12. You Killed Her

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(I would just like to say that all my knowledge of PTSD comes from quick google searches and I by no means know what I am talking about.)

This chapter will have some swearing in it.


Dick was, for once, enjoying a relatively normal day. He was taking the night off and his three younger brothers had yet to draw weapons on each other.

"Dickk! Jason and Damian are about to kill each other!"
He mumbled a quick 'I spoke too soon' before quickly jumping up and following Tim down to the kitchen.

Out of everything Dick expected to see he didn't think they would find both Jason and Damian standing worriedly over a sobbing Percy in a fetal position.
Without missing a beat Dick quickly walked over to the three.

"What did you guys do?! I leave for a minute and you almost kill her?!" Tim asked loudly, worry evident in his voice, his loud outburst, however, led Percy to whimper quietly and curled up on herself even more. Tim quickly lowered his voice and looked pointly at Jason and Damian. "What happened?"

"I-I don't know." Dick looked at Jason in barely hidden shook, he couldn't even remember the last time he had heard or seen Jason this nervous.
Damian cleared his throat, at first glance he seemed perfectly composed, however his eyes held a distinctive fear. "Todd and I were having a...disagreement, when we drew swords she became like this."

"Guys why the hell would you pull out weapons in front of her? She is a civilian!"  Damian scoffed at his words so Dick sent him a glare.

The oldest of the Wayne boys crouched down so he was right next to Percy and reached out a hand to touch her, "It's okay Percy they aren't going to do anything to you." Before his hand could even touch her shoulder Tim yanked it back suddenly, mumbling something under his breath as all three boys looked at him questioning, "She's having a flashback. PTSD. Physical touch could make it worse."

"What?" Jason's eyes were uncharacteristically wide as he tried to keep his voice quiet.
"He said she is having a flashback Todd."
Jason glared at Damian. "I know what he said Demon, but she would've had to have gone through a very fucking traumatic experience for her to have PTSD."

Dick looked back down at Percy his eyes softening, he didn't care if she was an some assassin, right now she was just a scared kid and he promised himself that he would help her through it. Whatever it was.

"It's okay Percy, you're safe. You're okay." He mumbled comforting words as they waited for her to snap out of it. Slowly but surely she stopped shaking as much and her sobs came in smaller and smaller spans.
She let out a final whimper before blinking the fog from her tear-filled eyes, focusing back on the four boys crouched over her she hurriedly whipped her tears and sat up.

"Are you alright Percy?"
She smiled awkwardly up at Damian, the smile not reaching her eyes. "Uh yeah.."

"No you fucking aren't Perce. You just had a flashback. You have PTSD?! How-"
She turned to glare at her brother. "I don't want to talk about it." Was the only thing she said before standing to her feet on shaky knees, before she could take off to her room, however, Dick grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" She asked, her eyes glaring slightly.

He smiled down at her with kind eyes, "I just want you to know that we are here for you... you can talk to us." She looked between the four, her eyes lingering on Damian, before slowly nodding and walking out of the kitchen.

As soon as Percy disappeared around the corner Dick promptly hit Jason over the head. "Shit Dick why- oww, stop hitting me!"
"I thought you were not going to swear in front of Percy?!" Dick glared at his brother
"Well I'm sorry golden boy, but I swear when I'm fuc-frickin stressed." He quickly changed his wording when Dick raised his hand. "My sister have a flashback is stressful."

"Speaking of which, what could have caused it?" The two older boys glanced back over to Tim.

"I don't know." Dick looked at Jason with a look of astonishment, before rolling his eyes. "You don't know?"
Jason glared at Dick "Okay wise one what do you think could've given her PTSD?"
Tim answered instead, "I don't know, maybe the fact that she blew up the golden arch, got in a gun fight with her kidnapper, was supposedly in New York when the entire city fell asleep. The only reason she hasn't been arrested is because  there isn't enough evidence and she's a minor."
"Talk about a blood relative." Dick mumbled, Jason had pretty much done all of that and more.

"Yeah lack of evidence, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." Dick stared at Jason as he folded his arms in defiance "Wrong place wrong time? Multiple times?!"

Jason shrugged before dramatically gesturing to Damian "Demons being awfully quiet." He was very obviously changing the subject.
The thirteen year old in question scowled and folded his arms. "No I am not Todd."
"Uh yeah you are, usually by now you would be saying 'Jackson is a dangerous liability' or something like that." Tim smirked at Jason's poor imitation of Damian's voice.

"I just happen to think that Percy is not a liability."
"Percy?! What the hell! I was gone for two days!"

Tim leaned over to Dick, a smirk on his face "Just wait until he finds out about the duel."
"The what?!"
"Oh I didn't whisper did I?"
Dick patted his back, "No you did not."


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