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Dedicated to Coolcat544 therealtalabat I_Want_A_Dragon xvirgatoxThank you for all your support. It means the world to me ❤️❤️❤️

"You two freeze!" Someone ordered from their back. They turned back to see the WCKD soldier. "Get down-" before he could finish someone jumped on him pinning him against the wall. He roared in anger and shoved the guard through a glass window breaking it. He roared again, breathing hard. Newt and Thomas rushed forward to pull him into a hug.

"Minho!" Thomas exclaimed in relief.

"Is this real?" Minho asked breathless. Then they heard shouting nearby and they ran.

They avoided the bullet by inches and got in a room before locking it.

They were trapped in this room, nowhere to go.

"Oh shit!" Newt sighed looking around the room.

They turned at the sound of the cutting of metal and saw the sparks flying through the crack of the door.

He gazed back at the glass wall. They must be atleast 7 floors from ground but there was a reservoir or a tank full of water. It was their only hope.

"Any ideas?" Minho shouted and turned to look at him.

"Maybe" he answered unsure.

They watched the cylinder fall inti the water. "Okay, it's doable." He nodded encouragingly. "Just need a little running start." at which Minho and Newt shared a look, their eyebrows puckered.

"You sure about this?" Minho asked as the three poised themselves leaving a good distance from the edge.

"Not really" he exhaled looking at Newt concerned.

"Nice pep talk." Minho muttered.

"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." Newt mumbled sarcastically. The comment made him almost smile but the sudden warmth around his palm made him look down at Newt's hand giving him a promising squeeze. He smiled up at Newt when the door blowed open at last and in came Janson and his soldiers.

"Go go" Thomas hurried letting go of his hand and they ran till the edge, falling fast down into the water, with Minho screaming his name.

"You three, don't move."

"Uh, you gotta be kidding me." Thomas  mumbled annoyed at the sight of more soldiers.

"Take it easy." One of them called out and when he tried to reach for his pocket. "Uh-uh-uh! Don't even think about it. Get on your knees with your hands in the air." The thought of Gally crossed his mind just before one of the guys shot at the other three and removed his helmet.

"Gally?" Minho asked horrified.

"Minho" he greeted back and looked up at the buy they'd jumped of from. "You guys are nuts."

"I'll explain later" Thomas assured the still confused Minho.

"Scott! Scott can you hear me?" Stiles yelled into the walkie.

"Stiles? What's going on? Where are you?" Scott asked back.

"Listen to me. He must have got out of the building. Check the grounds."

"There are too many guards on the ground right now."

"Use the gun, taser whatever you have Scott."

"Where do we meet after this?" Scott asked.

"Just let me figure out-"

"Shit" Brenda cursed  "hold on!"

Stiles watched the cars surrounding them. "Oh shit"

She jerked the bus to the left throwing the kids out of their seats, them screaming.

She had one of the cars smashed in the next second. And she laughed like a total mad person.

"Do you think she's Cranking out?" Liam whispy in his ear. She took a sharp turn and he hold onto the bus tightly. But the bus jerked to a stop. He looked forward and saw the cars and guards lining up in front of them. He looked back, they were surrounded.

"Get out of the vehicle" they ordered.

Brenda stood up. Derek followed only for her to stop him. "No, stay here"

"You are not going out there alone." Stiles stood up beside Derek.

"Sit down!" She  ordered. " We are the one with the plan here. We do it our way." She said and got off the bus. Stiles and Derek sat back down.

"What do you think this plan oh her's is? Do you hear anything?" Stiles asked Derek.

"Nope..just the sirens mostly."

"Now step away from the vehicle." They ordered. "I said step away from the vehicle." Brenda moved slowly towards the front of the bus. "Put your hands in the air. Drop the weapon." Brenda slowly raised the gun pointing it up to the sky. And she pulled the trigger. Red sparks flew from the gun and exploded in the sky.

"What the hell was that?" Stiles asked looking at the red sparks.

"It's a signal." Lydia muttered. In the next moment a crane lifting hook dropped in front of them and Brenda hurriedly locked the hook in place of the bus and rushed in.

"Come on, hold on to something!" She shouted at everyone else. "Here we go."

The soldiers shouted orders at each other. But even before they could be near the bus, it was being lifted up.


I'm sorry it's a short chapter.

But update like every day right? So I hope you are okay with short chaps.

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