5-first argue

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I woke up in the middle of the night, I looked through drifts phone to see them time. 3:27 am. I sighed softly looking over to the sleepy boy in the couch. I got up and shaked drift a little. I know drift never fully wakes up in the middle of the night. Anyways, I heard a groan from him.

"Drift...drift go sleep on the bed." I whispered and helped him up. He still got his eyes closed so I know it will mean that he won't remember how he got here, its more like sleep walking.

I laid him down and pulled over the cover since it was cold, I went to the bathroom in the room and changed to my dragon jumpsuit drift also brought me, it was toothless from my favorite movie 'httyd', I have no idea how that exists here but drift told me he had his ways.

I got out from the room quietly, not making a sound, got in the elevator that leads to the hideout then went to the door that goes to the actual building. I walked in the corridors saw that most henchmen were just passing out. I felt bad for them so I walked to them.

"Hello henchman..." I said in a quiet voice, I always have a blank face that makes me look mature or somewhat emotionless around people, only friends like drift know what I actually am.

"Are you agent Y/n?" One said.

"Indeed" I said putting my hands behind my back.

"How can we help you ma'am?"

"I have seen you never sleep, now do you?" I said still emotionless.

"Yes ma'am.."

"Well you may go sleep atleast for this night..inform the other henchmen to rest as well" I told them.

"But who will watch the agency-" the other was cut off by me raising my hands infront of him.

"I will..you may go..." I told them facing away, they seemed to be hesitant.

"I have talked to your boss about it so don't worry" that's when they got happy and quietly went to their rooms. They deserve it, probably. It was a dumb ass move to do it without midas's permission but they need a break.

My persona is utterly weird, I'm somewhat shy, yet blanked face, yet funny yet crazy yet mature etc... its like having personality for each person I talk to.. I giggled at the thought and stepped outside the agency, still standing on the entrance. I was just staring at the view, not even thinking of anything. Just breathing the fresh air.

Around 10 minutes went by and in just still standing doing nothing... waiting for the sun to come out. While I was looking I heard footsteps on the grass, I didn't feel like turning around or even talk to them, so I just stayed there even tho I would be forced to talk..smh....humans... >~<

"Agent l/n? What are you doing here? And where are all the henchmen?!" Midas asked irritated. I rolled my eyes and kept looking forward.

"Nothing, and I told them to go rest. Since their boss doesn't pay enough for them.." I said in my usual quiet voice.

"And since when you do orders?" He stepped in front of me blocking my view. It starting to make me annoyed.

"Can you move? I'm watching the agency instead of them." I rolled my eyes again rasing my voice a little.

"Not until you answer my question" he stepped forward.

"I already told I will watch the agency so they can rest and its called being kind and not taking orders!" I started to yell.

"You don't have the-" he was going to say something but I cut him off. Great dramas starting on the second day in the game, making my crush hate me even more.

"La la la la la la la. Look here Midas, I still can't believe that I'm in a game and I have already been going through a lot now if you will excuse you, go to sleep and don't wake till whatever you start your day at-" I pointed at him and started to form tears, remembering my situation. I would totally win arguments if i don't frickin cry in every fight I have. then suddenly I was shoved to the ground. I looked up and saw midas's face is inches away from me. He was angry and his eye was glowing now, I saw that his hands is glowing too. Is he trying to form me into gold?

"You don't exist in my world, so you don't scare me or your powers. We are what created you. So you better watch out." I spat, it made him a bit taken back by what I said. We don't want to ignore the fact that I was blushing, even though I didn't notice it.

Was that too mean?

His hands started to let go but his eyes was still glowing. He eventually got off me, and went back in, not saying a word. I sat tears still falling. The sun is finally raising so I got up and went back to my room.

When I got in I saw drift still sleeping on the bed so I just let him be and went to the bathroom.

Drifts pop flashback

"Uh bright let's go for a walk, skye go interduce y/n to the others or whatever" I pushed my girlfriend out of the room and walked around the building.

"Somethings wrong?" She asked..

"Yea...no..I'm just worried about y/n her past isn't really something a human would want. She is really a confusing person at first but when you get to know her, she's actually awesome." I chuckled the last part. I told bright about y/n's past. I could see the sadness in her face when I'm finished.

"Oh drift I'm really sorry. How did you know she likes midas anyways?" She asked.

"I saw her blush when he's around...let's hope they don't fight cuz y/n tries her best to not do fights with her crushes, that why she's always single" i said sarcasticly.

"Hey I'm sure she will be alright, drift. Now its getting late. I will go back to my house. See you tmrw?" Bomber said and pecked my cheeks. I nodded as a response for her question.

We waved goodbye then, I went back to our room.

Drifts Flashback end

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