Musings on Your Fourth

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A golden ray of sunshine
In the middle of a bitter winter
With half-moon eyes like your mother's
And a smile that can liven up a room effortlessly.

When you reached for my finger
The year you turned one,
I found myself basking in that moment of glorious triumph
While secretly hoping that the ticking of the clock would stop.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night,
I'd wake up only to watch you sleep;
Whisper a prayer, whisper a wish
That I could somehow be the hero that you need.

My little pumpkin, my Yoon Se Ri —
My sweet, little girl who is too smart to be three,
My life's greatest miracle and saving grace,
Don't you grow up just yet... please?

Author's Notes: This poem is an entry to the #CLOYtober event on Twitter based on Mr. Yoon's perspective.

Chapter art is a photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash.

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