Part 5

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"OH...MY...GOODNESS!!!" *you stare in awe as the beautiful colors circle the room...the source being the two skeletons.* "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TWO IDIOTS DOING!!!" "My child please calm yourself." "So...another secret smiley trashbag." "nope i got no secrets. paps knows me down to the very last bone~" silence...tough crowd. "Come sans,we are late. Bye children bye Papyrus." "BYE,QUEEN TORIEL!" "bye paps,i'll be back soon." "BYE BROTHER STAY SAFE!!!" soon enough we were on our way undyne's. while we are walking i'm trying to come up with an explanation for my 'hp' and the thing tori just saw...there was a lot of magical energy just in that room alone. enough to power a second core and i wasn't even using all my magic...ugh you goat to be kidding me hehehe... i can't come up with anything. i'll just go with the flo- "My friend I have a question..." "shoot." "What did I just witness?" okay don't panic come up with something...,but paps will probably tell her the truth if she asks him...ugh alright here it goes. "well paps was blaming himself for getting me in 'trouble' and he was crying and no matter how hard i tried. i couldn't get him to calm down,so i used my eye light magic to calm him's a skeleton thing." "Wait didn't you say you didn't have magic...also Sans there was so much magical energy in that room of the color blue and yellow which came from your eye socket I can't help but ask...were you lying about how much magic you can use?" crap. "well...i uh...nooo?" welp at least we're here. "Oh look at that we have arrived. My friend, we will continue this conversation inside." okay sans you got this well at least i ~hope~ i got this.hehehe... undyne was the first to greet us mostly because she was standing in the doorway when we knocked on the door. "YOUR LATE..." "yah sorry about that my brother was being a baby bones hehehe...and on a little bit more serious note he needed me to be there for a few minutes." "Alright then come on everyones waiting for you in the living room." as we all walk toward the living room i'm contemplating my options one i can tell them the truth...that's not an option...two i can take a shortcut away or i can tell them half of the truth or three go with the flow...soon enough we make it to the living room to see undyne's couch and looks like they have medical supplies to the side...their planning to do a checkup on me. i can avoid it. i also see that the couch is occupied by 3 monsters and has two spots left for undyne and tori looks like i'm sittin in the arm chair. as i take my seat i look toward the coffee table to see cups of tea and a 1st edition ketchup bottle...they were goin to use that to bribe me...good thing i brought my own. "Alright EXPLAINE sans. That is an order from your KING." i was honestly close to laughing at that. him and i both know the judge has a lot more authority than the king. the reality is that...he caught me in a corner...the problem is i'm around other people. and unless i plan to tell them about my job...i can't deny his orders that's mostly why i'm here now... "WELL EXPLAIN!!! Explain how someone who has so little hope can be-No...look so happy..." "first off i am happy. we're on the surface and just a few months ago i got to see the sun and stars for the first time soooo yah i'm happy." i lied so easily it scared me...

"W-wha-at ab-bout you-your 'hp'?" "i honestly don't know." that was everything but honest... "My friend, may I ask another question...I have already asked but I would like to share my findings with them..." "sure knock yourself out hehehe..." silence... "Alright when I went to find sans he was using an extreme amount of magic and so was Papyrus just not as much as Sans...The amount of magical energy in that room alone was probably enough to power the core and it made the room glow! But the thing that I found quite strange was how both Papyrus's eyelights glew while Sans only had one glowing eyelight..." welp this isn't good. she is observant. maybe i can play it off. "actually,both of my eyelight were glowing." but as i looked at the reactions of disbelief from alphys and undyne probably still hung over the fact i have any magic at all i find myself a bit nervous. my smile is still permanently on my face. "Wait a second Sans, how much magic do you really have..." "umm well-" "Sans do not lie to them..." "..." "I was hoping you would explain Sans,but because you chose not to...Sans has enough magic to be classified as a Boss Monster, maybe a higher level than that." "WHAT!!!" "OH MY GOODNESS!" "H-HOW IS THAT P-POSIBLE! Y-YOU ONLY HAVE 1 DEF-FENSE AND 1 A-ATACK!" crap um *shrug* "that's mostly because the only thing i can do with my magic is my glow. which is a very weak attack because all i can do is feel intimidating and my only defense is my dodging." i lied again...thankfully asgore didn't say the truth. "W-wait u-um T-toriel didn't y-you s-say th-that o-only one o-of S-sans' e-eyes g-gle-ew?" "Yes I did I was sure I saw only one of his eyes glow..." "tori i'm sorry to break it to ya,but both my eyes glew." "Wait,my old friend, why were you using your magic?" "well papyrus needed me. i already explained what happened to tori, you can ask her later." "So, Comedian, if you're telling the truth you won't mind glowing your eyes would you?" "well glowing takes a lot of my energy,soooo..." "OH PLEASE DO REALLY THINK WE'LL BELIEVE THAT IF WHAT ASGORE SAID WAS TRUE THAN A LITTLE EYE GLOWING WOULDN'T TIRE YOU OUT!!! SO DO IT!!!!" "alright eye will hehehe..." silence... yeesh. /DING/ "..." "So...YOU WERE LYING!!!" i flinched.... "Undyne please he's sharing more things to us now than he ever did in his life, much more against his will...give him,how you say,...a break." "Y-yah a-also S-sans um..." "go ahead alphys might as well not like i have a choice hehehe." "I jus-st w-wanted to ask h-how d-did i-it br-break?" i'm starting to get really nervous. i really don't want to talk about that..."what do you mean i was born like this?" "Well S-sans if y-you were really b-born with it. It w-was a b-birth defect s-skeletons are supposed to be born with two g-glowing eyes. Th-that can easily be th-the cause of y-your low 'hp'." this really isn't good i don't want to talk about it... "What do you mean Dr. Alphys?" "O-oh no need for form-malities,but from w-what I found on s-skeletons is that eyeglowing is essential to a s-skeleton's emotional well being. I-it also helps calm them. The problem is S-sans does not have full access to this ability so it could cause some...p-problems..." this isn't good ok i need to calm down i don't want to have panic i looked around the living room i see only faces of worry and surprise i,however, have my lazy smile still on my face my eyelight are white like always my shoulders are tense but it's not noticeable and my bandaged hand and my other hand are in my pockets to prevent me from nervous signing. it does help me calm down but if i do start doing it by accident it will only raise more questions that i don't want to answer... "well good thing that it didn't affect me really it just affected my 'hp' right alph?" "Ac-ctually Sans I-I would l-like t-to d-do a full ch-checkup. I-I b-brought you ketchup and I already got the sup-pplies so c-can I?..." no no no no no no no nononononononononono...okay don't panic i just have to say "nah i don't need it the ketchup nor the checkup and there's nothin wro-" "BULLCRAP SANS YOU'RE LETTING HER GIVE YOU A CHECKUP ALRIGHT!?!?!??!" okay looks like i don't have a choice this is fine everything is fine... "okay what first do we have to ketchup if i have a femur~hehehe..." "Al-lright S-sans let's start with your eyel-lights then we'll do v-vision o-ok?" "yup" nononononono this isn't ok! don't panic it's ok i can do this. i take my hands out and put them in front of me as relaxed as possible... "A-alright S-sans shine your eyelight p-please.'' /DING/ i did as she said, eye~ hehehe can only see through one eye socket so it's hard to tell what she was doing but it was going well so far... /GASP/ ... i spoke too soon. "WHAT IS IT NOW!?" What's the matter Dr. A- I mean Alphys?" "Is there something wrong?" "Yah what tori said somethin wrong doc?" i know what's wrong and i don't like what she found out [4:37] "Sans a-are y-you blind in th-that eye s-socket?" //everyone//GASP/ "Wait...I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!? NICE,ONE EYE BUDDIES!!! But you should have told us!" "i didn't think it was important. i was born with it after all and i didn't feel like i needed to tell any of you sooo." "THAT'S THE THING SANS YOU NEVER THINK TO TELL US ANYTHING!!!" "U-undyne please c-calm down...I need to ch-check his vision." this isn't a good...wait...alright i will do the eye test,lie that i didn't notice that everything was blurry get a new pair of glasses and then make an excuse good enough to push this off till tomorrow. peice of cake! "A-alright Sans cover you- oh um sorry n-never mind j-just tell me w-what letters you see..on the third line" [4:55] "Alright umm S-sans you need glasses..." Wait so I fought someone that has a blind eye AND bad eyesight...AND I STILL COULDN'T LAND A HIT!?!" "that's only because dodging is the only thing i know how to do other than glowing my eye." i look at asgore, he looks to the side. thankfully, we both silently agreed that now is not the time to tell them who the judge is. "Sans I-i'm going t-to get you a p-pair of glasses for n-now just please b-be careful ok." "whatever you say doc." i look toward the clock behind the couch. it's [5:12] perfect. "ok." i say as i get from the couch lazily. "as much as i like sittin and laying around doin nothin i think it's time i go check up~ on paps and the kids.hehehe can we finish this tomorrow?" "Hahaha! Yes alright my friend we will continue tomorrow." "Fine but only because me and Alphys have an anime premiere at 5:30." "ok come on tori you need to come,so you can pick up the ki-" {KNOCK KNOCK} "HELLO UNDYNE IT IS THE GREAT PAPYRUS! CAN YOU PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR." ok its paps now i can really get away from here. as i thought that i see fishsticks walk toward the door and open it. "Hey dork what ya doin here?" "WELL I'M HERE TO PICK UP MY BROTHER OF COURSE! YOU HAVE TO BE DONE BY NOW...RIGHT?" "yeah we're done bro let's get goin." "Sans does Papyrus know?" "KNOW WHAT KING ASGORE?" "It's nothing, I will discuss it with Sans tomorrow,about that topic. For now we should get going." "Come children we are going home." as everyone walked out and went their separate ways me and paps were talking,joking,and so on. [5:37] we were home already settled on the couch. we were both watchin the premiere when the question came up... "Brother may I ask a question..." "uh...sure bone bro hehehe." this must be serious. he's quieter than his usual volume. "Brother did they ask you about your.. you know...the bandages?" "no paps they didn't ask about the bandages,but hey can i have a plate~ of your famous spaghetti?" "OF COURSE YOU CA- WAIT...WAS THAT A PUN UUGGGHHH SANS!!!!" "hehehehe." after the premiere and dinner i read paps his bed time story and went to bed ....

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