Breaking your Mind [Golden Freddy One Shot]

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         "OH MY GOD!" You closed your eyes and cringed into a shaking ball, you opened one (e/c) orb and saw the golden bear was gone. You were frightened as to just what that was. It was never mentioned of a golden Freddy, sure the old one and Toy Freddy...But never a golden one.

You looked around, it was gone for now, though something told you it'd be back, that something was Marionette. You wondered if it was to scare you or to warn you, either way you would heed that warning. Though, you didn't know how, you couldn't arm yourself besides your gun but alas even that wouldn't help.         You cringed and shook holding yourself as the literal thought of not making this night passed your mind. You felt as if you were breaking, as if your mind was breaking..Or to be more precise..

As if someone was breaking your mind.

You looked around, after fully calming down you released yourself from the rolled up ball form you sat in and sat upright in your chair, drinking some coffee you shook your head a bit forcing to stay awake and looked at the time. Oh great, the clock's out. You would now have to walk to the generator. Though, you may have forgotten where it was. You grabbed your flashlight, gained some courage and threw your mask on. You then presumed to walk out the office. 

You made your way past the stage, all of the animals eyes on you though..Their gazes...were...


You shuddered as you made your way past  the Parts and Service, just taking a peek in as you made your way. You saw Chica sprawled on the floor as if she'd fallen, entering you lifted her up and slumped her on the floor,  you saw old Bonnie was gone but you need not ponder and prod at where the animatronic had wondered off to. You continued on, exiting the Parts and Service and making your way down the hall. Finding the generator was easy enough to your surprise. You saw it was on.

"That's strange.."

"You shouldn't be here,"

"Bonnie!?" You whipped around to see the purple bunny slumping to one side, its arm dangling and its red small beam of an eye flickering. "Y-you scared me there buddy-"

"You should be in the saftey of the office."


"He'll break your mind (f/n)! "

He grabbed you by the underarm, then proceeding to drag you down the hall and past Parts and Service. You saw the others gazes by the door, watching you. Whispering to you. 

Warning you. 

You tugged and pulled at Bonnie, trying to escape the animatronics grip. But alas it held a tight hold. You sighed giving a huff of defeat as it continued on. You passed the prize counter and saw something was written in the dust on the lid of the Marionette's present box. You could only imagine why it was cowering in there when you hadn't wound the music box when you suddenly read what was written.


You felt chills run down your back as Bonnie let your arm go, you turned to ask why he'd left you in the hall when you heard-no, felt a presence with you. You started to speedwalk down the way ,a bit unnerved when you felt the presence again, breaking into a jog you felt as if you were being chased, and  as if the darkened way was narrowing. You were fearful, scared, terrified of what your mind was perseving to give chase to you.         You ran faster, trying to outrun the morbid thought growing only bigger in your mind. You wondered what were to happen if you couldn't outrun it. You only imagined the worst which motivated you to go on. You dived on the desk, rolling on your stomach and landing on the floor you rolled under the desk and looked up and out to see a giant golden Freddy head flying at you. You screamed and cowered beneath the desk.

"No, no , no , no." You kept repeating almost repetively. You were crying and shaking, clutching your head and rocking back and forth. You felt like you where going mad with the insane amounts of intoxicating fear. You cried harder at the manipulating screams and schreeeks that entered your ears. "Go away! Leave me alone!" You yelled at the voice that was ever so slowly, so casually breaking your mind.          You began kicking and thrashing at the imaginary hand that grabbed at you when in reality it was merely a worried Vincent trying to calm you. 

"Go away! Stop it, GET AWAY!" You screamed when the sounds stopped, screams faded and the hands disappeared leaving the only thing in your sight; Vincent. You'd never been more grateful to see him. You clung to your co-worker as if dependent on your life, he was shocked as much as worried. You let him help you out from under the desk and helped you clean up. You had seen you'd broken your flashlight in the colision with the floor and nearly toppled the desk with your breakdown.      

   You apologized embarrassed and afraid to tell of the nights previous events in fear of being deemed insane, or crazy at the least. You did tell him of your encounter with this. "Golden Freddy." He nodded in thought and explained of the previous establishment having the main attraction be Golden Freddy but due to some accidents with the endoskeleton "smelling, odd" they had to close down. You nodded, knowing this'd be valueable information for your case. 

"Thanks Vincent, you're a real help." You smiled lightly and he nodded then was off. You looked around, everything was in order, he explained he was repairing the fuse outside so that explained the clock and that he "supoosedly" put the writing on the present box as to scare you though...

You never told him of that...

"Hey wait Vincent.."


"..I never told you about the writing on the box..."



"Oh!- It's alright rookie! I'm breaking your mind a bit! Don't sweat it."

"Oh.." You gave a small yet unsure nod and he left for the rest of the night. You sat there pondering at your discussion and the events you bore witness to throughout the night..

And you repeated what he'd said as well...

...You hadn't told him that either..

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