9. Ghost King

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"Tt is your boyfriend going to be arriving soon Sea Spawn?"
Percy's reaction was eerily similar to that of Damian and hers first encounter, it took a few moments for her to stop chocking on air. Her breathing eventually evening out and she took a small sip of her coffee before answering the mini assassin.

"Nico is like a little brother to me.....so try to get along." She eyed Damian from where he sat across from her with a bored expression on his face, as he stared through the window out at the busy streets. "Also Nico's my cousin.... on my dad's side."
In one sudden movement Damian removed his blank stare from the window and instead looked at her with wide eyes.

"Wait Nico as in Nico Di Angelo? The Ghost King?"
Percy nodded her head yes and shifted her gaze to look around the small dinner.

After talking with Bruce she had ran off to the Gym to find Damian, telling him that they were going to met up with 'Nico' as she dragged him out the door.
It had been nearly thirty minutes since Bruce had given them a ride to Wayne Enterprise and the two teens had walked the rest of the way.

"Is it true he can summon the dead?"
She looked back over towards the small child, a smile forming on her face as she watched him desperately attempt to hide the awe twinkling in his eyes.
"Yeah, he can." She let out a little laugh as the young teen's eyes widened even more and he looked down at his own hand, very obviously wondering what it would be like to possess that kind of power.

"Who is this and why is he staring at his hand....like that?"

Both of them turned their heads to look at the person that had spoken, and there, in all his emo glory, stood the one and only Nico Di Angelo.
"Hey Neeks~" Percy said in a singsong voice, a wide grin spreading across on her face as she waved at him.
Her cousin sighed dramatically rubbing his hand on his forehead before looking back towards Damian, his eyes narrowing.
"So, who is this?"

Percy's grin widened even more when Damian quickly jerked his hand under the table, effectively hiding it from view.
The ravenette gestured between the two "Nico this little ball of joy is Da-" she was cut of by said 'ball of joy'.

"Tt I can introduce myself Thalassophile. I am Damian Wayne." He said it with such pride and convection that Percy had to hold in her laughter.
Nico scrunched his eyebrows in confusion "Thalassophile?"
The daughter of Poseidon couldn't hold in her laugh any longer. "I don't think that had the wanted effect Dami, maybe choose an insulting name everyone knows the meaning to." Turning back to Nico to explain. "It means 'sea lover'."

The son of Hades's eyes widened and he quickly reached towards his skull ring. "He knows?!"
"Tt of course I know Di Angelo. I am not an imbecile."
Before Nico could respond to the demon child Percy reached forward and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Neeks it's okay, I trust him. Plus Bruce made me bring him."

Letting out a small huff of air and mumbling a quiet "don't call me Neeks." The young demigod finally took a seat, forcing Damian to move right next to the window.


"So, uh, how are you?" Percy asked as she took a bite of her burger. So far awkward silence had hovered over them like dish duty at camp.
"I'm doing alright." Nico replied simply as he tried to take a bite of his own food without elbowing Damian in the face. Which he failed miserably at as he hit the mini boi right on the nose.

"Watch where you're putting that Di Angelo!" The young teen snapped as he attempted to put his drink back on the table. However, when Nico moved his elbow down he knocked Damian's arm causing him to spill his drink on them both. Damian glared furiously at the son of Hades, all previous admiration gone.

Percy, of course, watched the whole thing in silent amusement.

"Are you always this ungainly?"
"It's not my fault the two of you choose a table for two."
"Tt this was the only table available, Di Angelo."
"Then maybe you shouldn't have come, Wayne."

Aww they're bonding.
Percy abruptly stood, pointing towards the washroom sign.
"Well as much as I enjoy listening to you ladies fight, I gotta go." They showed no sign of hearing her as she turned on her heels and left the two raven-haired boys.

She hummed to herself as she walked towards the room of porcelain thrones. She could still hear them bickering even though she was practically on the other side of the large Diner.
Percy contemplated on wither or not she should go back and break it up, deciding that it would be best to just let them fight it out.

Lost in her thoughts she stumbled into something hard, blinking twice she realized that something was someone, and she had bumped into someone's chest. Percy quickly jumped back and hurriedly apologized.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I was just-"



Firstly thank you for all the sweet comments as well as being so patient
Sorry that it took a little longer than usual to update
I'm still in high school and had quite a few papers, projects and tests that I needed to do/study for.

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