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i fluttered my eyes awake and last night flooded into my brain. i was currently in blaises bed staring at his alarm clock, only to realize that it is 5 minutes into 1st period. i frantically get up and throw on my robes from yesterday. i wake up draco and he doors the same. we rush out the door and run to class. i try to think of excuses i could say in the way.

we quickly get into Snapes classroom, hoping he didn't see that we weren't here. of course, there he is right in front of us.

"sorry i realized that i had left my textbook in my dorm and had to run and get it" i quickly lie and say the first thing that comes to my head

"what about you Mr. Malfoy?" snape peers at him

"i overslept" after telling the truth he shrugged his shoulders and sat next the blaise without a care. Snape just walked back to his desk and started his lesson. i swear draco can get away with anything in snapes class.

the only seat left is next to a handsome boy that i've never met. i sit down next to him and opened up my textbook

"hey, i'm cedric diggory" he said this in a very kind tone but at the same time, he had a deep warm voice.

" y/n y/ln" i said, smiling

cedric and i worked on our potions and i learned a lot about him. i learned about how he plays quidditch, he's a year older than i am, etc.

the bell rang and i gathered my books

"see ya later" cedric went the opposite direction to his next class

At lunch, Dumbledore announced that there was going to be the Yule Ball in 2 weeks.

(keep in mind that the yule ball is the same but isn't with the triwizard cup. it's just a dance)

jess and i got real excited and giggly. blaise, draco, and his minions stared at us like we were crazy.

"Crabbe. Goyle. go to every guy in the school and ask them who the hottest girl is. the one with the most votes will be my date to the Yule Ball." draco orders them and they run over to the Ravenclaw table

"you are so shallow!" i raise my voice at him

"it's not shallow, just strategy"

i couldn't even look at his face.

"sooo... who do you think is gonna ask you?" i ask jess

"i have someone in mind" she gives a small smirk at blaise but he's too busy staring at his fingernails to realize

"how about you?"

"i don't know. i don't think there's a lot of people into me like that," i say

"oh shut up" dracos voice came from behind me


"you literally have every guy drooling at your feet. I bet you Potter is gonna ask you by midnight tomorrow"

"no he's not" i can't picture harry actually liking me like that. i've always seen him as a friend. he's cute i guess

"wanna bet?" dracos voice snapped me out of my daydream.

"sure what are we betting"

"whoever wins gets to pick the others date"

i really didn't want draco to pick my date, but i can't back out now. plus, it would be great to pick his date.


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