(Dennis x Yuuri) Partners In Crime

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[warning: large-ish age gap]

All of Academia was scared of Yuuri. It was obvious in the way their eyes widened in fear, gasps crawled up their throats. One motion of his arm that carried his duel disk was enough for everyone to start backing away. Every sweet, obviously wrong smile that graced his face would send shivers down spines. Every teasing word, that lofty yet almost pleasant-sounding sound that seemed innocent enough obviously was not. 

There was one person who wasn't scared of Yuuri, and Yuuri could remember every moment of when they met.

Yuuri had been younger, maybe around 14? Five years ago, when he was still training. He had been wandering around the island, hugging a purple jacket around him. It was cold. He had snuck away from the Doktor and Professor. His head was ringing, his throat was sore from screaming. No one was allowed to see him like that. But the Doktor and Professor had seen him in his blood-thirsty craze, clawing, tears, screaming—all because of some stupid experiment that had left his body sore. 

 Yuri wasn't scared when he was surrounded. 

They were older than them. Not adults. Yuuri examined them, height and demeanour. Probably seventeen-ish. Duel Academy had all ages, all for different purposes.

"Can I help you?" Yuuri asked with a sweet smile, fully aware of their sharp, prickly smirks as they stared at him. They had lust in their eyes. A bit crazed looking. Yuuri was used to seeing Obelisk Force members like this.

Yuuri still wasn't scared.

One motion of his fingers, they would be turned into cards. Yuuri had no doubt in his skills, no matter how much older or how longer his opponent(s) had been trained. 

A sharp smirk embellished his lips as he reached to activate his duel disk, one that didn't look like it belonged on such a cute face, but Yuuri didn't have to activate it.

"What are you doing?"

Yuuri was surprised, to admit, to turn around and see another Obelisk Force member. 

He was tall, around the same height as the Obelisk Force members, maybe a few inches taller. His lips were set in a firm line, his head slightly tilted upward as he watched the scene. His eyes skimmed over the soldiers, not finding them interesting with their masks on and suits, looking identical, but his eyes caught on Yuuri. Yuuri noted the way his eyes flickered, almost looking intrigued. 

His eyes skimmed over Yuuri. First over his orchid purple hair, his lips curving in an amused manner. Yuuri jutted his lip out slightly. His hair couldn't be that odd, looking at the boy's funny looking reddish-orange hair. His smile only grew more amused as he stared at the younger boy, and he walked over to him. 

Even after seeing the DA badge on his chest, signifying he really was some hot-shot soldier, Yuuri still wasn't scared.

"What's a little boy like you doing outside of Duel Academy? Only soldiers are allowed off the premises." the soldier told him as he looked down at him, still a spark of amusement glittering in his eyes. Yuuri stared back up at him. 

"I'm not a little boy." Yuuri snapped, an arm on his hip. "I'm 14 years old, and I'm one of the Professor's prized students."

"Are you now?" the soldier asked with a chuckle that could only be described as patronizing, but his eyes said otherwise as he stared down at him with interest. "What's your name?"

"I'll give you mine if you give me yours first."

Yuuri got to know that the soldier was Dennis Macfield. He was 18, already having graduated from Duel Academy. Though he had the option to move back to Domino City to become a professional duelist, he opted to stay at Duel Academy and be part of the Obelisk Force. Yuuri, on the other hand, didn't have much to tell. What could he tell? He didn't even know his last name.

Dennis didn't seem to mind.


"We need to clean the blood."

Dennis glanced over to his partner. Yuuri was wiping blood off his clothes, staining his fingers as he applied pressure, squeezing it out before it seeped in and stained permanently. Dennis smiled admiringly when he saw Yuuri's figers accidentally brushed his cheek, leaving a red swipe. 

"But you look so much prettier in the blood." Dennis told him. His foot lightly touched the damp, fallen body, shoes getting wet in the red, silken pool of blood as he walked over to Yuuri.

His bare hand tilted Yuuri's face upwards, as his gloved other grazed his cheek gently, the blood catching on the fabric.

"Shut up. We need to clean the blood." Yuuri hissed as Dennis placed his hands on either side of Yuuri's waist.

"It can wait." Dennis whispered as he promptly picked Yuuri up, placing him on the Professor's desk. The room was completely empty, and would be for some time, for the body on the floor was the Professor himself.

"Go fuck yourself, and get your bloody hands off of me." Yuuri snapped as he looked away. Dennis spread his legs a little so he could lean forward and adjust his hands, putting his hands on the sides of his faces.

"But I'd rather fuck you, sweetheart,"

"We're in the Professor's office!"

"He's dead, who cares?"

"You are so unprofessional."

"I can't help it, you just look so adorably sexy with blood on your face,"

"You and your kinks."

"Says the masochist. You know you enjoy it..."

Yuuri sighed in exasperation as Dennis was already laying him down on the desk and crawling on top of him.

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