Some Spice 2.0

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Two silhouettes stood out against the slowly darkening sky. The siblings sat in silence enjoying the others company as they watched over the city of Gotham from above.
"Do you always do this?" Percy asked in slight awe, though Gotham wouldn't necessarily be called beautiful from down below on the crime-filled streets, she would be lying if she said she didn't find the view from up above absolutely breathe taking.
"Yeah." Was the simple response.

A soft laugh sounded and Jason looked over to his sister questioning, his eyebrow raised beneath his helmet. "What's so funny?"

Percy shook her head keeping her gaze fixed on the city below an almost sad smile on her face. "Even though we were separated we both became heroes."
"Yeah I guess we did." Smiling slightly.

They sat there for some time talking about everything and nothing, comparing war stories. That is, until, a loud scream caused the two to look down below them, only to see a woman be surrounded by a group of men.
Percy stood quickly and shoved on her hood to cover her face, turning towards Jason with a wide grin on her face. "You coming?"

The Red hood stared at her for a moment before offering her a hand and pulling out his grappling gun. "Hell yeah."


Here you go:)
Thanks for all the sweet comments!
Question: should Percy team up with Red hood in the future?

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