The Siblings

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"Where are they?" Spock asked, angrily. "Shouldn't they be here by now?"

Thranduil had given up reasoning with him by now. The mysterious visitor had waited here all day with him, and was constantly pacing. The movement wasn't enough to completely irritate him, but it was annoying and Thranduil was about to boil over. Of course, Spock was right. Legolas should've been able to go find Cendra and make it back to the palace within a few hours at the most. Cendra was unusual and might be difficult to locate, but Thranduil trusted his son to get the job done and please this strange visitor so he could go back to where he came from.

He still didn't entirely trust Spock. The visitor had said he was half human, which Thranduil could see in him, and half Vulcan. Thranduil had no idea what a Vulcan was, and had never heard of one of them before. When asked where one might find a Vulcan, Spock either couldn't-or wouldn't locate it on the map Thranduil had showed.

"It' a different galaxy," Spock had said.

Thranduil arched his eyebrow at this. A...what? Galaxy? Was this a Vulcan term that the elves had lost?

"No," Spock explained. "I think the humans came up with it. Do you know what galaxy Middle Earth is in? We had to pass through a wormhole to get here," Spock said this all curiously, as if he actually cared about the answer. "Are you in some kind of a parallel universe or is Earth perhaps another planet orbiting your same star?" Thranduil honestly didn't know what Spock was talking about. Half of the words he spoke-galaxy, wormhole, parallel universe-Thranduil had never heard before in his life.

"I'm afraid that is classified information," Thranduil had said evenly, refusing to admit that he might not know something.

Spock nodded, clearly being used to that answer, and continued pacing.

It became dark.

Thranduil suggested Spock retire to his quarters in the palace. Spock refused. Thranduil had expected him to.

It became light. Both men, more like elf and half man, stood there resolutely. Thranduil raised his hand to protect his eyes from the rising sun in the east. Without the glare, he squinted and saw something odd. An elf, very tall, carrying something, leaving Rivendell in the direction of an old unused path that lead towards the mountain where Smaug the dragon had captured it from the dwarves. That was curious.

He watched for several minutes, and then noticed a little cottage up that path. That made more sense.

Having nothing better to do besides watching the elf walk towards the cottage, Thranduil asked Spock why he wanted to see Cendra, and not anyone or anything else.

"Because she is my sister," Spock said simply, and that was it. He refused to talk any more about it.

By the second hour of Spock pacing. Thranduil was fuming. Where were they? He wondered. Thankfully, Legolas and Cendra entered right then.

Cendra stomped right over to Spock and said, "Who are you?" All Spock did was stare at her for a while, fascinated with the idea that here was his sister, or at least half sister, and she didn't know who he was.

"I'm Spock," he said at last. "Your half brother,"

Cendra stared at him in disbelief. So did Legolas, but for a different reason.

"You mean...we're related? I'm your sister?" She gave the stoic half Vulcan a hug, and when her brother hugged her back, even Thranduil was convinced. They were siblings. That meant that maybe Spock would leave, taking this girl with him. That wouldn't be bad for the kingdom, he decided. But then again, Spock could decide to stay because of her. Thranduil didn't even know where Cendra lived, maybe she had enough room for him. Still, he'd rather be gone of the stranger.

They were siblings. This had a totally different impact on Legolas. They were siblings! He smiled, a real smile, and shook Spock's hand.

"Welcome, brother of Cendra!" He said happily and Spock found his opinions of Legolas changing. Maybe this blond elf wasn't so bad after all.

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