i would glow my eyes to look threatening but she has seen my glow...she would recognize it... but even if i colored the bone on my face black to match the mask and hood you can still see my eyes if i look at you. then again my eyelights are fully gone so it can give off the my eyes are like voids effect. but soon enough undyne was sitting on the armchair i sat in when they interrogated me. "You're the Royal Judge. How do I know that you aren't lying?.." "yoU WiLl bE paRt oF a JurY witH YouR ComPanIoNS aND Be PArT oF a RuliNg." "Wait how...never mind a ruling about what?" "You'LL knOW WhEn It haPPenS. It'S on TuESdaY BE THERE... "Ok." "Is yOUr GirlFrienD HerE? iF ShE's HeRe thAn I cAN TeLl HeR RighT nOw." "I'll tell her. It's a wonder that she is still asleep...she almost sleeps as much as Sans nowadays." i wonder what she thinks of me...would it be suspicious if i... "WhAt dO yOU THink oF SaNs If I maY aSk?" i hope it wasn't too obvious... "Why do you want to know?" "JuSt cuRiouS sINce I aLSo wANt hIm iN THe jURy..." "He'll probably fall asleep the first few seconds of it... You are the Judge...right?" "YeS." "Can you keep a secret?" "I aM tHe KeePER Of SeCreTs." "Well I don't think Sans is as happy as he says he is..." well this isn't good...on the plus side somehow i managed to convince her that i am really the judge i was afraid she wouldn't believe me. "Go On..." "I mean he...had something....that he smiled during and his 'HP'...Another thing that happened was when we were...I shouldn't be telling you this...wait...GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" soon enough i find myself being pushed out and i'm back on the porch... "well that went well."
Ok so (WE MEET AGAIN :3) the next update won't be for a while because writes block TnT
But I hope you ENJOYED
Honesty is a Concept
FanfictionSans has been through many resets, but this particular reset is different. Frisk lost her ability to reset player has left her alone, Chara is no longer a ghost, and...old secrets resurface... What will happen next?