25. Endings {Or a begining}

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"I have somewhere I need to go first."


"Hey Wise-girl. It's been awhile, I'm sorry I haven't come earlier but it's... it's been hard. I miss you."
Percy ran a hand over the small gravestone tracing her finger along the indents in the grey stone.
"I messed up bad, I ran away from my problems I thought they wouldn't miss me for long... I was wrong. I've found my second chance."

For a moment Percy just sat there leaning against the gravestone of her lost friend, careful of her injured arm.
"You would have been ashamed of me Annie, but I was just so scared that I was all alone after you died... and I couldn't deal with the fact that you're gone. But I'm better now I have a family. I'll miss you wise-girl, but I'll see you in Elysium."

Percy didn't know for how long she sat there, but at some point she heard the rubble of an engine then moments later a gentle hand touched her shoulder.
"Hey Perce, you ready?"

She looked up at her brother, a smile forming on her face as she nodded.
"Yeah I'm ready."


A woman in brown sitting beside a small fire smiled to herself as she watched the two siblings walk out of the graveyard, holding hands.

Before looking off to the East and frowning at the dark clouds forming. Shaking her head regretfully she looked back towards the siblings, her voice only a whisper among the ruffling of the wind through the nearby trees.
"Percy rest well, for I fear you will be needed again soon."

And just like that the woman in brown with fire for eyes disappeared into the wind along with the flame, not even a footprint nor a hot coal remained.
And then the graveyard was perfectly quiet.
For now.


And there we have it!
The other Todd is now complete
It has been a joy writing this book for you guys.

The sequel is out, The other Archer.


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