Chapter Nineteen: Dishonest

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A/N: If knives, violence, toxicity and sexual references scare you, you might want to skrrt skrrt away because the next couple of chaps are gonna be packing with it luv xx 🏃🏼‍♀️💨


I don't know why I was even the least bit surprised at this. Still, the question came shooting out before I could bite it back.

"Have you been drinking?"

His glare flickered to blank, then surprise. And then his fingers pressed deeper into my jaw.

"No?" He scoffed. I noticed his voice always grew slightly higher whenever he became defensive about something, accentuating his already strong English accent. "Why would it matter if I was, anyway?"

"Well... It's a school night, isn't it? It's not very responsible." I said pointedly, acting as though I hadn't just returned from my own drinking session with Hermione and the others.

I was simply digging at him to keep the subject away from his scary curses and threats.

"Responsible? Are you seriously lecturing me right now?"

For a second I swore he looked almost amused, but this quickly disappeared behind another scowl. He scoffed, enraged:

"What are you, my mother?"

Then shook his head fiercely, as if pulling himself back into focus, strands of blond falling across his forehead and flipping against my cheek. "What does any of this even matter? I just want my bloody ring back-"

"-And I just want to go to bed!"

I tried to lift my hands to push him away but they were still trapped between both of our chests. I lost it then. Started squirming and wriggling, face scrunched up. I might of well have been trying to move the fucking Statue of Liberty because Malfoy was as stiff as stone. A literal rock.

He still had my jaw in his icy fingers, and suddenly my head was tilted - forced - right the way back until my neck was exposed. A glint of metal in my peripheral vision made me try and tilt down to look, but he held my chin up, keeping me pinned under his invasive glare.

The skin on my neck tingled, shivered when he suddenly dipped his head and breathed a dark chuckle against it.

I fought to keep my breathing steady. Don't panic. Don't even make a sound.

He lifted his head up after a moment and stared at me for a long, long second - almost thoughtfully, and I prayed that he couldn't see the flush that was creeping across my cheeks. He didn't speak, and for the first time ever I really wished he would just say something.

Because silence meant I didn't have the faintest clue of what was going through his mind. If he was enraged or smug. He just stared and stared and stared. Was there something on my face? For a brief, horrifying moment I seriously thought he was going to kiss me. A ludicrous thought it was - why the hell would he want to do that?

But his closeness made my rationality slip. Our noses were almost touching. My hands were pressed against his chest. My heart was pounding and there was a strange, swirling heat which in my lower abdomen which was only getting hotter-

Suddenly there was a cold, hard surface pressing under my jaw, and with that, all my embarrassment quickly turned to fear - terror--

- for Draco Malfoy now had me held at knife-point.

I squeezed my eyes shut in terror.

"You know, Lockwood, maybe I am being a little dishonest. Perhaps your right. Perhaps I am drunk. In that case, isn't it unfortunate that I'm holding a knife up against your neck right now?" His taunting words cut through my ear in a tight whisper.

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