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(oikawas POV )

" I'm glad you came when you did". y/n said to me my knuckles were still bloody from the punch I gave ushjima.

"I'm glad I came when I did too" I smirked, and looked around her bedroom reminiscing the moments that we spent here together, as y/n wrapped gauze around my hand.

"i'm sorry for freaking out on you". she whispered.
"no worries, i should have respected your privacy". i reassured her.
"no... i do trust you- you can go through anything of mine". she said.

it made my face turn pink and i was lusting after her again.

"i love you toru". she said finishing the wrap.
"i love you too". i said softly as i watched her inspect the job she did.

"and thank you for patching me up". i laughed.
"always getting hurt aren't you". y/n giggled.

the next day~
(regular POV)

i woke up and was a bit confused to be in my own bed. i'm so used to waking up in oikawas now.

i had sent him home to rest last night and i decided to sleep in my own bed.

(song: "another day"- stray kids)/ yes its k-pop

i got up and my head was feeling a little better.
it made me really emotional that ushjima pushed me into the wall like that. he could have given me a concussion if he pushed harder.

he was actually mad at me. i blushed thinking about how i hit him. i really did make an effort to stand up for toru, but i was still saved in the end.

i went to my closet and took out some black joggers and a white hoodie. i threw on the clothes and a pair of white tennis shoes.
i didn't feel like getting dressed nice today.

i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
all while thinking about last night.
ushjima yelling at me, calling lynn a slut.

i wonder if he had talked about me behind my back.

i wonder what would have happened if toru didn't come in and break us up.

would ushjima have hit me harder?
i wonder. i dont think he would do that.
but i also didn't think he'd ever cheat.

i slicked my hair into a ponytail and put on some stud earrings.

then i lightly dusted some blush and highlight on my face just so i didn't look totally dead. and applied mascara for my barren lashes.

i smiled in the mirror.

life has taken me down the most unexpected path.

i went through my morning bus ride with janae.
giving her the details of last night and listening to her scream about how she was gonna murder ushjima.

and when we got to first period i felt the emptiness of ushjimas seat.

how this all started with that stupid note.

but i'm glad it happened, and i'm glad i saw what i saw. because now i have toru and i couldn't be happier. -------------------------

when i got to second period, the craziest coincidence was that me and oikawa both chose to wear black joggers and white hoodies today.

we laughed at each other and it felt like the closest we'd ever been.

tears ran down my eyes, i looked oikawa in his as
everyone watched us.

i couldn't believe this was happening.

but i was so happy, it had to be a dream.

"and do you, accept toru oikawa to be your lawfully wedded husband, to care for him in sickness and in health, for as long as you two shall live"? the priest asked me.

i smiled at him and he smiled back.

"i do". i said.

"you may now kiss the bride". the priest said as cheers were heard.

toru brought me in and we shared a kiss, it was passionate and we couldn't stop laughing.

"here". he said.

my eyes went wide. i couldn't believe this idiot still had this stupid picture, and he even printed it out.

it was me laying in the middle of his bed spread out and drooling.

he smirked and i blushed.

"love you". he said.
"i love you too". i said as we held hands and walked back down the aisle.

i saw janae crying, lynn was screaming, and takeru was playing on his phone with kenma, who now by the way had an undercut.

iwaizumi was actually a groomsmen and he was crying. it was sweet.

i even saw nishinoya clapping and laughing with some girl.

i can't believe how far toru took me.

and now we can be together forever.

oaktree- 🙂welllll. what do you think?
i actually liked it. i think.
and AHHHH see what i did!!!
the picture oikawa had took that one time and said he would save it for the wedding day.

he never forgot about it 😋

also HA i tricked you guys. i put out that threesome thing yesterday because i was planning this chapter but it wasn't ready yet and i needed to do a 2nd update.

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED.🥰 i love you guys. and thanks for reading.

go check out my bakugo book if you haven't already.
and i have officially decided to take up on writing that tendou satori book some of you have highly recommended.

and PLEASE recommend to your friends. thank you.

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