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All screamed at the jerk of the bus as it was pulled up hanging off one end.
Everyone held on tight to whatever they could find.

"This is her fucking plan?" Malia yelled in between her screaming.

"Brace yourself" Brenda ordered as Stiles watched the side of the bus colliding with the top of a building, senting chunks of debris down the wall and he was pretty sure he heard a couple of windows breaking in the back.

His gaze followed the movement of the crane and he looked down past the screaming kids through the glass window at the back curiously.
That's when Stiles realised what was happening.

They were moving across the walls. Away from the guards who had been firing at them uselessly. Away from the rest of his pack. Away from possibly where his brother was. They were getting put out of the city.

The jolting movement of the vehicle stopped abruptly making him exhale in relief. He turned to Brenda shoting her a 'what now' look? Even before she could spare him another glance the bus shook with a sudden jolt and everyone screamed.

The hook won't be able to hold up the bus anymore. He knew. "Shit, hold on to something". He shouted. And with answering screams, the bus was falling. The hook holding it up didn't even made any difference. They were gonna crash.

If anyone was paying close attention to Stiles, maybe they would have thought he was glowing. He used whatever left in him to slow down the fall. And it felt like he was lit on fire. The runes flared like the time he first got them and an ear piercing scream sounded close to him which he soon realised was his own.

The bus slowed down, by which Brenda looked around confused.

But that was it. He couldn't hold it any longer. "Stiles!" Lydia screamed at him and he lost control. The bus hit the ground with a loud crash.

His head was spinning with the crash and the energy drain. He breathed heavily and glanced at others to check if they were okay.

He saw Derek, his furious eyes burning holes into him. He was going to say something to Stiles but then he stopped with his eyebrows furrowed. And his eyes widened. The bus started leaning forward from the now vertical position and the screaming echoed again.

He tried his best to keep his head from banging against the iron rod in front of him as the bus crashed down to regain its balance.

Those of who had planted themselves on the floor of the bus got up groaning.

"Okay, everybody off" Brenda directed.

"That was stupid." Derek said angrily.
The kids were getting off the bus hurriedly guided by Brenda. Stiles pulled off the scarf from over his face.

"No it wasn't. That fall could have killed somebody." Stiles glared and said between his panting.

"That could have killed you. What-" he wanted to say more but Stiles already looked like he was dead on his feet. "...How do feel?"

"Like I have poured acid down my throat.." and upon receiving an unimpressed look from Derek he exhaled slowly. ".... Terrible"

"Are you two coming or not?" Brenda asked the two from the doorway. She didn't really spare a glance at Stiles to clearly see his face, and then she jumped out of the bus leaving thr the two of them alone again. Everyone seemed to be out of the bus.

Stiles pulled the scarf back on as he stood up wobbly. Derek moved forward his hands reaching for him and he gladly took the offer.

"Let's go." Derek said as he half dragged him out of the bus with his hand around him and his over his shoulder.

The moment would have meant a lot to Stiles if they were in a better circumstances. But now his mind was too busy with other thoughts. This was not the time.


"Well, they're definitely pissed." Gally
grunted glancing around at the cruises from their hiding spot.

"How far are the tunnels?" He demanded.

"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here." Gally replied. Thomas turned to look at Newt at the sound of coughing. He looked worse. "We can make it." Gally reassured.

"Newt, how are you feeling?" Minho asked crouching down next to him.

"Terrible." He answered breathing roughly. "It's good to see you though." he smile weakly and patted Minho on his shoulder. He nodded in response and walked over to Thomas.

"Hey, how long has he been like this?" He asked looking worriedly at Newt.

"He'll be okay." Thomas assured, only that it sounded more like he was reassuring himself. Because he wanted to believe it so bad. "We just gotta get to Brenda." He shrugged off the black uniform. "She's got the serum. Come on, let's go" he stood up and walked over to Newt.

"Hey, Newt" he crouched next to him. "Come on, we gotta get you up. Let's go." He tried to help him to his feet. Newt swayed on his feet as he got up. "Woah, woah, woah! You okay?" He asked concern written over his face. He stared intently at the blond, as he got up to his feet, gulping hard and let out a shaky breath.

"Yeah." Newt replied weakly with an apologising smile on his lips, as he stared back.

"Why are you helping us, Gally?" Minho asked after he watched Thomas helping Newt to his feet. "I put a spear through your chest".

"Yeah." Gally returned the gaze without even wincing, calmly. "Nobody's perfect man." He patted Minho on his arm quickly, getting up to follow Thomas.


So... How was it? It's not edited, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

Thank you for reading, really. I hope you liked it.

I have an exam tomorrow 😭 and here I am updating my story 😊.

Chemistry is so fucking hard.

I'm sorry I don't know who else to complain to about this.

Thank you again and please vote.

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