Chapter 5

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A/N So this weekend i may just go on a writing spree about different topics while i come up with ideas on this book so ya hope you guys enjoy i am doing this on my computer instead of phone because i like this better so i can really use emoticons or my A/N so ya well here is chapter five just had to get that out.


'Wake up get your stuff ready the ships are leaving in 20 minutes if you're late we won't even bother to wait for you" says a guard well thanks i say under my breath. Today is the day i finally get to go somewhere i have always wanted to be Rome. I know i might die there but at least i can enjoy a nice stadium with people either cheering me on or booing that i will get crushed. (A/N some of you are probably thinking this movie is based on pompeii well it kind of is so ya) I am ready in 5 minutes because first of all i have one set of clothes and no belongings so i don't get why they give us extra time it's not like i have to say goodbye to family or anything. As i get on the ship they tell me to sit down stairs i thought it would be me and a couple guys oh i was wrong. There were wooden benches everywhere it smelled like sweat and once the doors were closed the only light you can see was the light from the miniature rounded window holes. I was sitting between a more muscular guy. It was freaky because all he did was have a very dreadful look on his face and slept with his eyes open he was very hairy and smelled like fish. The other guy was older and had a more bore look on his face i could not tell if he was dead or just bored. I thought i was going to at least see the ocean once but i guess i was wrong. What felt like decades 2 days later we were finally in Rome. All i kept hearing in my head is "your tiny you will never win this fight" "you're going to get defeated bad" i ignored most of those but the one that keep bothering me is " i would hate to see the faces on your family when you have to die a long death in front of them" i was going to prove everyone wrong! My fight was in exactly 4 hours no time to see any of his fights mine was going to be his first and maybe last. Did i mention if he beats me he gets his freedom? Well ya he probably picked me on purpose because he knew he would win. Once again i think there should be age limits so a 40 year old doesn't go against a 8 year old. Like seriously who could be that messed up? The time came closer and it was finally time. I got to choose a weapon of choice and i chose a medium sized sword and was given a shield. i was never offered a shield before. I was at the gates i heard the announcer "the most deadly the most powerful one as they say " Abrafo ". Everyone knew as that name meaning warrior and executioner. I noticed he had no shield. They called me up as " kid with a sword" some cheered but most booed. The arena was round in the middle was a giant rock like thing holding a cup and inside was a piece of paper. Who ever got to that paper first basically won their freedom. It looked hard to get to all you could see was rocks piled on each other then there stood the cup at the very top. There was dirt scattered on the ground you could still see the dried blood of previous fights. The people could have cared less about people dying. Abrafo just started at me like he was going to kill me it was nothing like a death stare it was something way worse. I just wanted that bell to ring hopefully i would have speed and make it to the top easily. I heard the bell ring...


CLIFFHANGER!!! i love these lol it keeps you guys thinking maybe i just won't right until a few weeks jk why would i do that to you guys?




Please get people to notice me i love writing and want to share it with many others.

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