Chapter Fifty-Eight: Funhouse

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He was desperate. To make amends. To tell Violet how he really felt. To turn back time to ten minutes ago so that he could stop himself from kissing that girl. He'd only wanted to make Violet jealous. Make her a little agitated. A little fustrated.

But he'd seen her face when he'd walked into that empty arcade, and it'd felt like a punch in the gut: she was more than jealous. He'd hurt her.

And the fucked up side of his being secretly relished in the fact. It confirmed the last of his doubts and insecurities: Violet did care about him. She cared she cared she cared -- as did he to her. Draco knew that it was a dangourous waters he was treading on -- but there was no going back now: He was tired of bottling up his true affections towards her.

He was sick of causing her so much grief as well; all he wanted to do at present was make her smile again.

So holding Violet's small hand in his larger one, he'd pulled her out of the arcade doors; now they were left standing in a scene quite overbearing on the senses: the edge of a funfair.

It was only a small, temporary set-up, with old, slightly sketchy looking waltzers, a carousel and small ferris wheel. The music was loud. The distant shrieks from the rides were probably excitable, but Draco's paranoia made him think of sinister scenarios. Bright, neon lights flashed left right and centre, a sharp contrast against the velvety night sky. Most obviously, there were muggles. Muggles everywhere.

A dire inconvenience really, because all Draco wanted for him and Violet right now, was some privacy.

She'd edged closer to him as he'd led them into the midst of the bustling fair, squeezing his hand a little tighter. Maybe she didn't like the crowds either? That made two of them.

Draco pulled her closer to his side, resting his hand on the small of her back as he guided her through the swarming crowds of muggles. My god, did they annoy him. All their laughing and smiling and cheer.

The only muggle smile he liked to see belonged to Violet.

A strange looking building a few meters off caught Draco's eye: FUNHOUSE! - As it was so boldy titled across its front. And quite conveniently for them, the attraction was closed off with blue tape around it. No guards or workers lingered about outside, and with a surge of satisfaction he guided Violet towards the exit door of the funhouse, looking left and right before he pulled the handle down.

"What are you doing?! We can't go in there!" Violet was being sensible. Shocker.

He grabbed her hand and glanced over his shoulder, shooting a smug smile. "But we need somewhere private -- to talk."

"To talk about what?" She was confused -- slighty suspicious. Draco didn't know how to reply, because in truth he didn't have actually have anything planned to talk about. All he knew was that he needed to get Violet alone somewhere quiet so he could. . . confess? apologise? Make out with her?

The last option seemed the least scary.

Draco shrugged and opened the door, revealling a long, red-lit corridoor. Creepy, he thought. But it was perfectly secluded.

"I don't know," He called out over his shoulder. "But it's clear we both weren't enjoying ourselves in that club. And Theo will hardly notice or care that we've gone."

He pulled Violet through the door and gently shut it behind them. Keeping her close, he tugged her hand; together they started making their way down the strange, red-lit corridoor. At the end of it stood a mirrored doorway, which Draco swung open. Violet gripped his arm with both hands, suddenly holding back.

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