(Yuuya x Yuuto) Goodbye

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It was all over. The dimensional wars...the chaos of losing close ones, the constant fighting and dueling for the wrongest reason. Soft, gasping laughs escaped through Yuuya and Yuuto's lips as they lay on the slightly wet grass. Their clothes were getting a bit muddy, but they couldn't care less.

"It's over, it's all over..." Yuuto mumbled, wrapping his long, damaged cloak around himself. It was slightly stained with blood, but he was cold.

"But Yuuto...we'll never see eachother again." Yuuya pointed out. His own jacket that usually flew from his shoulder was draped over him, pulled close over his arms.

"The dimensions are closing. They're separating...I can feel it even in the deep corners of your mind." Yuuto agreed. The two counterparts had yet to separate, but it wouldn't be long. Once the dimensions had pulled apart and closed, all would be returned to their own dimensions.

"You'll get your body back." Yuuya whispered. The two were silent as they stared up into the dark, calmed night sky. Stars shot through the cool air, glittering. The long plain of grass wasn't real--in fact, it was just a place in Yuuya's mind.

"I'll get my body back." Yuuto repeated raspily, but there was something...savoring in his voice. As if he was repeating the words, trying to find the joy that was in the statement. It was all he had wanted since he fused with Yuuya, his body back and Ruri to be safe. But then...why did the words taste so bitter?

"I'll miss you."

Yuuto's head turned to the side in surprise. His face rested on his folded arms that were positioned behind his neck. Yuuya was in an almost identical position.

Yuuya then continued, "Ya know. You're my partner. After everything that happened, I'll miss that scolding voice in my head."

Yuuto chuckled: he had scolded him a bit in their time together. "I guess I'll miss scolding you, Yuuya."

"There's more." Yuuya added, biting on his lip. "Reiji told me...Reiji told me we aren't going to be able to visit eachother."

"Oh." Yuuto hesitated for a moment, then replied gently, "We knew we wouldn't be able to, Yuuya."

"Yeah...but it just feels...worse hearing it, you know? We've made so many friends. And now we're never gonna see them again." Yuuya explained, sighing.

"I don't feel this way. I'll be happy to be home." Yuuto responded thoughtfully, turning his gaze back to the sky. But he could feel that pang of hurt that hit Yuuya, they were still connected anyhow, and he immediately felt guilty. "N-No, Yuuya, I will miss you. I promise."

"I'll miss ya too, Yoot."

"Please don't call me that."

"Got it, Yuto." Both Yuuya and Yuuto laughed together again. "So how're things going with Ruri?"

"I don't know. I...you know what's weird? When we were separated, I felt some sort of...emotion to her. Like, a sort of...non-friendly attraction to her. But now that we're together...I just...don't feel it anymore." Yuuto explained, and Yuuya nodded in agreement.

"Same with Yuzu." Yuuya replied. "It was an opinion that was almost forced on me, somehow. With everyone telling me we looked like a couple, and there was more to what I thought about her, it just...got embedded in me. But now that I'm really with her, she's...a sister."

"Yeah." Yuuto felt a smile creep on his lips. Talking to Yuuya was so much easier than talking to anyone else, it came naturally. Unlike others, he didn't only listen to questions. He listened to whatever Yuuto had to say, and it was always so familiar. As if he had lived through the same conditions as him, even if they were from completely different dimensions.

Then there was a slow, but painful jerking. Almost if someone was trying to pull apart Yuuto's brain. He glanced around in pain, noticing Yuuya going through the same movement.

"Yuu...ya..." Yuuto groaned, wrapping his hands around his own eyes, trying to block out the light to calm his headache.

"I guess...this is goodbye..." Yuuya gasped, speaking the words of Yuuto as well. It felt almost like a sharp pang on his chest, worse than the other times. He didn't want to see Yuuto go. The emotion was indescribable. It could only be classified as the emotions that come with a goodbye.

"It is...goodbye, Sakaki Yuuya...I enjoyed my time with you..." Yuuto replied. He felt as if the wind had gotten stronger, and was pulling at him, not just to push him backwards, but to tear him into little pieces.

"Me too, man..." Yuuya agreed, reaching forward to pat Yuuto, but he was already gone.

The sky, the stars seemed to dim. The grass got darker, dying and floating into the air like little pieces of black. Everything went dark, and that's when Yuuya woke up, greeted with his mother, his father, Yuzu. Tears streamed from his eyes. He never got to tell Yuuto he loved him.

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