Chapter Twenty-Six: Fears

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"And remember, the incantation we use is..."

"Riddikulus!" The class chorused.

Fifteen minutes before the end of the lesson, Snape had sprung it upon us that we would be switching from a theoretical study of Boggarts to a practical one. Chairs were suddenly screeching against the flagstones and the classroom burst into life -- so had the sleeping boy behind me.

I'd been blissfully undisturbed ever since he'd nodded off, and was starting to fall into my studies again. But now that Snape had given those orders, a groaning sigh was heaved out behind me. A scornful string of mutterings spilled out in his groggy tone:

"This class is ridiculous..."

I rose grudgingly from my chair, silently scoffing at him -- he wasn't funny. Wasn't witty. He was just a lazy, humming, hair-pulling little imp.

"And anyone who does not wish to partake may stand and observe at the back-"

He didn't have to tell me twice. I was off.

I grabbed my bag and hurriedly went to stand far away from the excitable gaggle of students.

"Although, now that you are all six years, I think it would be wise not to be cowardly when it comes to these things - learning how to defend yourself is vital. Danger has a nasty habit of springing upon us when we least expect it..."

Yes, well, I thought bitterly, if it's that bloody easy why don't you show us how it's done? Silly old man.

I had done enough research about bogart's to know that they were something I didn't ever want to encounter. Ever. Obviously, it wasn't the boggart itself that scared me -- it was my fear it would shapeshift into, and although I wasn't completely certain of what my worst fear was, I had no desire to find out. Who in their right mind would want to put themselves through something like that?

Not Draco either, by the looks of it.

I'd turned from the crowds in hopes of being able to take a seat to myself at the window at the back of the classroom. Because then I could happily stare out of it whilst pretending I was anywhere but here.

But another tall, statue of a figure had made his way to stand over there before me. I could see his reflection clearly in the glass: concentrated, eager, lips slightly pursed-

- For he was currently using his index finger to draw a smiley face into the condensation misting up the window.

A helpless laugh shot out of my nose before I could stop myself. Draco's reflection shifted his surprised eyes to me, and they quickly narrowed.

He fixed his jaw, hurriedly swiping away his little sketch before sharply spinning on his heel. I averted my eyes, but I knew he was now staring.

"Something funny, Lockwood?"

I turned, sharpish, to go and stand by the wall. But I could already hear his slow footsteps approaching -- could already see his shadow looming over me as he slinked over.

"No," I said shortly, pretending to be very interested in staring at the group of students at the front of the classroom. "I just laugh to myself sometimes, that's all."

"Yeah," Draco gave a nasty, dry laugh, "I bet you do."

My mouth opened and closed and my heart suddenly plummeted in my chest -- because he was suddenly there. Right there, behind where I stood. I felt his cold presence creeping up to me, getting closer, and felt the warmth being blasted off my skin when his shadow quickly enveloped mine.

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