Chapter 22: If you'll have me

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They call me as I'm leaving practice, Isabella had fallen and she was now in surgery. When I cross the threshold I see Isabella's mom, Ally, and some strange guy pacing the floor.

"Ally, what the heck happened," I shout louder then I meant to.

"Um....she and Matt where at the Clift and..." She sobbed.

"Wait..who the hell is Matt?" I say looking back to the guy pacing.

"I'm...Matt, man I'm sorry we were talking and then she got up to fast and slipped," he said submissively.

"What the hell are doing with my girlfriend at the look out rock," I shout.

"We were just talking,she seemed really flustered," he explains.

Before I can shout even more, the doctor comes into the room. He explains that she has suffered a broken leg and will need a air cast for a month, but then came the worse news of all.

"Isabella Matheson is four weeks pregnant, and the trauma had some serve effects on the baby. I think it best if the father of the child and Isabella's mother come with me."

We walk into a empty room, and the doctor explains that Isabella could still go for the eight months. But if she goes into labour there is a chance that she could die, he says it a strange case that they have never seen before. And that we should make the decision together, but Mrs. Matheson is to distraught to make a decision so she leaves it to me.

"There is no other way, she should go through the abortion," I say poorly.

"She will how ever be able to have children after this," he says cheerfully.

He walks out of the room with Mrs. Matheson leaving me feeling the loss of me and Isabella's baby. What have I done I had order that my child be killed, how could I do such a thing. But Isabella will understand, we can have other children and be happy still have our New York dream.

But deep down, I know that my decision will change our relationship and life forever. But maybe for the good one last term until the summer then me and Isabella will be off to school, maybe having a baby wasn't the right thing for us right now. I know I said I was happy but I knew that the baby would effect Isabella and I school life.

She would understand, she has to how could I live a life without her. She would understand and would make a new family together. Yes, this plan assures me that Isabella and I won't be fazed by this one bump in our relationship. We've been through so much, we can get through this.

Two full days after the abortion. Isabella is still a sleep...and will soon wake up to find out what she has lost.
Isabella is having a dream about her baby and her and the life they will have....

She is so beautiful, her hair is as bright as the sun and eyes as the sea. Her smile could brighten up a room. She looks so much like my mother. I've named her after one of my favourite girl authors. Jane Lynette Lynn Da Silva née Matheson, we are collecting flowers in this beautiful meadow. And then there he is my beautiful, dashing Husband. He kisses me softly, but then I realize it's Matt not Liam. My dream ends with my stomach starting to bleed and then Jane was gone, the wind picked up and the sky turned grey. And then I shot awake.


I was sitting in a hospital bed surrounded by machines beeping, right then and there I felt the emptiness. But it can't be its just a dream, I'm probably just hungry. I look down at my feet and see that my from my shin to my ankle there is an air cast, I was right there was nothing else broken leg or ankle. But that isn't the case, Liam is starring at me I hadn't noticed until he coughs loud enough to get my attention.

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