Chapter 4

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----death or life?----

I sit in my cell traumatized how could i have killed my brother my 7 well technically 8 year old brother he was way to young but at the same time i wasn't any older. I guess it was just in my blood to fight. I never understood how people could enjoy the fact young kids die in battle just for freedom. What sick mind would have thought of that? Like they wanted me to kill my brother but why? I still couldn't understand my next fight wasn't until next week but the guards came to my cell and took me somewhere. You can hear the laughs of rich snotty people. They tell me "you have 2 options" scared to ask what i stay silent. The main one said " you can either fight one of our best man in Rome and win your way to freedom, but if you lose we kill you right in front of your family," At that moment I realized it was a lose lose situation. Because my fight would be in Rome they would offer me a ride home. Plus there best man is probably muscular and strong but at the same time I have smarts that can help me out. All these fighters think its about strength but i think its all about smarts. I agree to his deal that whole week as everyone says " The Best" competes at the same arena that i happen to be at. I watch his moves his punches exactly 0.9 seconds before it hits hit target "the face." Everyone punch right to the face know one notices why because there to bust trying to get muscular but with this guy it won't help if you don't have a plan. I watch his fights he has one almost everyday. He has a combination 3 punches to the face and a kick to the ankles. I have two more days until we get on the ships and head to Rome. Some random person comes to me squeezes my weak but a a little strong arm and whispers in my ear " I hope your family enjoys watching you die because this is a fight you won't win." Chills crawl up my spine. I will prove everyone wrong I know I will as long as i have confidence I can win this thing. I know his moves the time it takes and everything i need to know.

OK so that is it for this chapter will he win his fight or get defeated? I just want to take this time to thank someone who changed my life Mrs.Moore she was my composition teacher yes it was just for one semester but that was the best semester ever she tought me to never give up and she helped me become a better writer next time a teacher helps you with something or has advice listen to it because you know it can change you a lot thank you for all your help

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