Chapter: One

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Disclaimer: I do not own Netflix, Julie and the Phantoms, or any of the music!

(A/N: The image above is Julie's dress but with a leather jacket, choker, and combat boots.)

Julie scampered around her bedroom, looking for her lucky dahlia clip to clasp her hair back. Tonight was the night. The night that she was going to open for Dirty Candy and earn her spot in the music program back. They were performing at the dance this year and Julie's teacher told her that if she opened for her ex best friends group then she could stay enrolled in the music program. It was only last week that she had played again for the first time since her mom died and she was extremely nervous. 

Julie glanced under her bed and she found her dahlia clip. She quickly grabbed it and went over to her mirror to finish getting ready. Julie was wearing a dark red dress (A/N: Image above) with her black leather jacket, combat boots, and a choker. The red of the dahlia would finish the look. Since Julie was only going to play a few of her songs she wanted to dress in a way that she could still join Flynn on the dance floor later. They made a pact that neither of them would get dates and they would go as the dynamic duo of best friends they were. 

Julie was interrupted from doing her hair when there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" Julie called and her dad poked his head in the door. "Hey, mija. Just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. We should get going in a couple of minutes if we want to make it on time to set up." He said, smiling. "I'll be down stairs soon, I just need to finish getting ready." She said, struggling to clip the front pieces of her hair back so it made a crown. "You look great, honey. I know this is your first performance without your mom so take all the time you need." Her dad said and Julie thought for a moment. "Actually, you and Carlos can go ahead. I think I'm going to walk there to clear my head." Julie said. She needed some time to regroup. "Okay. I'm so proud of you." Julie smiled at her dad and he closed her door.

She sucked in a breath as her hands fiddled with the red flower until she was happy with how it looked. She glanced out her window and saw her father and brother pulling out of the driveway. Julie's equipment was in his car so she didn't need to worry about bringing it with her. 

She made her way down the stairs and left through the front door, locking it on her way out. She made her way out to her moms studio and slowly opened the doors. She had been in here only a few times since her mothers passing and every time it was a challenge to work up the courage to enter. Her eyes trailed over all of the instruments. There was the grand piano, two acoustic guitars (one was her moms and one was hers) and a violin. Usually her microphone was in there as well but that was being used tonight. Julie moved to sit on the couch that was fairly new and ran her hand over the coffee table. 

There were a few coasters on the surface but what caught her eyes was a CD in a clear case. It was labeled as Wake Up and Julie immediately recognized the title as the song she found last week. Julie reached for the case and turned it over to see a note on the back. 'Thought you might want to remember this -XO Flynn'. Julie smiled and set the disc back down. Her friend must've recorded when she sang for the first time and used one of the old dial ups to burn it onto the CD. 

Julie looked up to where the chairs were on the ceiling and the memory of her mother up on a ladder, installing them played in her mind. A few tears pooled in her eyes and she fought back the urge to cry. After all she still had to perform. "I miss you mom. I'm sorry that I didn't play sooner. It's just been hard without you. Dad is doing better now and Carlos is being his sunshine self again. I just thought I'd let you know that we've been trying to get back to normal for you. I love you so much." Julie whispered with her eyes closed. She stayed frozen for a second before turning and leaving the studio, sending one last look at the piano before closing the door and making her way down the block towards her school. 

She got to the crosswalk and waited until the light turned green, signaling her to start making her way across the street. It all happened in a blur and all Julie can remember is only making it half way across before there being a black sports car that rammed into her body straight on. Julie was shoved out into the street where her skin skidded across the pavement. It felt like her outsides were being shredded and her organs being crushed. Julie couldn't form any coherent thoughts only seeing bright flashes of  yellow and white headlights. She wanted to move, to get up out of the street but no matter how hard she willed herself to, she couldn't. Breathing wasn't coming easily either. The fear and adrenaline that were coursing through her veins was the only thing keeping her conscious. 

Julie wasn't keeping track of time and so it felt like ages before the familiar sound of a siren came. She heard someone talking to her, trying to communicate to her but it didn't register in her brain. Nothing was registering but the amount of pain she was in. At some point she was lifted onto a stretcher, the change from the scratchy ground providing only the tiniest bit of relief. 

There was a bright flash and Julie closed her eyes to shield herself. She must have passed out because the next thing she knew she was in a room, all alone. It was dark there and there didn't seem to be any windows. Julie stood up and glanced down at her arms and legs, seeing no signs of any injuries. She felt her face and it was unharmed. Come to mention it she couldn't feel any pain at all. Her dress wasn't even torn. Maybe this was all just a dream. Julie put her hand out and ran it across the blank walls. The room wasn't big but it wasn't a closet either. 

Not knowing where the hell she was, Julie called out. "Dad?! Carlos?! Flynn?!" Each time she didn't get a response, continuing to freak her out. Julie pinched her the skin on the back of her left hand. She could definitely feel that. So this wasn't a dream? What was going on then? Julie sat down and brought her knees up to her chest. In a moment of panic she brought her hand up to her dahlia clip and sighed when it was still there. Julie's mind went through everything she knew and came to only one possible answer. Julie Molina was dead.

Ahhhhh! Sorry for not posting this sooner. It took me awhile to come up with the cover but even now it's still temporary until I make a better one. I'm asking you for your feedback before I write the next chapter. Again I do need help with the cover art and any suggestions are welcome. Remember to tell me if you want anything different or if you want me to continue. Thank you so much! 😘


Rewind and Reverse: A Julie and the Phantoms FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now