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"What about Scott and others?" Liam asked anxiously as the pack followed Brenda and one of their new additions Frypan hurriedly with the other kids. Stiles had at some point realised he was able to walk just fine so he awkwardly patted Derek to let him know he was fine. The question broke the sudden awkwardness.

"Give me a minute okay? Let me just figure this out." Stiles assured him and ran to catch up with the girl.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked her, but she ignored him.

"Umm.. we are going to Lawrence." The guy Frypan answered him.

"Yeah? Who the hell is Lawrence?" He asked frustrated.

"Who the hell are you?" He shot back. "Like seriously, who are you guys?"

"We swear to explain everything later. But we need to know what's going on." He answered as Brenda led the group into a wrecked looking building.

"Lawrence." She called out into the empty building.

"There's no one here." Malia said not to anyone in particular. Of course she would be able to hear heartbeats if someone was there.

"Wait guys, wait wait wait" Frypan stopped them. "Where is everyone?" He asked her. "Thomas!" He shouted out as Brenda ran off, him following behind. "Hey! Lawrence".

The pack stood there for a few seconds before following then. "Everything's gone." They heard her say as they watched her looking around.

"Hey! Can you just stop for one second and explain what is going on? We need to know." Lydia told the girl stepping forward.

"Everything's gone" she repeated confused.

"What do you mean everything's gone?" Lydia questioned.

"Lawrence, his men, their weapons, everything. Everything's gone" Frypan answered.

"Who's Lawrence?" asked Malia.

"He's the guy who helped us with getting in there." Brenda replied settling down on a chair.

"So what do their sudden disappearance mean?" Derek asked.

"We don't know." She answered quietly holding her head in her palms.

"Where's him? Where's Thomas?" Stiles asked hurriedly.

"We were supposed to meet them here." She said worried.

"So that means they are still in there?"

She nodded in agreement.

"So why aren't you going to look for him?"

"He will meet us here. We don't want to risk losing anyone. He knows what he is doing."

"Our friends are in there. What about them?" asked Liam worried for his Alpha. She glared at him with a look that spat 'your friends is none of my concern'.

"Tell them to get back the way they got in" Frypan suggested and the four of them turned to look at Stiles. He bit his lower lip nervously as he met each of their gaze.

"Yeah. We need some time for that." He muttered tiredly.


"Scott? Issac?" Derek called into the walkie.

"Yeah Derek." Scott responded.

"What is the status?"

"There's too many guards and we are trying to keep low as much as possible." Brenda and Frypan also listened into the conversation. "We're now checking ground close to the tower."

"Listen Scott. You need to find him." Stiles cut in hurriedly. "I don't think I will be able to bring you guys back in such a short time. You need to find him." He pressed on, as Brenda shared a puzzled look with Frypan. "They have a way out of the city. And if they happen to get here before you could find them, wait. Just wait for some time, so I can be ready."

"Okay Stiles. Don't worry. We-" he suddenly stopped talking and all the supernatural in the room tensed. "Do you guys hear that?

"Hear what?" Stiles asked confused.

"The commotion." It was Malia whi answered and then a loud explosion sounded making all of them jump.

"Something's happening." Scott said. "The guards are turning back. They all seem to be moving towards the entrance of the city.

"We didn't hear anything all the time we were walking across the town. You noticed that, right?" Derek pointed out.

"Where do you think they all disappeared to?" Stiles asked Brenda and she shrugged clueless.

"Guys." Lydia's whisper caught all of their attention.

"It's happening."

"What's happening?" Frypan asked puzzled.

"This place is turning into a graveyard."


"Tunnels are right up ahead." Gally told them as they hid behind the raised platform.

"Shit." Thomas cursed as he glanced at the cruisers and soldiers. He shot a worried glance at Newt as the latter coughed.

He could hear the guards shouting orders at each other but all he could focus was on Newt. He looked sickly pale, the veins in his neck turning blue. The virus was having its effect too rapidly. He heard Gally swear which made him look away from him. They breathed heavily waiting.

Minho turned to look at him confused. "What are they waiting for?"

Before Thomas could respond a loud explosion sounded and he turned his head quick to watch a building blow up in fire. Screams and yells filled the atmosphere as he caught the glimpse of people runny madly against the line of guards, with weapons in their own hands. People didn't even care about getting shot.

He quickly pasted himself to the cold wall and risked a glance at the commotion breaking out. Bullets flew in all the directions and he pushed Newt down on the ground as bullets flew past their ears.

"We gotta go." He heard Gally's faint voice. He felt like he's gonna lose his hearing or worse get shot in the head if they spent a second more in there. "Come on. Let's move, let's move."


I really need to update at regular intervals. But I'm just so lazy.

Nowadays it totally depends on my mood. Sometimes I feel just so sleepy. It's so hard getting up in the morning.

But then I have a whole lot of classes on top of that.

I'm just so lazy. GOD!!

Anyway sorry for blabbering. I just felt like it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading and comment down your thoughts.

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