blood and arrows

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third person pov

the zombie's rotten bite had barely missed george's arm. "shit," he gasps. the brunette whips his hand back and slams his axe into the zombie's head, spilling their brain fluids out. george gagged at the sight. even though he had been a survivor for so long, it was though so horrifying to see those monsters running after them, cracks and bruises covering their entire body. he wanted to escape so bad in this dire situation.

but he couldn't. he never got the chance to while there was still hope. now, it's been too late into the apocalypse and all the human life you could have seen from the naked eye's gone. modern tech transportation was long forgotten. everyone who lived now walked by feet or pedalled on bikes. finally, for food, they lived by hunting birds and finding tattered cans in abandoned stores. the humans often questioned themselves why they'd keep themselves alive. it was no doubt that this town would die out, not in peace, but in pain.

"you alright there?" someone says from a distance. it's george's partner, dream. his actual name was clay, but he insisted to go with dream. by that name. whatever.

"if i wasn't i'd tell you," george replies, walking towards the other hunter. "sure was scary, though. and gross." he almost gags again in front of the blonde.

dream only rolls his eyes in response. he lets out a sigh. "come on. we've been doing this for well over 3 months, yet you still say that." he plays with his mask, loosening the strap wrapping his head. no one's seen his face before, and nobody asks.

"sowwy dweam that i'm not some buff superhero," george jokes. "anyways, we should go home. it's getting late." he scans the sunset, it's a sight to behold.

it glimmers in purple streaks and is painted in orange. pink and red brush the sky like the northern lights. the sun still stands, despite what it's been through. just like them. they stood tall, they were the survivors. george smiles. that's how dream described the sunset. beautiful. he begs he could see it.

george couldn't. he was colorblind.

george's pov

i switch back to dream, snapping out from my trance. "yeah, sure," dream replies, already turning away and heading to our hideout. he swings his sword across his shoulder like he's some sort of gangster. he acts all strong and tough, what a flex. i catch up to him in a swift movement. we're now walking together, with me behind him. i'm easily distracted by the the scraps and bodies around the road. the man in front of me only walks and walks. we're pretty different, if you didn't know us before. "come on, pick up the pace." he says. i scoff. we arrive at our camp 10 minutes later.

dream wraps his wounds in the messy tent, wrapping the bandages around his knees repeatedly until he was satisifed. his face consisted of slight discomfort, but bravery. meanwhile, i was brewing some speed potions. the bubbles boiled in my face and the glasses clinged together as i sorted them in the shelves. as we do our work dream starts another conversation between me and him. the sunset is gone and the moonlight bleeds through our boarded windows.

"was today another hard day?" the bandaged man asks.

"ehh. not really. you said i should be used to this, because we've been doing this for 3 months," george replies mockingly. he puts on an exaggerated british voice, even though he was british himself. fool. the younger man smirks then chuckles in response. he blushes, muttering a small "shut up." we both start giggling in the little hut, and it felt like a happy paradise for just a few seconds. despite his tough side, he's actually pretty cute..

"george? you're red-" he says, still laughing his lungs out. my laugh fades. i'm red?- wait..i was blushing with him? i then realized that my face was burning, i must have gotten flustered by the way he laughed. i just love it so much- god damn it. why was i blushing? did i like him? i had to make a quick excuse-

"helloo? earth to george?" he waves his face in front of my face. "oh, uh sorry cla- dream. i was that's all. the heat in this room was just g-getting to me," i lied. my eyes averted his mask. dream lifts an eyebrow.

"it's not that warm..but okay." dream replies suspiciously. "but oh well. your loss!" we continue the conversation like normal. but i couldn't help but think of the event that just happened in front of me, the event that i caused upon myself.

we continued doing work, dream now going and cleaning the place. it was 'till midnight before we decided to get some shut eye. we said our goodnights, and wished good luck for the next day. it'd be an average day, slaying zombies yet again.

i crawled into my sleeping bag. dream was already snoring, his soft exhales hitting his mattress with warm air. i couldn't sleep. i kept thinking about dream. i questioned if he would like me back. i questioned why i lied. most importantly? i asked myself why i even liked him in the first place. it was just something about him. i unintentionally whimper under my covers. that was the worst moment ever. dream heard me again.

"george? you awake?"

i attempt to fake sleep.

"george? please? what's wrong? why are you whimpering? you've been breathing heavy a-and- did you have a nightmare?"

it was no use to ignore, so i answer. "i'm fine, dream." i wasn't fine. i gathered up the courage to say something else.

"we just need to talk tomorrow."

"and why?"

i take a deep breath. i exhale.

"we need to talk feelings towards you."

word count 1000. story has not been double checked because it's late for me, i'm sorry!

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