Wanting More

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Mom called just as my phone hit 5% battery to inform me that I was grounded until infinity. "But Mom!" I protested. "Mia was having her foal."
Silence. And then, "Are they okay?"
"Yes! She had a gorgeous filly. Her name's My Girl."
"Like the song?"
"I don't even know what a filly is. You're really learning a lot... okay. You can skip school today, but you must go tomorrow, because you're missing Friday as well."
I blinked. I'd forgotten about that. "Thanks!"
And then the phone died, cutting off the rest of our conversation.
Lilac, who's ear had been pressed against my phone as well, listening to the conversation, nodded vigorously. "Great! Let's groom the horses leaving for Aqueduct, and then we can help load and go for a ride."
I nodded, already exhausted. "Sounds good."
A total of eight horses were going to Aqueduct- Jersey Boy, Exponential, Just A Hunch, And Of Course, Dancer's Lucky Shamrock, Holiday Break, Pirate's Deck, and Bloodless Day.
"You're nuts. He's crazy!"
Lilac looked troubled as Ned told her which horses were going. I stood next to her, feeling a bit left out. Though they had readily accepted me as a groom over the week, the history between Lilac and Ned, or anyone else here, was something I could only attain with time.
Ned shook his head. "The boss wants him there, if only for exposure."
"You mean my dad." Lilac's voice dripped enough poison to cause the horse in the stall we were standing by to stop begging for treats and back into his stall. "He's such an idiot when it comes to that horse. Bloodless Day is going to kill somebody."
I closed my eyes.
"Are you alright, Anna?" Ned asked. I didn't open my eyes, but I said, "Just tired." And he resumed talking to Lilac.
I wasn't okay, though. Because I was imagining an argument between me and Her.
"That horse is insane."
"Maybe he just needs help."
"What kind of help?"
"Do horses have therapists?"
"An. Na."
"Okay fine. But maybe if someone can break through to him, he can become just a little less crazy."
"And you want to be that someone?"
"No one else is volunteering."
"Is that what the carrots are about?"
"Yes. I think so."
"You're insane."
"And you're dead."
I opened my eyes. Ned and Lilac had stopped complaining and had lapsed into a silence laced with injustice and sealed with dread.
"I really hate that horse." Lilac finally muttered.
We split off to take care of our charges.
After Holiday and Shamrock were gleaming, I wandered casually down the aisle, making sure no one was watching me. When the coast was clear, I ducked around the corner and strode towards Bloodless Day's stall, nervously fingering the carrot I'd filched from the lounge fridge.
The handsome horse tossed his head over the stall door, glaring at me as I approached. I'd never been at the barn during school, and the lighting was weird. He looked lighter, somehow. I held out the carrot.
Bloodless Day squealed and kicked the door, rattling it in it's hinges. I snatched the carrot away and he continued his tantrum, but I was unimpressed. Finally he calmed down enough for me to offer the carrot again.
He exploded this time, kicking even as he reached for the carrot. Withdrawing my hand, I scolded him. "No. You must be polite."
His ears flattened, but something flickered in his eyes besides despicable arrogance. Irritation. I was getting to him. I offered the carrot again, letting it get closer to his gaping mouth as he leaned against the stall door, his hind end shuffling restlessly behind him in the straw. Just as he was about to get the carrot, his patience wore thin and he reared slightly.
I took back the carrot.
The dance lasted another ten minutes, me carefully offering the carrot and taking it back just when he bratted out. At last, though, he settled down just enough to take a single bite. I exited while I could, though most of the carrot remained in my palm. Bloodless Day squealed as he watched me go, and flattened his ears when I fed the rest of the carrot to a hopefully polite Tact, still on stall rest, but he didn't kick.
I had to keep him wanting more.
Bit of a shorter chapter! I just want to start getting to the races already, lots of plans for Aqueduct. Poor Anna though....
Oh well.


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