Chapter 9

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Point of View: Ghost Bird 

Stepping out into the damp autumn evening air, my eyes graze over the white church for a couple of moments, soaking in the warmth of the yellow lights. Smiling softly, I slip my hand into the scruff of Aaron who sits at my side waiting. "Let's head home." With a flick of his ears, Aaron and I walk together down the street and back into town. 

I am in no rush to return to my apartment knowing the daunting job of cleaning up awaits but the walk home seems quicker than before. Stepping through the front doors of my apartment building, Aaron and I make my way down the lobby hall to the elevator. A couple minutes later, we stand in front of my doorway and I sigh pressing my forehead against the door. I rarely had time to prepare when I was called for a job and I usually didn't know how long I would be away, so that meant returning home was a little more complicated than one would think. 

Pulling away from the door, I run my fingers through my hair and quickly pull out the stray bobby pin I always keep tucked away. Bending it, I slip it into the handle and work the lock. I had given up with keeping track of fucking keys a while ago. Between leaving the house without the key, being summoned when I didn't have the keys, and just loosing them due to my constant travel I had my locks changed for the last time and gave a single set to Apa. 

Hearing the click of the bottom handle, I slip the bobby pin out and begin to work on the second lock. Didn't make the process of getting in any easier. It is about five minutes later, I finally manage the second lock and Aaron quickly pushes in. I however am met with a wave of warm, stale, sour air. Ugh. Stepping into the little mud room, I quickly close and lock the door, remove my shoes, and throw my hair up into a messy bun. 

Pressing on all the lights as I walk down the hallway, past the bathroom and closet, I move into the open galley kitchen and living room area and right to the large glass windows. Quickly opening as many as possible, I start my usual "returning home" routine. Windows open, music on, and trash bag in hand I move from room to room cleaning. About an hour later, I wipe my forehead and down a tall glass of water the place spotless and the laundry going in the small units in the hallway. 

Tired, I make my way through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Turning the water on warm, I strip down into nothing and slip into the warmth of the water. Finally left to my thoughts, I exhale a heavy breath as the faces of Kyle, Zach, and Rafa appear in my mind. Three males all from another country in my home with my crows. Pressing my hand against the tiled wall, I put my head right under the water allowing it to rush over my face. Something was off, I could feel it in my bones. 

"They are good in my book." Mikael's voice resonates in my ears as I pull back and run my hands over my face. He had whispered those simple words in my ear as we had hugged. They were good in his book. Pumping shampoo into my hands, I lather up my thick black hair scrubbing hard. It had seemed that Mikael had learned to trust just as I had. Dipping my head back under the water, I close my eyes and let out a slow breath. 

Moving my hand to the small ridged scar on my side, my thoughts go back to America. Trust. It made people do silly things. Protect people. Rely on them without a second thought. Washing myself off, I spin off the shower knob and step onto the soft bath mat. Looking up I find myself in front of the large mirror and vanity. My rose covered shoulders and scared body on full display. 

Orders are orders. But for ghost birds, we choose which missions we go on. Who we stay in contact with. Who we make friends with. God it felt like forever ago now. Smiling to myself, I grab a towel and quickly wrap myself up. My crows were smart. They knew how to be careful and I trusted them more than anyone in this world. If Mikael said they were good, then they were good. 

Scooping my clothes into the hamper, I move into my bedroom and search through my closet. Pulling out a long baggy black t-shirt and some undies. Running a brush through my hair a couple of times, I make my way to the living room and curl up onto the couch. Grabbing the thick warm black and white flannel cover, Aaron is quick to jump up and cuddle with me as we flick through random shows. 

The next morning, Aaron and I are out and about before six for our usual morning run. My ear buds are settled deep in my ear as I set a light pace, Aaron easily trotting by my side. Loosing myself in the town and the mix of different music cued up on my playlist , I pause as I find myself downtown in front of the old E.O.'s Bar. 

Looking at the steps that now sit in place of the front door, Aaron lets out a soft bark and climbs the stairs to the first landing as though he had done this before. Taking a breath, I follow the pup up the stairs and turn to the right at the first landing. Finding a single clear glass door, I pull my ear buds out as I open the door. Stunned, I step into a fully functioning gym. To the left spans a large boxing ring and a number of bags and to the right, a long set of stairs and a bunch of brand new machines. 

Directly in front of me is a large wooden desk with a short haired red headed male sitting behind it, his eyes glued to the screen in front of him. Feeling a cold nose on the back of my calf, I step farther into the gym and Aaron quickly slips around me leading the way to the desk. Releasing the door, it silently closes behind me as I step in. Letting out a soft bark, he sits in front of the desk. 

Surprised by the bark, the red head gets to his feet and leans over the desk smiling. "Aaron! Good morning! You are early the boys aren't here ye-" The male stops spotting my feet and then quickly looks up to meet my eyes. "H-Hello." He stumbles startled by my appearance as he rights himself and I give a small smile. 

"It seems my dog is well known." I tease and Aaron glances back at me waiting for me to approach. 

"Your dog?" 

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