Chapter Forty-Five: I-scream

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A/N: Was the last chapter confusing? Good 😌 because nothing will make sense until near the end of this story mwahaha ;)
Oh, and I turned up the toxicity dial in this chapter. Because we're only about halfway through the book. And I can't make their relationship run too smoothly this early on. I'd get bored lmao


It was like coming up from underwater. First thing I heard was a rushing sound in my ears. And then, from somewhere up above the surface, a distant voice calling "Violent Violent Violent--"

No -- Violet. Not violent. Although the tone of the voice which was cutting through the muffled humming in my eardrums certainly sounded violent. And it shocked me wide awake. Pulled me back into reality and back into my body.

I woke with a start, eyelids snapping open. Gasping. Screaming. Thrashing about against two arms of iron that had trapped me from behind.

Something cold which felt like glass was suddenly pushed against my lips. Smooth, sweet tasting liquid met my tongue, and I clamped my mouth shut, struggling to fight off whoever was behind me.

A hand suddenly removed its grip from my waist and my jaw was grabbed instead. Rough fingers poked at my lips, trying to prise my mouth open.

"Just drink it! Before you faint again!"

Draco. I recognised his sharp voice in my ear. I didn't stop struggling. Why was he forcing a potion down my throat? Why did it feel like we were sitting on a bed?

I let out a strangled, choking noise as he tried to tip the liquid down my throat, but I didn't dare swallow it. His face was suddenly in front of me -- a pale, blinding blur. Like a dark angel come to drag me away. He clamped one of his hands around my mouth, catching my frantic punches with in the other.

"Just swallow it!" He hissed. I finally blinked, snapping into reality. We were in his bedroom. Draco was sat in front of me on his bed. And I had a mouthful of some weird tasting potion that I was not planning on swallowing anytime soon.

"It's just half of a calming draught!" I heard him plead. "You need to take it! Just -- trust me."

I blinked, his face finally coming into focus inches away from mine. Anxious blue eyes scanning each of my own. I stared into them -- horrified. "Swallow it." He commanded. "All of it."

I reluctantly did so.

But I still felt anything but calm.

He didn't remove his hand from where it was roughly pressed against my lips. He just stared -- long and hard. I noticed the shadows under his eyes. The way concern and desperation seemed to be plastered over his pointed features. And I blinked, slowly, too lost in his eyes to think straight.

My shoulders finally slumped and his expression flickered with hope. Things finally felt calm again. The hand from my mouth was pulled away - hesitantly, like I was a wild animal who was about to start snarling at him.

"How do you feel?" Draco asked carefully.

I dragged in a staggered breath. Forced myself to nod. My head felt light, from the potion, yet heavy with thoughts. "Fine... I'm fine now."

Then I winced, rubbing my temples. Voice slipping out hoarse. "I-I remember what happened. My ears..." My hands went flying up to my ears. "They were bleeding!"

"They stopped as soon as you fainted. I was going to take you to the hospital wing, but you said not to." Draco was staring at me as though he was trying to analyse every micro-expression I made. Suspicious.

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