Gucci seven

112 9 8

07: Meet the abominations


"Why did you bring me here?" Rielle asked, irked. She looked at her shadow beneath her feet and saw a dog-form looking back at her.

One of the weird jedi stuff that came in the binding process of their master-familiar contract was that Lake can feel her emotions. Not quite as Death hearing her thoughts but enough to make her feel embarrassed because alongside her emotions, she gave up some of her memories too. In return Lake gave her some of his. But of course, Rielle feels that it's unfair because Lake has lived far longer than her. Apparently, time in Nightosphere is different in Earth. That's why she feels cheated since she hasn't had a glimpse of Lake's childhood when Lake basically saw all of hers (also he can travel between shadows, but that's the least important).

The upside in all this was that it solidified their bond more than ever. No one would betray the other. They knew each other that much considering it's just a week since they met. No one has made such deep connection with her, not even Gabby.

"Calm down, we have business here . . . aside from the fact that you have been avoiding Gabriella," Death hesitated because he knows how Rielle is sensitive towards this subject but it's killing him. On one side he's happy he doesn't have to keep coming back here in Philippines just to make Rielle and Gabby meet but at the same time he feels unease. He isn't sure why Rielle made that choice. The girl has learned how to silence her thoughts whenever she's about to think about it.


"I told you to tell her that we're done, why haven't you?" Rielle just looked bored and started walking again. Their now somewhere in Bulacan. Whatever business Death needs to do, it must be nearby.

"Because you have to do that yourself, why do you always keep running away from your problems instead of facing them head on? you already died once and you still haven't changed," Death coldly said and walked ahead, leaving Rielle (who stood frozen in the middle of the street) behind.

Again, Death was right about Rielle. She just looked down at the shadow in her feet who was looking at her in sympathy.

Even the dog knows how much of a coward she was when it comes to facing her emotions. She was always fearless but when it comes to herself she backs down.

And for everyone else's information, Lake didn't want to come out of the shadows today because he said Philippines is too hot for his fur. He won't step out unless necessary.

Rielle shook her head and quietly just followed Death, until she caught a glimpse of something. "Hey, someone just jumped from the cathedral," Rielle gripped the hem of Death's sleeve to gain his attention in which she succeeded.

Death saw the scene but he just rolled his eyes and grunted distastefully at the guy whose body is now swimming in a pool of his own blood.

"Let him be, I'm tired of that guy." He shook his head and was about to walk away but Rielle had other plans. She ran towards where the guy is and walked around him. Death sighed in disapproval but still followed his pet.

"He's looking at you," she quietly said. "Can he see you?"

"Well duh, people who die see death but he'll forget me once he's alive again."

"You kinda lost me there."

Death heaved a sigh of exasperation and looked at the guy splayed out on the floor. "This boy was supposed to be dead 10 years ago, but he just doesn't die. The first few years I hung around him because I was waiting for him, but God, this guy loves me enough to embrace me but his whole being rejected me. I hate that kind of toxic relationship I kind of just broke up with him."

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