whenever he wants. This ring, connects you to me."

Draco had accepted the plain, silver ring from his father, Lucius, without a word. He'd slipped it on his finger and immediately felt the low vibrations of dark magic clinging to it.

"Should you feel a stinging sensation, then you should take that as a signal to apparate to the manor. Immediately." His fathers eyes then narrowed, distrustful and cold. "You do not, under any circumstances, remove it from your finger. Understood?"

"Yes, father."

After eighteen years, Draco knew better than to disobey his fathers orders. He may have been reckless, he may even have sometimes wished for his own death, far more than other people wished it on him, but despite these things, Draco didn't aspire to die. Not yet.

And he knew that was exactly what would happen - if he refused his fathers commands. He never threatened him with death outright, but he didn't need to.

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