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In which
She couldn't take the pain

Tw: suicide; if you feel uncomfortable with this topic I recommend you skip this one!!
Remember you are always loved, and if you need someone to talk to just Pm me❤️



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Y/N slowly got out of bed trying not to wake up Finn

She knew this day would come, she knew that she would have to end her life

She had a reasons, reasons no one knew of, reasons that she didn't want to tell anyone, in fear that they might judge her

She didn't want to be a burden
She didn't want to be the reason Finn doesn't reach his full potential
She knew he could do better
But why would he chose her? Now that a question she always asks herself

She wasn't pretty( you are beautiful)
She never thought that someone as successful as Finn would choose a girl like her, she thought he would probably date some model or someone more famous or more successful, but no he chose the girl he met at a cafe, crying her eyes out because her ex broke her heart

She slowly got out of the covers, trying not to wake Finn. Finn instinctively reached out for her in his sleep, but she pushed a pillow into his arms instead, and he held onto the pillow probably thinking it's her

She smiled at him and kissed his forehead, making him smile in his sleep

She walked towards the door and looked back at her love, admiring him one last time, one last time

She couldn't believe it, she's actually doing it. After years of waiting for this moment, she's finally doing it

Reality stared to kick in when she realized what this might do to Finn, he might stop acting? Or even worse hurt himself, when she's gone.... But it's to late to turn back now, she has to do this or she'll continue to suffer

Finn woke up a few minutes later, from the lack of warmth, he looked down sleepily, he saw he was holding a pillow and not his fiance

Finn proposed a few weeks ago and he was more than excited to marry her, he was going to spend the rest of his life with
He even chose out baby names, because he was so excited to be with her

He got up immediately looking for her, going into every room looking for her


He called out, he could feel his anxiety taking over, feeling panicked that something might have happened to his love, he frantically ran through the house calling for her

Then it hit him... The guest bathroom all the on the left side of the mansion, the only place in this entire mansion that he didn't search, and he started speed walking to it

As he was walking closer to the bathroom, he could hear shower water running, thinking she was taking a shower (and that he wanted to join her) he opened the door without knocking

There he saw a gruesome scene, a scene he will never forget

The love of his life with razor cuts all over her arms, blood everywhere and an empty bottle pill bottle

Finn froze looking at the scene infront of him

"Baby no. NO!! Please open your eyes! We can go to your favorite store and buy all your favorite perfumes and stuff, but I need you to look at me!! BABY!! PLEASE!"

Finn managed to drag her body downstairs, not caring if there's blood everywhere, he called 911, they said they would be there soon

He was hyperventilating, he was sobbing

How didn't he notice she was depressed?
Why didn't he wake up sooner? He could have saved her

He walked to his love's body trying to get her to wake up, just pretending that she's sleeping

"She will wake up"
Finn kept repeating to himself

He kept telling her, all the places he would take her when she was better

He wanted to believe she was awake, but deep down he knew she was gone


𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀//ꜰ.ᴡ ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇꜱ☺︎︎Where stories live. Discover now