6- the choice

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It's been a few days since I told Draco he won. He still hasn't picked yet and I am kinda nervous to see who it will be. I sat down with everyone for breakfast.

Draco looked up at me, "I made my choice."

"so, who's it gonna be?"

"The one and only blood traitor, Ron Weasley."

I almost choked on my toast. "What?!"

"I've decided that you have to not only deny Harry Potter, but you have to go out with his best friend."

Draco would go to every extreme to torture Harry. I really didn't want to ask out Ron. He's sweet and all, but I wouldn't want to betray Hermione after what happened last year. She confessed her love to him, but he denied. He claimed said that he didn't want to mess with their friendship. That's all crap. He's just too much of a coward to say yes.

"Well, there's that or another option, if your up to it," he smirked.

"What is it? I'll do anything to get out of going with Ron."

"Go with me."

"What?" I was completely stunned that he said himself. Surely we had sex a couple of times, but to go to the Yule Ball with him was completely different.

He seemed to sense my confusion and said, "Go with me. It's a win-win situation. I get to go with the "'hottest girl in school,'" he made sure he put finger quotes around the phrase, "and you get to go with me. The one and only Draco Malfoy." He prided himself with too much credit.

"Can I think about it?" I bit my lip and he nodded in agreement.

On one hand, I could go with a nice dude but get others upset or I could go with a guy I really don't want to go with and only get myself upset.

This was going to be a hard choice.

Any notes or suggestions—>

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