...Denial... (part 2)

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I woke up to cuddling on Kurapika's chest, he was still sleeping so I softly played with his hair slowly drifting off back to sleep. Half asleep I heard Kurapika's voice softly say...

Kurapika: "You know you're gonna mess up my hair"
Y/N: "Oh well, it's already messy anyways."
Kurapika; "My hair is fabulous"

He chuckled.

Y/N: "Your hair is also soft"
Kurapika: "Your hand is soft"
Y/N: "Admit it. You like it when i play with your hair"
Kurapika: "I won't admit it."
Y/N: "Fine I guess I won't play with your hair"

Kurapika took my hand and put it back in his hair.

Kurapika: "I'll admit its cozy"

I chuckled as he looked at me in comfort. After a while I sat up stretching. Kurapika looked at me confused to why I stopped playing with his mess of hair.

*Time skip*

Kurapika went back to looking for his job and I explored the area.  I took caution because of what Kurapika said about thief's.

The area was very gloomy and I questioned why Kurapika wanted a job here. Hopefully we move to a different location. I felt myself get hungry and question if food here was edible, or maybe I can find something to cook. I sighed and started to return to the motel, then accidentally bumped into a small creature.

Y/N: "Oh im so sorry"

I looked down.

???: "Oh no it's fine"

she said in a sweet voice.
I focused on her face and waved goodbye as we went our own ways. I checked if I had my license and was relieved that I still had it.

*Time Skip: Night time"

I laid in bed while I tried to forget about my hunger. Later Kurapika came in with a small bag holding apples inside.

Kurapika: "Hey I brought some stuff"
Y/N: "Apples!"
Kurapika: "Ya I found them in the forest. Don't worry I washed them"
Y/N: "The forest"

I sighed in annoyance of not thinking about going out to the forest to find food.
He looked at me confused.

Kurapika: "Sadly I couldn't find many"
Y/N: "It's fine. Thank you"
Kurapika: "Your welcome" he smiled.

During our small meal I figured I should ask my questions...

Y/N: "Hey, you found your job yet?"
Kurapika: "I'ma have to say almost"
Y/N: "Why'd you choose this location to get a on at"
Kurapika: "Well I guess I should just tell you huh"
Y/N: "That would be nice"
Kurapika: "Well basically to sum it up, I can get a job to hopefully find the Kurta eyes"
Y/N: "Ohh that makes sense"
Kurapika: "Ya but unfortunately I have to learn nen to participate"
Y/N: "Nen, why?"
Kurapika: "To be stronger"
Y/N: "Hmm should I learn nen, maybe I can help with your search"
Kurapika: "That would be amazing if you learn nen, but it's fine. I don't need you to get involved with this dangerous task"
Y/N:"I'll be fine"
Kurapika: "No way  the Spiders are way to powerful"

he twitched at the word spider.

Y/N: "The more help you have the better"
Kurapika: "True but still. I should be fine on my own"
Y/N: "Fine, if you wanna do this on your own. Can I at least know who your working with"
Kurapika: "If you must. When I get the job I'll introduce you"
Y/N: "Thanks"

I smiled.

Kurapika: "Hey wanna learn the basics on nen"

I nodded and we began lessons.

*Time Skip: 1 week later*

After pretty much accomplishing nen I found out I was a Specialist. Kurapika got his job and everything was going smoothly. But Kurapika was gonna take me to meet his peers. I was kinda nervous, but I should be fine... hopefully.

We went inside a building and I saw many people there, and one person I've met before.
I looked at her and she looked back. Kurapika told me I can take a seat anywhere and I made my way to the small creature. I sat down next to her and she introduced herself calling herself by Melody. I told her my name and I looked at Kurapika and back at Melody.

Melody: "Hmm your heart beat changed when you looked at him"
Y/N: "What you can here my heartbeat?"
Melody: "Indeed I can, and your heart tells me you're in love~"

I blushed and looked at Kurapika.

Melody: "That blush also tell me it's true"
She teased.

Y/N: "Oh my gosh, that's the first thing you noticed about me"
Melody: "I can't help it. I bet you always think about him"

She teased even more, causing me to blush.

Y/N: "I- those aren't very important details."

She chuckled as I tried denying my feeling.

Y/N: "Promise you won't tell him..."
Melody: "Of course. I was only teasing you"

I awkwardly chuckled.

Melody: "But that doesn't mean I won't try and get you guys together!"

She said real interested in the conversation now.

Y/N: "I- whyy"
Melody: "Because young love is beautiful"
Y/N: "I suppose you're right"
Melody: "See it's now my goal too"

I sighed and she chuckled.

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