Tangled [Mangle One Shot]

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You couldn't even finish your sentence let alone make an excuse to your mind on just what was that. The only thing that could pass through your brain was the repetitive thought; Just what is that!?

You looked at the idle built Mangle, it was strange really, just what happened here? It was as if the builder gave out or just quit in the process. You walked deeper into kids cove.  You looked at the arts and crafts strewn upon the wall made by presumably five year olds. The silly faces on them made you laugh, almost enough to laugh away the fearful events that took place on your shift hours.


You waved your flashlight around the room, watching its beam slice through the darkness and give you sight. You saw what appeared to be a animatronic fox sprawled upon the floor. Stepping over you saw it had a white face with one yellow eye, the other appeared to be in an endoskeleton head and its features were as of those from the toy animatronics.

You  saw most of its body was incomplete and had only an endoskeleton to map out the figure of its suit. You saw it at least had hands and feet. Prodding at it for a bit you decided you'd done enough exploring for the night and head out for the security office.

You sat there, fuming and badly wanting to hurt Balloon Boy. You currently held him by the foot  and held your stolen flashlight battery in the other hand. Balloon Boy was shaking in fear.

"Now then Billy, would yuou like to explain why I found my missing battery in your pocket?"

Balloon Boy shook his head.

"I didn't take it this time! I swear!"

His squeaky voice giving you a headache.

"Well, it didn't just walk off into your pocket now did it?"

Your patience with him thining.

"No, but but I was framed! And and I can prove it!" His repetitive stuttering making the pounding in your head worse. "Fine." You started. "Prove it." You saw the relieved gleam in his eyes and let  his leg go dropping him with a thud.

"Oww," He stood and rubbed his head then grabbing your tablet he tried to switch the cameras. But with his stubby hand he couldn't do so. You snatched it from him, his being alone annoyed you.

You switched the cameras to where Balloon Boy usually stood with his sign and he pointed at a small button yiu never noticed labelled 'rewind'. Clicking it you watched the footage play backwards when he suddenly squeaked.

"OK! Stop!"

You stopped the footage and watched it play out. The screen went to black before returning and showing a white fox with toy makeup and one yellow eye, beside its head an endoskeleton with the other eye and a tangled mess of crosswords,beams and electronic parts held together by the metal skeletal  system of the being itself.

You watched in curiosity as the camera when out once more then presumed now showing the tangled fox putting your missing battery in Balloon Boys pocket then the screen went out one last time. When returning you saw the fox was gone and Balloon Boys eyes opening and looking around.

Balloon Boy looked at you, hoping now you would believe him, which you did of course, but you weren't admitting your mistake. Not by a long shot , so you slugged him over the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" His whiny voice rising as he cried.

"That's for taking my batteries all those other times! Now skat you nuisance!"

You barked angry at your mistake yet too proud to admit it. Billy did as told, running off while holding his sign by his feet in one hand and rubbing his head with the other. Once disappearing into the darkness of the hall you ard a faint whine.

"I'm telling Freddy!"

You rolled your (e/c) orbs. He wouldn't dare, he was more scared of Toy Freddy than he was of you. You heard a faint shuffle and presumed Balloon Boy had returned to pester you once more. Clicking your flashlight you saw it was in fact not Billy but the fox you had know known as Mangle. And she was on the ceiling..

God this place was a freak show.

You flicked your flashlight at her wondering, hoping it would have the same affect as it has on Foxy...

It didn't.

She leaped out at you and you ducked. "AHH! WHAT THE-!?"

You stopped when Mangles head slammed against the back wall and slumped onto the floor like a rag doll.  You shook in fear, slowly staggering to your feet you saw the animatronic sprawl upwards hoisting itself like a contortionist and screeched. You covered your ears, the sound piercing them and pounding throughout your head.

The screeching stopped, you looked down to see Mangle at your feet looking up at you in sadness. You saw her limbs were tangled with her crosswires. Slowly you untangled them and she sat upright best she could, her maw holding your fallen flashlight.

"T-thank you." You stuttered lowly and she nuzzled your tear stained cheek. You had purely thought you were done for.

She scurried away as fast as she'd come. Leaving you puzzled. You sighed and sat back down , your thoughts tangled, almost as much as to resemble the fox you had just nearly died from.


Five Nights At Freddy's Two  One Shots! [Animatronics x Reader Detective!]Where stories live. Discover now