Some Spice.03

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"Percyyy!" Jason called loudly down the hallway, dragging out the 'y'.
"Jasonnn!" She called back, mimicking him.

She listened as he stomped down the hallway to her room and kicked the door open, "Wanna come to the Gym and watch me destroy Tater Tot?"
Percy sighed and put the knife she was sharping down, "You're asking if I want to watch you get a katana shoved up your ass?" She jumped to her feet and walked over to her closet. "Why yes I do Jason."

"That's not- What are you doing!?" Jason asked in horror when she began to take her shirt off, she paused and looked back at him.
"Firstly I have a sports bra on, secondly I didn't tell you to watch me change."

Jason, who had covered his eyes with his hands, began to walk blindly to the door mumbling about how disgusting his sister was. Causing Percy to snicker quietly "Sweetie you do realize we share the same blood right?"


As Percy waited for a fight to break out between any of the four boys she occupied herself by beating a punching bag.
The Gym itself had many technical advances made by Tim, she smiled to herself as she thought of what would happen if Tim were to met Leo.
The two of them together would be dangerous.

"What the heck Percy?!" She looked up to see Tim staring at her intently. "What?"
"You got shot by an arrow?! Did you end up on the wrong side of Green Arrow or something?"
She followed the teen's gaze down to her upper arm where the tank top she was wearing left many of her scars on her arms visible, and sure enough the one he was staring at was caused by a stray arrow fired by one of the newer Apollo kids during practice.

"What do you mean 'yeah'?" Jason asked as he walked over, followed by Dick and Damian.
"I mean I told you guys about being a Demigod... so yeah." She thought it was self explanatory.
"You said and I quote 'Demigods go on quests and fight monsters sometimes save the world and stuff.' That's not very descriptive."
She offered Dick a small smile. "I guess it's not. Also how did you know it was an arrow?" Directing the last bit to Tim.

He shrugged, "A knife or a sword would have gone clean through, and on each end of the scar it's kinda torn which means it had to have been an arrow with prongs pointing out that ripped the skin as you tore it out."

"Oh." She looked over to Jason and tilted her head slightly.
"How did you get that scar?" She gestured to the right side of his forehead where there was about an inch and a half long jagged scar.
Dick immediately burst out laughing, tears filling eyes, "Yeah Jason how did you get that scar?" He asked sarcastically.

Jason mumbled something under his breath, his face was slowly turning to the exact complexion of a tomato. Dick smiled widely and nudged him with his elbow. "Sorry what was that?"

"During my second year as Robin Dick and I went out on patrol...and I heard a sound from behind a dumpster so I dropped down to see what it was." At this point Jason refused to make eye contact with anyone, only glaring every now and then at Dick who could barely control his laughter. "And a stupid cat jumped out and attacked me and somehow stuck itself to my face... it took Dick to finally pry it off."

The three of them burst out laughing, with Damian snicking slightly.

"Oh my gods, that is amazing! It reminds me of my cousin Jason Grace, you see when he was little...."

And just like that the five 'Wayne' kids spent the rest of the day sharing stories and telling jokes.


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