Hanging By The Strings [Marionette One Shot]

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        "I never liked that puppet, always had a mind of it's own."

        You played through the message, bored you muted it and flicked through the cameras. You were so angry, you couldn't believe you had to stay over the weekend. Infuriated almost. You winded up the music box and went to refill your soda.

              Looking around as you walked back to the office you slurped the sugar inducing beverage of your choice rather obnoxiously though, to your logic; No ones around so no one'll careYou plopped down in the chiar after sliding across the desk and propped your feet on it. After two hours had flew by and you'd entertained yourself with self comical none sense you heard a faint tune. Straining your (s/c) ears and concentrating on the specific sound alone you heard it.

        It sounds like...Marionette's music but...faster.. 

        Red flags were raised and alarms went off in your head as warnings of danger. You looked around, your eyes bouncing off the walls searching for the tablet.  Once said tablet was found you flicked through the cameras to the prize counter.         Quickly without haste you wound th ebox but it was too late. You heard a scruff like sound, as if someone was dragging leather, or some other cloth against the floor of the hallway. You tried to click on your flashlight when you saw it wouldn't turn on. 

        You slowly turned your head to the left of you, you heard a childs laugh while seeing Balloon Boy, standing there. With your flashlight batteries. He giggled once more and you lost it.


         You chucked the flashlight at the irritable animatronic with such force and violence that he tumbled back, fell, and rolled into the vent. He squeaked in pain from within the vent and you picked up the flashlight.

        You picked up your flashlight batteries that had fallen out his hands, putting them in the flashlight you heard the same scruff sound yet again. You whipped your head to the hallway  and flicked the flashlight on but by the time you did so it was far too late.

        You shrieked as the puppet tackled you, the both of you tumbled onto the floor in a tangle of limbs. You screamed and tried to rip the thing off of you as it tried to do the same. You both pushed away and the puppet tumbled backwards.         You stood on buckling knees and eyed the puppet in horror. you were positive as ever if you even survived this encounter you'd have an extreme  phobia of puppets. Your eyes darted to the hallway and you went for a chance dash to it. You ran, your (h/l) (h/c) whipped back against your face as you ran through the hallway running for dear life.

        You found yuorself in the prize room, you had ran everywhere else but it seemed as if they were all there, t every specific spot you scurried to hide; waiting. Your eyes darted around, searching for a place to hide, you heard the familiar scruff sound not too far away and jumped into the large, baby blue purple ribboned preent box. Covering the lid quickly you lowered your breathing, covering your mouth with shaky hands and straining your ears to concentrate and listen. You hear the scruffing sound near before the lid opened and you felt something grab you by the collar and yank you out the box. you slammed onto the ground on your side and struggled to get up. 

        You saw the puppet looking at you, its stange eyes training on you . You slowly stood, seeing the strings at its sides you wondered how it moved let alone was able to pull someone out a box. You backed away, its eerie stare unnerving you beyond measurement. You turned to run when it stood, its slender lean legs holding it upright as it slumped to a standing still. Its strings lay by its sides dangling from their ties on its wrists and ankles, with its head cocked to teh side you gave you a stare.         You watched it near, carfeully walking with a leanent slumped over strut. You couldn't help but watch it, its small white pupils never leavign your (e/c) orbs. You watched it hold a small music box in its hand. You cautiously grabbed it and then it abruptly plopped onto teh floor, you slowly sat down, puzzled with its actions. You wound the music box slowly, you watched its eyes close and its head nod to the ligth rythm. Then it crawled back into its box with ease but still, hesistant you waited a bit before departing.

You sighed in relief once you were back in the office. You checked the cameras, thankful everyone was in their places you slumped back and huffed. No sooner had your attention faded had you heared a soft whining almost inaudible. You strained your  ears to listen, switching to camera eleven you saw Marionette sitting in a ball with its head hidden between its arms. Its music was wound so why was it crying..? Yo udecided to check.        You made your way, flashlight in hand to the prize counter where you saw the rather lonely puppet weeping and whining lowly. With hesitantion you neared.  Almost as if on instint it whipped around and lunged at you wrapping its arms around you in a hug. You hugged back now noticing it was hanging by the strings, ever so lonely. 

Ever so sad.

It was almost enought to make you cut the strings it hung from and hold it assuring that whatever was wrong would get better and halting its sobs would suffice.


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