(Jonouchi x Reader) Ice Cream

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(F/F) = Favorite Flavor


"Ah!" you gasp in surprise when a young man ran straight into you, the two of you being knocked to the ground. You whined when the (F/F) ice cream that you had been holding was knocked to the ground, immediately melting against the hot pavement.

"Damn it...sorry!" he said to you as he quickly got up, offering you a hand as you hmphed, grabbing it as he hoisted you up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." you replied with a bit of disappointment in your voice. "But my ice cream isn't."

He looked to the side to see the spilt ice cream on the pavement, and chuckled nervously. "Yeah. Yeah, it isn't. Sorry about that..."

"It's fine..." you replied, looking disappointed as you looked at it. It was a really hot day, typical for summer. You hadn't even got a lick, and you sighed.

You turned your gaze to see the guy staring at you. He had tousled, blonde hair, and light brown eyes. His skin was slightly tanned, and he had a cut on his cheek.

He look flustered as you raised an eyebrow, and he said quickly, "I'll make it up to you, I promise!"

You whined as you tuned around. "But the ice cream truck is already gone..."

"Um. Well, ice cream truck ice cream is cheap, anyway! We can head to an actual ice cream a store. There's one not far from here."

You contemplated this for a while. You didn't really need the ice cream, but it would be nice to get some anyway. Besides, the guy in front of you was pretty hot, and you didn't want to waste the chance.

"Fine, let's go." you replied, and you smiled softly as he grinned.

"Great! I'm Jonouchi by the way. What about you?" he asked as the two of you headed towards the ice cream store. You were new to Domino City, so you weren't really sure exactly where it was, but he looked familiar as he waved to others.

"I'm...(Y/N)." you replied, and you watched nervously as he scrunched up his forehead in familiarity, trying to remember something.

"I could've sworn I've heard that name before." Jonouchi said to you. "Eh. I'll remember later. Here we are!"

It was a cute, quaint shop, and you walked inside to see there were many more flavors and toppings than you'd expected. You smiled happily.

"Charming." you said to him as you looked around.

"Yup. You sit down, and I'll get the ice cream. What flavor d'you want?" Jonouchi asked you, his fingers wriggling in his pocket as he looked for some cash.

"I'll take (F/F)." you replied, your usual. He nodded as he went to get the cone, and you sat yourself down. You watched him admirably. You had just met, but he was sort of a cute guy. It was nice of him to apologize for the ice cream and take you all the way over here.

He came over as he handed you the cone, and sat across from you. "So, where are you from?"

"Not Domino City. I'm just visiting here from a while."

"Yup, thought so. You didn't look familiar with the streets, and I know mostly everyone around." Jonouchi replied.

"Sooo, what's with the cut?" you asked him curiously as you pointed to the one on his cheekbone area.

"Oh?" Jonouchi chuckled nervously as you pointed to it. "Um. Um, it's...it's a battle scar. Got into a fight with a gang. Took one to the face. But I put the other four in their place."

You stared at him for a few seconds. You were intelligent, and you were good with understanding feelings and reactions. With the way he had laughed anxiously and drummed his fingers on the table, you knew something was off. "You're lying to me."

Jonouchi blinked a couple of times, shocked. "How...How'd you know?"

You smiled. "Guys like you take pride in damage from a winning battle. They think it makes them look cool. You look ashamed. Do you live with anyone?"

Jonouchi hesitated as he looked down at the table. "My dad." he replied quickly, hoping if he didn't spend too much time on it, you wouldn't ask.

But you did ask. You asked, "Did he do this to you?"

Jonouchi looked up at you quickly and then down at his lap. "Yeah..."

You softened at the lost look on his face. "You don't have to answer, of course...but...what happened?"

Jonouchi looked up from his lap at you, his golden-brown eyes meeting your (E/C) ones. You didn't think he was going to answer, until he did.

"He um...threw a whiskey bottle at me. It missed glass shattered from contact with the wall, and scraped my cheek..."

You gave him a soft look of pity, at which he looked ashamed at and looked away. "I'm so sorry..."

"Yeah. I was rushing 'cause I was on my way to a job interview. Pay off my old man's debts."

Then you realized, the reason Jonouchi had ran into you was because of the job interview. You bit your lip, feeling guilty.

"You...you missed it for me?" you asked. "But..."

"But nothing. It was the right thing to do."

You stared into his eyes, and he stared back. The cut had dried up a bit, but you couldn't break the gaze. Suddenly, you told him something that made his jaw drop open.

"You will be hired at (L/N) Technologies. You will report to work everyday as long as I require. Room and board will be provided. It will not be necessary to return to your father's place. You may send him money as you require." you stated, and he stared at you in shock.

"You're...you're...(Y/N) from (L/N) Technologies?!" Jonouchi asked you, eyes wide. "Why didn't you tell me?"

You switched from your serious face to a soft smile. "I like to go out in public and not be bombarded with fans, sometimes. I'd love it if you could work for me. You show dedication and respect, something I value in all employees."

Jonouchi's eyes continued to stare at you, wide open and, jaw dropped. Then you giggled softly, breaking the stoic expression. Jonouchi slightly relaxed.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." Jonouchi finally said as he grinned happily, and you smiled back as you patted his shoulder, reaching over. After the two of you stood up (you having already finished your ice cream) you stood on your tip-toes, placing a quick kiss on his lips. He looked flustered, but could not stop smiling.

"See you soon, idiot." you told him as you waved goodbye, turning around as you left through the door.

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