Chapter 7: Heroes vs. Heroes (Part 1)

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(Lex Luthor is free of the anti-life equation and makes his decision.)

Lex Luthor: I'll help you.

(Lex Luthor prepares a suit for Superman while Spider-Hog throws the interplanetary ring which creates a portal to Apokolips)

Spider-Hog: Who's with me?

Barda: I am. It's time to correct my mistakes.

Thor: I'm joining you too.

Rocket Raccoon: Me too.

Shadowpool: I'll catch up later.

Optimus Prime: I'm ready.

Wonder Woman (Artemis): Me too. Time to prove that I am worthy of being Wonder Woman.

Batman (Jean Paul): Are you ready, Damian?

Robin: More than ever!

Red Hood: Time to send Darkseid to hell once and for all!!

(Spider-Hog leads the new assault team consisting of Raven, Robin, Red Hood, Etrigan, Jean Paul, Artemis, Optimus Prime, Miles Morales, Thor, Rocket Raccoon, Iron Man and Captain America)

(Lex Luthor finally finishes the suit for Superman. Then Zatanna and Constantine travel with him to Apokolips while Lex Luthor and Lois Lane joined the Suicide Squad)

(Cut to Apokolips, the assault team finally arrives on the planet and prepare to fight the mechanical furies)

Spider-Hog: It's show time!

Optimus Prime: For the sake of the universe.

(Spider-Hog faces Mera, Optimus Prime faces Hawkman, Raven faces Starfire, Artemis and Etrigan face Wonder Woman, Robin, Red Hood and Jean Paul face Batman, and the remaining members decide to face Martian Manhunter)

Raven: (struggles) Kori. It's me. Raven.

(Optimus Prime tries his best to shoot Hawkman)

Optimus Prime: Darkseid is such a monster. Turning organic beings into Decepticons.

Thor: What is a Decepticon?

Rocket Raccoon: Decepticon is how an evil cybertronian is labeled!

(Cut to Artemis and Diana)

Wonder Woman (Artemis): Time to show why I am the one and only true Wonder Woman!

(Both Wonder Women clash as Artemis smirks)

Wonder Woman (Artemis): I've been waiting for this long enough!

(Cut to Spider-Hog and Mera)

Spider-Hog: Time to blast through with sonic speed!

(Spider-Hog wraps his web around Mera before hitting her with a spin attack)

Spider-Hog: Piece of cake.

(Thor uses his Mijonir to try to knock Martian Manhunter out while Rocket Raccoon shoots his mechanical legs.)

Rocket Raccoon: Boo-yah!

(Jean Paul is face to face with Bruce Wayne)

Batman (Jean Paul): What happened to you, Bruce?

(Bruce is silent)

Red Hood: It looks like Darkseid made him forget the ones he tried to save, the friends who he failed...

(Robin decides to fight his own father)

(Back to the fight against the mechanical furies, Diana proves herself superior to Artemis. But Etrigan sacrificed himself to save her)

Etrigan: (weakly) I was born like a man... And I die like a man today...

(Enraged and determined, Artemis goes all out against Diana)

(Optimus Prime easily defeats Hawkman, Spider-Man (Miles Morales) helps Raven and hits Starfire, who hits back)

Spider-Man (Miles Morales): She is really powerful.

(Cut to Inner Sanctum)

Doctor Strange: It's time.

(To be continued)

Spider-Hog and Justice League Dark: Apokolips WarWhere stories live. Discover now