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It's been almost 3 years since his brother was lost. He is 17 now, who should be enjoying his summer holidays before his senior year of highschool like any other teenager.

On top of worrying about his brother, worrying about the supernatural world also bacame a routine of his daily life.

The moment he learnt his best friend was bitten by a wolf he knew his life was never gonna be normal again. And it wasn't.

Not only was he now surrounded by werewolves, a werecoyote, a banshee and a kitsune, he himself somehow got tangled with the supernatural by possessing something called Spark according to their mysterious veterinarian Dr. Deanton.

He had spent days and nights with Deanton trying to develop his powers to something useful for him and his friends. Deanton was very impressed and had appreciated him for being almost as efficient as a warlock.

He had been caught up with the training, dealing with supernatural creature of the week, that he had forgotten his brother and now as he stood in front of his brother's door he felt ashamed.

His dad had searched far and wide across the country taking advantage of all his vested power. Still they couldn't find him.

He had, after getting involved with the supernatural, checked if his brother's missing had anything to do with it.

He had bothered Derek with it for a long time and still was unsuccessful.

But he was able to come up with a list of teenagers who went missing around the same time. But that was it. Nothing afterwards. It was like they vanished into thin air.

But he believed, and so did his dad, that he was still alive and wouldn't be convinced otherwise unless they saw him dead with their own eyes.

He entered the room and looked around once again reminded of the older memories.

Scott and they were the trio. They used to get into all sorts of trouble together. Well in truth, the twins got into trouble and they dragged Scott with them.

When his brother went missing, he felt worse than losing his mother. Like a part of him was gone. His brother had always been the stronger one. Even though he used to harass him for being the older one by 3 minutes, he still stood up for his brother.

Though they looked the same they were different. While Stiles was the stumbling, weak and the one without a brain to mouth filter, Alek was stronger, more confident and less talkative. Just less talkative than his brother, not the all quiet type.

When he was gone, it was like losing a pillar which held up his family. His brother was the one holding him and their dad up when their mother died. So Stiles decided to be strong.

For his dad.

For his brother.

"Hey buddy!" Scott called as he leaned against the door frame. Stiles looked up from the photo he realised he was holding and staring at.

He gave his friend a weak smile before placing the picture frame back on the table.

"Hey Scott." He walked back outside the room and closed the door behind him. "Why are you here?" He asked confused.

"Did you forget about the pack meeting? We need to be there in 15 minutes"

"Oh yeah! I... I'll just grab my keys." He pointed his thumb over his shoulder. Scott gave him a knowing squeeze on his shoulder and left.


So guys that was the first chapter.
I know it's short, sorry.

Hope you enjoyed that!

More things are yet to come. Maybe confusing.

But I hope you are ready to let the two worlds collide.

I Would Come For You    | TW x TMR |   [Stilinski Twins]Where stories live. Discover now